Uncanny Avengers Welcomes Salvador Larroca

Cable and X-Force #1 courtesy Marvel
Cable and X-Force #1 courtesy Marvel

Red Skull. Kang. Apocalypse Twins. Onslaught. The new unity team of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and Children of the Atom faces a unholy army of villains. Captain America and Wolverine’s Unity Team may get some reinforcements in Uncanny Avengers #12 from Cable and X-Force!

One of the big reasons I’m sharing this story is because celebrated artist Salvador Larroca (X-Men, Invincible Iron Man and currently Cable and X-Force) is joining the September issue focusing on Kang the Conqueror. Larroca is one of my all-time favorite artists who been innovative. Here’s just one cover from his X-Treme X-Men run with Chris Claremont.

Bishop & Storm from X-treme X-Men #30 courtesy Marvel
Bishop & Storm from X-treme X-Men #30 courtesy Marvel

Writer Rick Remender shares with Marvel.com how the issue will Continue reading Uncanny Avengers Welcomes Salvador Larroca

From Marvel Now to Infinity

courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel

Infinity begins this Summer! Jonathan Hickman’s Avengers and New Avengers have been building to the epic return of Thanos. Marvel’s top writers and editors shared news, art and teases of what’s coming in the Marvel Now to Infinity panel at C2E2 in Chicago. Here are some of the highlights:

Uncanny Avengers #10 in July by Rick Remender and Daniel Acuna. Remender confirmed the “return” of Sentry, Daken, Grim Reaper and Banshee, who will be the Horsemen of Death.

“The Apocalypse Twins take the corpses of these dead heroes and infuse them with Death Seeds, resurrecting them and turn them into Deaths–servants of Apocalypse,” said Remender, “This is going to mean nothing good for the super heroes but we want nothing good to happen to them.”

The panel turned to Secret Avengers featuring a team including SHIELD Agent Phil Coulson by Nick Spencer.

“We’re taking the concept of this off the grid team of Avengers in a kind of grey area,” says Editor Lauren Sankovich, “We’re putting them through the action ringer and the emotional ringer.”

“This book was a dream come true for me,” says Spencer, “There’s a lot of shady stuff going on in this new world and our heroes are struggling with how to deal with it. The fallout’s going to be pretty catastrophic for the entire team… so lots of drama coming soon.”

Spencer was recruited by Jonathan Hickman to co-write Avengers in the march to Infinity.

Kieron Gillen announced Young Avengers #6 is a one-off issue with artist Kate Brown, a UK artist that will focus on Prodigy saying “Prodigy is basically working in the equivalent of a dead end job and he’s wasting his talent,” and later the team will go on a cosmic backpacking trip.

Avengers Arena #14 courtesy Marvel
Avengers Arena #14 courtesy Marvel

The cover of Avengers Arena #14 showing X-23 in an homage to a classic Frank Miller Wolverine cover. The first season concludes in a story beginning in #14. The story is called “Boss Level.” It’s all about who lives, who dies and who wins.

Jason Aaron and Simone Bianchi are exploring the origin of the villain of Infinity in Thanos Rising.

Issue #4 hits in July and “It’s as sick and twisted and dark as you’d hope in the depths of your heart that it would be,” said Editor Ellie Pyle.

Thanos rises again in Hickman’s big event Infinity.

The Infinity Free Comic Book Day (out next Saturday) issue features a new 10 page story by Jonathan Hickman and Jim Cheung.

Infinity will be 6 issues total from August to November. There will be Prelude to Infinity stories in Avengers in August. #14 and #15 by Jonathan Hickman, Nick Spencer and Stefano Caselli. Continue reading From Marvel Now to Infinity

Thor vs Apocalypse in Uncanny Avengers

Uncanny Avengers #9 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny Avengers #9 courtesy Marvel

Thor versus Apocalypse in the 11th century! The battle between the Thunder God and the classic X-Men villain will rock the timestream in a brand new arc of Uncanny Avengers kicking off this week.

The Apocalypse Twins were born in the last issue and Kang the Conqueror made his move! What could this mean for the team and future of the Marvel Universe?

Daniel Acuna gives the Apocalypse a new look as the new artist on the series. The immortal mutant played a huge role in Rick Remender’s Uncanny X-Force run even though he didn’t appear in his most iconic form. Remender tells Marvel.com how Apocalypse factors into the next arc:

“Well the important thing was to find a way to mix the A and the X. And that was a lot of work. So I threw out most of my outline for the sequel to the Dark Angel Saga. And I kept the four most important things that I was excited about and the things that most closely tie in to characters like Wolverine or Sunfire, characters that have been tainted by this and manipulated by [Apocalypse]. So as I was building [the story], it was important to find how it was an X-Men story and also Continue reading Thor vs Apocalypse in Uncanny Avengers

Captain America & Uncanny Avengers Crossover?

