Uncanny Avengers #4

Will Marvel’s new supergroup be destroyed by one of their own? The God of Thunder appears to be a hero possessed on the cover of this week’s Uncanny Avengers #4 courtesy Marvel. This is the big finale of the first arc by Rick Remender and John Cassaday.

In the aftermath of Avengers vs. X-Men Captain America and Wolverine assembled Thor, Rogue, Scarlet Witch and Havok to fight the power of a reborn Red Skull.

Rick Remender launched first Marvel Now book in a big shocking way. The Red Skull stole Professor Xavier’s the brain and turned it into the ultimate mind control weapon . I’m not ashamed to say I exclaimed “OH My GOD!” when I saw the villain holding the Professor’s brain over his desecrated head.

Uncanny Avengers #4 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny Avengers #4 courtesy Marvel

The Red Skull has been using the Professor’s power to incite anti-mutant hysteria turning ordinary citizens into obsessive and violent vigilantes. The villain’s mysterious S-Men have been enforcing his agenda. While the team may have survived the S-Men so far now one of their own could be turned against them!

Uncanny Avengers #4 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny Avengers #4 courtesy Marvel

The battle to stop the Red Skull’s war on mutants continues in the streets of New York as one member of the team switches sides! You could call the reborn Nazi scientist the Omega Skull since Continue reading UNCANNY AVENGERS vs.THOR?


Uncanny Avengers #3 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny Avengers #3 courtesy Marvel

Madness takes Manhattan! Manipulated mutant hate erupts! Only a select unit of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and Children of the Atom can stop the wrath of the reborn Red Skull!

Was Uncanny Avengers #3 worth the wait?


Red Skull is using the brain of Professor X to incite mutant hate. The villain’s strange S-Men help fan the flames of hatred and violence as everyday citizens turn on each other and one iconic hero’s will is tested. Havok and Captain America clash. Wolverine’s reaction upon learning of the Red Skull’s heinous act is classic. Rick Remender and John Cassaday pack this chapter with big character moments and an epic twist as an Avenger turns.

By Editor

Remender on Uncanny Avengers vs Uncanny X-Force

Uncanny Avengers #3 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny Avengers #3 courtesy Marvel

Rick Remender launched Uncanny Avengers and said goodbye to Uncanny X-Force and Secret Avengers. Uncanny Avengers was the first book in the Marvel Now relaunch featuring a team of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and Children of the Atom. How will the events of his previous series affect those characters who are now part of the Uncanny Avengers?

“For my part, Uncanny Avengers is almost the inverse of Uncanny X-Force, but it’s a continuation in a lot of ways. You’ll be fine as a new reader to read Uncanny Avengers, because I’ll make sure and set everything up, but I’ll be frank — if you’ve read X-Force, Uncanny Avengers is going to be a much richer read for you, because when you see characters popping up from “The Dark Angel Saga” — while I’ll explain them to new readers — I can’t give the same level of depth and context as if you had read the book. One of those things is obviously dealing with Wolverine’s part in the “Dark Angel Saga,” and what happened with Warren and Evan, but also dealing with the ramifications emotionally of Wolverine’s state of mind after what happened with Daken. That’s not something I plan on leaving in the past. To me, that’s the new defining moment for what’s going to haunt Wolverine, and haunt his decisions. That’s definitely something that I’ll continue to be building on,” Remember told Comics Newsarama.

Uncanny Avengers #5 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny Avengers #5 courtesy Marvel

Havok, Thor, Captain America, Scarlet Witch and Rogue will be joined by Sunfire, Wasp and Wonder Man in issue 5. The writer reveals why these old-school favorites made the cut.

