X-MEN Resurrection Reveals GHOSTS

X-Men #10 courtesy Marvel
X-Men #10 courtesy Marvel

So much for most of my theories on the one word teaser for Resurrection.


It is a new arc of X-Men by Brian Wood and Kris Anka. It promoted a 3-issue arc called Ghosts according to Comic Book Resources. The new arc follows Muertas which introduces a new Sisterhood of Evil Mutants led by a newly redesigned Lady Deathstrike and non-mutant villains (Enchantress, Typhoid Mary) in her squad.


The all-female X-Men will face an enemy blames the mutants for nearly killing her. So who could that be? Continue reading X-MEN Resurrection Reveals GHOSTS

Marvel Resurrection Teaser

courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel


Brian Wood.

Kris Anka.


The Marvel one word teaser machine cranked up again with this ominous one word in fiery colors signaling something new in the All-New Marvel Now coming in February 2014.


Most of the teasers have turned out to be brand new series or reboots of series. One notable exception Timebubble meaning a new Captain America arc by the same writer. Continue reading Marvel Resurrection Teaser