Uncanny Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

Rick Remender is a master writer of Marvel’s bad boys (Wolverine, Fantomex, Deadpool, Punisher, Venom) so hiring him to write the ultimate All-American boy scout was a gamble. Remender is writing the relaunched Captain America and writing Steve Rogers as part of Uncanny Avengers. While Steve is trapped in an Arnim Zola sci-fi nightmare epic called Dimension Z in his solo series, Steve has just battled the reborn Red Skull (now with mutant telepathic powers!) along with Wolverine, Havok, Rogue, Scarlet Witch and Thor.

Does Remender have plans for a crossover? I wanted to share this fan question and answers from Comic Book Resources.

“In year 2 Captain America and the Uncanny Avengers will intertwine quite a bit. And the events within “Captain America” will affect the Uncanny Avengers moving forward as well. That’s all I can say on the matter for now.”

The Uncanny Avengers face Kang and Apocalypse in the next arc and we’ve seen a glimpse of the future with the Red Skull reborn as Onslaught! As I’ve read Dimension Z I can picture Logan cutting loose against those Zola creations! Stay tuned!

By Editor

Wasp Joins Uncanny Avengers

Uncanny Avengers #5 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny Avengers #5 courtesy Marvel

I would love to see founding Avenger Wasp on the big screen in the next Avengers movie but it doesn’t seem likely.

Janet Van Dyne fans can celebrate the next issue of Uncanny Avengers! In one his final acts as the Avengers writer, Brian Michael Bendis brought back Janet. Turns out Wasp didn’t die in Secret Invasion but she was in the Microverse! Wasp, Wonder Man and Sunfire join the squad made of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and Children of the Atom. I wanted to share part of Rick Remender’s thoughts on how Janet will fit into the Marvel Now and this hybrid team.

“Wasp’s time in the microverse has Continue reading Wasp Joins Uncanny Avengers

Kid Apocalypse, Mutant Rapper of ECCC!

Emerald City Comicon photo by ComicsBlend.com
Emerald City Comicon photo by ComicsBlend.com

I had to get the picture of this Kid Apocalypse cosplayer at Emerald City Comicon last weekend. As I would learn this mutant’s power is to rap! Kid Apocalypse was filming a music video at the Seattle con featuring an uncanny crew of X-Men cosplayers!


Behold Kid Apocalypse: Came From the Chain! Here’s the Youtube link. Check out a cameo from the Kid’s creator, Uncanny X-Force and now Uncanny Avengers writer, Rick Remender!

As you can tell, the Kid knows his X-Men comic book history. Here’s a link to download kidapocalypse.bandcamp.com.

I’m looking forward to the sequel!

By Editor

Uncanny Avengers vs. Apocalypse!

Uncanny Avengers #9 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny Avengers #9 courtesy Marvel

The Uncanny Avengers become targets of the classic X-Men villain Apocalypse in the next arc. The immortal mutant played a huge role in Rick Remender’s Uncanny X-Force run even though he didn’t appear in his iconic form. Remender tells Marvel.com how Apocalypse factors into the next arc Ragnarok Now.

“Well the important thing was to find a way to mix the A and the X. And that was a lot of work. So I threw out most of my outline for the sequel to the Dark Angel Saga. And I kept the four most important things that I was excited about and the things that most closely tie in to characters like Wolverine or Sunfire, characters that have been tainted by this and manipulated by [Apocalypse]. So as I was building [the story], it was important to find how it was an X-Men story and also Continue reading Uncanny Avengers vs. Apocalypse!

Surprise Return in Uncanny Avengers!

Uncanny Avengers #4
Uncanny Avengers #4

The 90’s are definitely back with a vengeance!

Marvel’s newest dream team may have defeated the Red Skull in this week’s Uncanny Avengers #4. but Rick Remender delivered a huge surprise in the final page!

Before I continue here’s a



If you have not read Uncanny Avengers #4 yet then stop reading now.


Here it comes.



A reborn Red Skull stole the brain of Professor X and used it as the ultimate mind control weapon to trigger a wave of anti-mutant violence. Captain America, Wolverine, Thor, Rogue, Havok and Scarlet Witch saved the day but then Rick Remender cut into the future with team members on the run from… Continue reading Surprise Return in Uncanny Avengers!