  “I knew I wanted Sunfire. With Deadpool, I had the opportunity to write insanity on a team; and with Fantomex, I got to write that suave, sort of aloof, sarcastic dick. But with Sunfire I get to write an unmitigated, unapologetic, asshole. But a hero. A guy who’s going to put his life on the line — but a guy who’s been through hell. I really think Sunfire should have been one of the original cast members of X-Force, given all he’s been through. He’s been mind-twisted, he’s been a Horseman, he’s been a Marauder… he’s just been a mess. And it was all because he never joined the X-Men. He was always on the fringes. He was never a joiner. And he still wouldn’t be, but for the Avengers, there is a prestige to that, and that prestige to have a representative from Japan take a spot on this worldwide force for good. He’s a character who likes his honor, and his ego is definitely something that’s always in play.”

Remender has confirmed that Kang and Apocalypse will be the villains of the second arc: Ragnarok Now.

For the entire interview here’s the Comics Newsarama link. Thanks to the always insightful Albert Ching.

By Editor

Why Sunfire Makes an Uncanny Avenger

Uncanny Avengers #7 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny Avengers #7 courtesy Marvel

  Sunfire the Avenger? That may inspire exclamations of “YES!” or “say what?”

  Children of the Atom are moving up to join Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. Captain America recruited New Mutants Cannonball and Sunspot to Avengers (by Jonathan Hickman.) Sunfire will join Uncanny Avengers in issue 5. Professor X invited the Japanese mutant to join his cause back when Storm, Nightcrawler, Wolverine and Colossus were the all-new, all-different X-Men. Sunfire said no and Shiro Yoshida’s heroic career has gone to hell. Sunfire even became a Horseman of Apocalypse.

  Sunfire, Wonder Man and Wasp will join Rick Remender’s Uncanny Avengers lineup. The writer talked about why this fallen hero made the team and his search for redemption with Marvel.com.

  “First off, it’s the “what if?”of it all. Here’s the one guy who refused Xavier’s invitation to be part of the “All-New” X-Men. He was the guy who was like, “oh this is the coolest era of the X-Men coming up? No thanks, I’ve got stuff to do.” And then he pops up once in a while and he’ll be involved, but he’s such an [expletive]. He’s just an [expletive]. He’s just like “shut up stupid people, dear god you Western morons,” and I’ve never really had a chanceto write just such an unabashed jerk.

Uncanny Avengers #5 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny Avengers #5 courtesy Marvel

  And he’s also crazy powerful. I know in the Age of Apocalypse version, his body is gone and he becomes a living being of energy, of fire. But I don’t think we need to turn him into that, necessarily. Power level wise, he can nuke a city. And you put Sunfire on the team, he’s a very powerful character, and he’s also someone that should have been one of the X-Men, but refused it, and he’s someone that’s at the lowest point of his life; really, he should have been on X-Force. He would have been a perfect addition to that squad. He’s been a Horseman, Mr. Sinister has manipulated him, he’s been a Marauder, he’s lost his legs and has had them returned, he’s lost family members; he’s gone through so many changes.

  His core belief that Japan is the center of the universe was skewed and he lost who he was. He’s broken. So when we find him, he’s purposeless, shattered, manipulated and broken, which was attractive to me in taking that angle with him; he’s that tone of damaged and probably going to do some crazy things and is way more powerful than anyone else that we’ve seen in that situation. Shiro, to me, is an opportunity to make good on what could have happened in Giant-Size X-Men #1, when he declined to join the team. Now that Xavier’s dead and here’s this guy that’s lost his honor, it’s an opportunity to redeem himself as well.”

  Remender says Wolverine recruits Shiro to the team. It will be exciting to see how Sunfire reacts if he encounters his former master. Apocalypse and Kang are the villains of the next Uncanny Avengers arc.

For the entire interview here’s the Marvel.com link.

By Editor

Remender’s Uncanny X-Force Finale

Uncanny X-Force: The Apocalypse Solution cover courtesy Marvel.com

  This week’s Uncanny X-Force #35 is Rick Remender’s final issue and the final issue for this team. The storytelling was ambitous, violent, senses-shattering. Uncanny X-Force may have not been the “flagship” but look how it influenced the entire X-Men line and Marvel Universe. Angel and Evan’s stories became part of Wolverine and the X-Men. I think no writer since Claremont has evolved Psylocke they way Remender has. Betsy will be team leader of the Uncanny X-Force relaunch in 2013. Remender is now writing the Marvel Now flagship Uncanny Avengers.

