Gay in the All-New Marvel Now?

Astonishing X-Men #51 courtesy Marvel


Suddenly you might wonder will GLBT characters have a home in the All-New Marvel Now?

Mutant lovers Rictor and Shatterstar are not part of the All-New X-Factor series. The previous volume earned a GLAAD Media Award for the portrayal of this couple rocky’s romance.

Astonishing X-Men #51 is famous for the landmark wedding of openly gay X-Man Northstar to Kyle Jinadu. Lesbian mutant Karma was part of this team, too but now that series is over. Continue reading Gay in the All-New Marvel Now?

Peter David on X-FACTOR Finale

X-Factor #262 courtesy Marvel
X-Factor #262 courtesy Marvel

X-Factor Investigations closed up shop and X-Factor the comic book ended after 262 issues.


During Peter David’s acclaimed run he created a new take on the mutant team by having them work as detectives solving crimes police couldn’t.

David is working on a not yet revealed new project for Marvel and spoke with Comic Book Resources about the future of the cast he wrote for such a long celebrated run.

Continue reading Peter David on X-FACTOR Finale

X-FACTOR Secret Revealed?

X-Factor 259The End of X-Factor is underway! This week Peter David turns the spotlight on the connection between Longshot and Shatterstar in X-Factor #259.


Longtime writer David explains how X-Factor is ending and how fans of each member might be satisfied on


“It will be a series of one-issue stories each focusing on one or two characters, trying to give each of them a decent conclusion,” says David.


This week’s chapter focuses Continue reading X-FACTOR Secret Revealed?

The End of X-Factor, Memorable Moments

X-Factor #257 courtesy Marvel
X-Factor #257 courtesy Marvel

Peter David is preparing for The End of X-Factor.

The Hell on Earth War just wrapped and now the final issues will be devoted to specific characters “#257 focuses on Layla Miller, #258 focuses on Rahne. Rictor and Shatterstar are #259. Polaris is in #260” David tells

X-Factor's Shatterstar and Rictor courtesy
X-Factor’s Shatterstar and Rictor courtesy

One of the book’s most memorable couples and moments Continue reading The End of X-Factor, Memorable Moments

Peter David on The End of X-Factor

X-Factor 259This will truly be the end of an era.

After a decade of writing Peter David is preparing The End of X-Factor.

Back in the early 90’s Mutant Genesis (when Chris Claremont and Jim Lee launched the first X-Men #1) the original X-Men left their series, X-Factor, to join the two new X-Men teams/books.

I remember thinking at the time that they just put an odd mix of characters that didn’t fit into any of the other X-books into this book to keep the X-Factor title going.

I was wrong.

Havok, Polaris, Wolfbane, Madrox, Quicksilver Continue reading Peter David on The End of X-Factor

GLAAD Honors Marvel

  Today Marvel recognized the creative teams of Avengers: The Children’s Crusade and X-Factor for their GLAAD Media Awards. Both are nominated in Best Comic Book category.

  “We try very hard at Marvel to be inclusive of people of all backgrounds, all races, all religions and all orientations,” said Tom Brevoort, Marvel’s Senior Vice-President of Publishing and editor of Avengers: The Children’s Crusade. “And to make sure that a reader of any stripe can find a character that reflects their experiences within our stories.”

“Usually when you say, ‘It’s an honor just to be nominated,’ that’s code for prepping yourself for disappointment,” says X-Factor writer Peter David. “But in this instance, it genuinely is an honor considering that X-Factor was nominated and won last year. Not a convention goes by where a fan or fans comes up to me to tell me how much Rictor and Shatterstar’s relationship means to them, and that always fills me with a sense of pride; and also a feeling of—to borrow a page from Spidey—great responsibility. I’m just glad that Marvel has consistently allowed me the latitude to explore these kinds of topics.”

X-Factor's Shatterstar and Rictor courtesy

  Allan Heinberg is the writer of Avengers: The Children’s Crusade featuring gay teens Wiccan and Hulkling. X-Factor made an appearance in this series.

For today’s complete press release click here. For my previous posts about all the nominated books (and who I want to win and who I think will win) click here and here.

GLAAD Outstanding Comic Book Nominees


Life With Archie #16 courtesy Archie Comics

 GLAAD, The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, reveals the nominees for Outstanding Comic Book for 23rd Annual GLAAD Media Awards:

Avengers: The Children’s Crusade, by Allan Heinberg (Marvel)
Batwoman, by J.H. Williams III and W. Haden Blackman (DC Comics)
Secret Six, by Gail Simone (DC Comics)
Veronica Presents: Kevin Keller, by Dan Parent (Archie Comics)
X-Factor, by Peter David (Marvel Comics)

  All of these nominated books feature a gay or lesbian lead character or a gay character in the ensemble.

X-Factor's Shatterstar and Rictor courtesy

  X-Factor won last year. Rictor and Shatterstar are boyfriends and co-workers at X-Factor Investigations. Rictor is a Mexican mutant who lost his powers but recently was repowered in Avengers: The Children’s Crusade. Shatterstar is a mutant warrior from another dimension – and wants an open relationship. Rictor wants them to stay monogamous.


Batwoman #1 from DC Comics

  Batwoman is Kate Kane, lipstick lesbian socialite of Gotham City and caped crusader by night. The fan favorite crime fighter is the star of her own DC Comics New 52 series.

  Kevin Keller is the front-runner. Archie Comics showcased an openly gay character in an all-ages book. Kevin is serving openly in the military with an African-American boyfriend. The partners were featured on gay wedding ceremony cover. Archie Comics didn’t just publish the story but gave Kevin’s story a big marketing push and it made huge mainstream headlines.

   Thanks to Comics Alliance for the story.

  For my pick to win and possible nominees for 2012 scroll down or click here for part two.

Gay Heroes in Comics

Bunker debuts in Teen Titans #3 this week. Creators say the Mexican teen is openly gay and flamboyant. The online teaser sparked debate, praise and some scorn. Robot 6 has a good post about the early reaction.

 Comic book universes are still dominated by white males in the pages of comics and behind the scenes. Bunker is the a new creation as part of an effort to make the DC universe more diverse. Bunker’s arrival made me think of the GLBT heroes that I’ve followed over the years. 

Northstar to the rescue. Courtesy

I would have to say that Marvel has taking the lead when it comes to creating gay heroes. Northstar of the Canadian team Alpha Flight was created in 1979 but finally came out in 1992. With news of Alpha Flight being cancelled I’m hoping Northstar will return to the X-Men. In last week’s post I made my case for Jean-Paul joining Wolverine’s new school and team. 

The X-Men family of books have always has a theme of diversity and anti-discrimination with several GLBT characters. Rictor and Shatterstar are boyfriends in X-Factor. Karma is a lesbian member of New Mutants. Anole and Graymalkin are young mutants still in training to be be potential X-Men.

One of my favorite titles is the Young Avengers. Hulkling and Wiccan are boyfriends but being gay is the least of their family troubles. Hulking is an alien wanted by two enemy races. Wiccan may be the long lost son of the Scarlet Witch. Avengers: The Children’s Crusade may reveal the truth about Wiccan’s parentage.

DC’s most famous gay characters are Apollo and Midnighter. The duo was created in Stormwatch which morphed into The Authority under the Wildstorm banner. Imagine Superman and a Batman/Wolverine hybrid as a gay couple and you have Apollo and Midnighter. I would say The Authority is for mature readers for the graphic violence. The two heroes were married. Apollo and Midnighter are members of the new Stormwatch.


Batwoman #1 from DC Comics

DC is the only publisher to feature a lesbian as the star of her own series. When Batwoman was revamped a few years ago, Kate Kane came out and has been kicking butt in Gotham City. Batman’s home turf is the home to another lesbian character. Detective Renee Montoya was introduced on Batman the Animated Series but when she joined the book Gotham Central she was made a lesbian and made more butch.

Teen Titans #3 could be a book to buy for historical reasons. As far as I know, Bunker will be the most flamboyant openly gay character in a mainstream title. As for how out there, we’ll have to read and see. If you know of other gay heroes and heroines I may have left out – I want to hear from you.