  Earlier Remender told Comic Book Resources he’s leaving the series:

  “There were a lot of different factors involved. It was a very tough decision to make and it came down to a conversation I had about it with Kieron Gillen about how long I would stay past this. He said, “Know when to get off the stage.” That’s something that we maybe overlook.

  I’m now doing “Uncanny Avengers” and “Captain America” and I realized that in order for me to do those and not want to blow my brains out, I might have to walk away from “Venom,” “Secret Avengers” and “Uncanny X-Force.” That was a bummer because I put so much into building them and getting the trains out of the station. I love all the characters, but that’s just the reality. With “X-Force,” I feel like this final story, which I’m very excited and have been building towards for a while now, pretty much wraps up everything we’ve been doing. It says everything I wanted to say about a kill squad while also really digging into the X-Universe that I loved so much as a kid growing up. So it really did come down to the fact that it was time to get off the stage.

  Hopefully, I’ll be able to stick a nice landing with “Final Execution” and people will really enjoy it, so the series will never have that part where it tapered and stopped being as good. That’s the upshot. You do your best work — and we all have — and then you wrap things up and walk away from it.”

Uncanny X-Force #35 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny X-Force #35 courtesy Marvel

  Uncanny X-Force was always violent but not just for shock effect. Each act led to incredible character development and an exploration of consequences and reflections. Fantomex made a deadly decision in The Apocalypse Solution, Betsy was forced to kill the man she once loved in The Dark Angel Saga, Wolverine shared a bloody resolution with his son in The Final Execution.

Every member has been punished for their actions during this run. After so many shocks how will Remender end it?

By Editor



Uncanny Avengers vs. Kang & Apocalypse!

Uncanny Avengers #6 courtesy Marvel

  The Uncanny Avengers are fighting a reborn Red Skull in their first arc. Marvel revealed the team will face two more classic villains next. Writer Rick Remender and Editor Tom Brevoort gave a preview of the Ragnarok Now – second arc in which the Uncanny Avengers take on Kang and Apocalypse.

  “A lot of this story picks arc from the Dark Angel Saga from Uncanny X-Force, though it’s not a sequel. We’ve spent a lot of time incorporating Kang and also Thor into Apocalypse’s mythology. The fun of Uncanny Avengers is the A meeting the X in a big way,” explained Remender, “You don’t need to have read the Dark Angel Saga to understand this, but if you have, here’s where that picks back up. In that story, Archangel impregnated Pestilence. Whatever she gives birth to is going to be a problem for people and also involve Kang’s machinations and scheming.”

Uncanny Avengers #6 courtesy Marvel

  With a story titled Ragnarok Now – expect the God of Thunder to be critical to this next arc.

  “I wanted to come up with ways to connect Uncanny Avengers to other books in the Marvel Universe. Young Thor from Jason Aaron’s Thor: God of Thunder and his axe play a major role in Uncanny Avengers,”said Remender “This will connect with some of the stories Jason has been telling. The repercussions will be big.”

  “Continuity still matters in Marvel NOW! Things that happened to Havok in Inferno are things I think about. But we’re not slavish to continuity either.” Remender teased.

Uncanny Avengers #6 courtesy Marvel

  “Thor has a big role in Ragnarok, he’s deeply involved in the inciting incident, but that doesn’t mean every character isn’t featured as well. Everybody looks to Wolverine as the guy who has gone after the last Apocalypse and is raising one at his school. There is also plenty of stuff on the table for Havok, Rogue, Scarlet Witch and Sunfire. Every single one of our heroes has somebody involved in this story that gives them a personal context for the fight.”

  Remender is leaving Uncanny X-Force. Remender teased he will write about Logan’s actions in The Final Execution.

  “We explore the fallout of Wolverine killing Daken a lot in Uncanny Avengers. His behavior changes around issue #5. I’m working closely with Jason Aaron to coordinate with Wolverine & The X-Men. The death of Daken is the catalyst for character development. I don’t see him as a preemptive killer again. Do the claws still come out? I want to see him try to make it happen less. What he went through left some mark on his soul. He wants to live up to the path that Charles Xavier set for him.”

“The ghosts of X-Force are going to affect Wolverine as long as I’m writing the character.”

  Former X-Man Sunfire is joining the team (along with Wasp and Wonder Man.) A fan asked about Sunfire’s role as a Horseman of Apocalypse (from the Peter Milligan era.)

  “Wolverine is also a former Horseman. Sunfire would have been a perfect member of X-Force. He is damaged. Between what Apocalypse did to him, the Marauders, losing his legs…he’s been broken. It’s similar to where Archangel tried to kill Apocalypse in the first arc of Uncanny X-Force.

 “Sunfire will be presented with a similar situation. Things do not work out well for everybody.”

Uncanny Avengers #6 courtesy Marvel

  I love Marvel history. I even have the Rise of Apocalypse limited series from the 90’s. Remender will take us back to ancient Egypt in this next arc.

  “When Apocalypse first rose, it was during the reign of Rama Tut, Kang’s scientific pharaoh persona. They have history. There is more of a relationship than we’ve seen, but they share a common era of origin,” added Tom Brevoort.

   The Red Skull is more powerful than ever and a threat to the entire Marvel Universe.

  “Without telling you the end of the first story, we have not seen the end of Red Skull. He will be in Ragnarok Now,” said Remender. 

  “I’m in love with villains. This is a chance to put a shine back on three of the greatest villains in comic books period.”

  The child who would be Apocalypse (aka Evan/Genesis) is now part of the cast of Wolverine and the X-Men. Evan’s fate and potential role in the story will not be revealed yet.

  “I don’t want to say anything other than that Jason and I are in close contact. We have a conclusion in mind. We might get to it here, we might get to it in a year or two, but we know the end result.”

  Daniel Acuna will become the new regular artist starting with this second arc/issue #6. John Cassaday will continue to create covers for the series.

By Editor

Uncanny Avengers #2 Review

Uncanny Avengers #2 courtesy Marvel

The Children of the Atom may have won over the hearts of two of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes but they have a new enemy that is pure evil and possibly the most powerful new villain in the Marvel Universe. Welcome to the Uncanny Avengers.

Here’s what you need to know: Captain America wants you Alex Summers! The Star-Spangled Avenger asks Havok to lead a team of human and mutants heroes. A mutant terrorist attacks New York City. Havok, Cap, Wolverine and Thor fight to stop the madman and save lives. Scarlet Witch and Rogue are attacked by a mysterious squad of freaks at Professor Xavier’s grave. The Red Skull has been reborn and he’s stolen Xavier’s brain.

Rick Remender and John Cassaday continue the shock and awe in this week’s issue #2 picking right up where the last issue left off. The Red Skull is using the Professor’s brain as a weapon to inflame anti-mutant rage. The creators deliver more “oh —-!” moments involving the Red Skull and his manipulations.

I’m really excited by the way Remender portrays Rogue from her clash with Scarlet Witch, her discovery of Xavier’s remains and her recollection of joining the X-Men.

This book is definitely working for me and I’m excited for what’s next. Remender and Cassaday have me hooked!

By Editor

Captain America: From Spy to Sci-Fi


Captain America #1 courtesy Marvel

Captain America #1 is out this week with a brand new creative team and new adventure for the Star-Spangled Avenger. Marvel’s ultimate boy scout in the hands of the writer known for chronicling the bad boys and gals of Marvel. Rick Remender (Punisher, Venom, Uncanny X-Force, Secret Avengers) is launching a brand new Captain America #1 with legendary John Romita Jr.

The writer told Marvel.com his own history with the Sentinel of Liberty.

 “SECRET WARS is what brought me into comic books. That was my first contact with Cap. That led me into his ongoing series, around #294-295 when The Red Skull and his daughters were hatching their big plot against Steve. That was great stuff; a lot of interesting stuff to get pulled into. There was plenty of history there and how they were handling the Red Skull and Captain America relationship—I remember being very grabbed by that. A few issues later Captain Britain showed up and that’s when I started falling in love with that character, too.”

What does Cap stand for?

“Tenacity. The character, in my head, was always about [that at] his core. He never gives up, he never quits. He’s a role model. That’s a term that comes a little bit clichéd and trite I suppose, but that’s sort of the beauty of who he is. He’s a patriotic soldier directed by a personal ethical compass, belief in the American dream and faith in his fellow man. At the same time we’ve seen that he’s very clever and roguish, quick with the drill comment on occasion, but he’s also a leader at the core of it. That was something that I definitely wanted to dig into when I took on the new series and we will be quite a bit.”

Expect a change in tone with Remender. While Ed Brubaker focused on SHIELD and spies, Remender will turn up the sci-fi factor.

“It’s almost like “Kirby Sci-Fi Indiana Jones.” High adventure dipped in sci-fi spy fantasy with heavy focus on the man under the suit. Steve’s fabric and his relationships drive our story and the action is the byproduct. Tonally it’s very serious. You want to make sure the characters go up against things that feel like real threats and [put] them into interesting situations. It’s a lot less of the connection with S.H.I.E.L.D. and the spy work and more big high adventure super hero stuff with sci-fi that I tend to lean into. It’s obviously a big challenge following a beloved run like Ed’s. I guess that’s what was also appealing because it was a challenge; it wasn’t safe. You’re working with new people.”

Uncanny Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

Remender is writing Cap in the premiere Marvel NOW! relaunch book Uncanny Avengers and says expect a crossover.

“There will be a lot of new characters cross pollinating [between the two books]. The first 10 issues of each are going to be their own thing—you want to get that train out of the station and really solidify what the books are about and what’s going on in them. Then we’ll start to see characters from one pop up in the other and a little more cross pollination. I spent some time on the phone with Jason Aaron about how to incorporate some of his new THOR: GOD OF THUNDER ideas in UNCANNY AVENGERS as well, and I want to do the same with Jonathan Hickman and I know  Kieron Gillen and I will talk, too. We’ll try and do our very best to make it cohesive and not like it’s a bold new direction where everyone is doing their own thing. We want it to feel like a bold new direction where everyone is doing their own thing and swapping toys out, trying to build something that feels cohesive because that’s such an important part of the shared universe experience.”

Remender told IFanboy that part of the sci-fi focus will be bringing back Arnim Zola and sending Cap to Dimension Z?

“One of the mandates I have to myself is, I don’t want to touch the World War II stuff. I think that that has been done, now, and it’s been done perfectly. To go back and to keep focusing on Cap in World War II at this point, again, would be following too closely to what Ed has already done. What I’m doing is spending a lot of time in the Lower East Side of Manhattan in the 20s and 30s, showing Steve grow up. The first arc is 10 issues, and it’s called “Dimension Z.”

Captain America #1 courtesy Marvel

I don’t want to give away too much, but a big portion of it is Cap dealing with Arnim Zola in Dimension Z. I’m trying to take Zola and do with him, what we did with Apocalypse over in Uncanny X-Force. Where we take what’s there, re-imagine it, build a new mythology and really expand Zola, and try and build Zola into a very, very big and important character.

The other half of it is going to be a lot of flashbacks to a young Steve Rogers growing up in Depression-era Lower East Side, and getting to know his family and his friends, and how this 98-pound weakling became such a tenacious, strong person; focus on the fiber and the integrity of who he is, and really develop that for the first time.”

For the entire interview here’s the Marvel.com link.

Captain America #1 arrives this Wednesday.

By Editor