Uncanny Avengers Face Three Big Villains!

Uncanny Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

  Rick Remender and John Cassaday lead the Marvel NOW relaunch with Uncanny Avengers this October. Remender and Editor Tom Brevoort revealed their launch plan for the new team made of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and Children of the Atom in today’s Marvel.com LiveBlog.

  Captain America assembles Thor, Wolverine, Scarlet Witch, Rogue and Havok against a reborn Red Skull. Why does the classic villain unite Avengers and X-Men?

  “The Red Skull has an anti-mutant agenda. It’s a modern perspective on who he was back in World War II Germany. Mutants are a boogeyman he can get behind and build his power base off of. He’s gathered a group of followers all of whom have bad experiences in their background involving mutants. They’re his version of the X-Men, but preaching that humans and mutants cannot live together, that this is a race war humanity cannot win unless they line up behind The Red Skull,” explains Brevoort. 

  “One of the goals is making The Red Skull the threat he deserves to be. That spreads across the Marvel Universe. I’ve had talks with Kieron Gillen about Iron Man. The shared universe is a big deal,” continues Remender, “You want one guy out there who is just pure evil, and that’s The Red Skull.”

Uncanny Avengers #2 courtesy Marvel

  “John Cassaday’s Red Skull is particularly creepy and effective. Getting to play with that character was a big selling point of the book for him,” says Brevoort. 

  Cassiday and Brevoort reveal Professor Xavier and Magneto will turn up in the new series.

  “Given the relationship of the characters, given the worldview of the book, it seems like it’s inevitable that, if he’s in the position to do so coming out of AvX, Magneto would show up at some point,” explains Brevoort.

 “It’s fair to say that Xavier is very important to Uncanny Avengers. He’s pretty critical and you’ll definitely see him in the book,” continues Brevoort.

  The teasers have said the formation of the team is a threat to Professor X’s dream.

  “Charles’ relationships with these characters and his current status quo play a huge role in this book,” says Remender. 

Uncanny Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

  Avengers vs. X-Men had been building for years. The writer says the post-AvX lineups have been mapped out carefully.

  “A lot of thought has been put into how these characters interact and the consequences of how they’ve been thrown together. That’s the fun of it beyond who they’re going to punch to save the world,” explains Remender, “One of the toughest but most rewarding things about this book has been figuring out how to make sure in every arc that A meets X.”

  A reborn Red Skull is a huge threat but Remender will throw Kang and Apocalypse at the new team too.

  “I’m getting the most excited about is how the villains and their plots mix and mash. Three of the biggest villains in the Marvel Universe play roles in what will culminate in a huge story over the first 20 pages,” explains the writer. Remender’s Apocalypse story from Uncanny X-Force will carry over into the new series.

Uncanny Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

  Marvel revealed some of the first pages from inside the premiere issue: Cap and Thor ready for action and a bizarre operation in which a bomb appears to be planted in the brain of a victim who had visions of the Phoenix!

Uncanny Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

  Freaky! Is that Scott Summers?

Uncanny Avengers #1 hits October 3rd.

By Editor

Uncanny Avengers Preview: An Attack and Hero’s Funeral?

In the aftermath of Avengers vs. X-Men – the Uncanny Avengers are born. Captain America assembles Thor, Wolverine, Rogue, Scarlet Witch and Havok against the threat of a reborn Red Skull and his S-Men. Rick Remender and John Cassaday launch this first book of the Marvel NOW relaunch in October.

Uncanny Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

Marvel revealed the first look inside Uncanny Avengers #1. Three inked pages by John Cassaday show an attack in the heart of New York City.

Uncanny Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

Marvel calls this the Red Skull’s first attack. It sure looks like Avalanche – a former member of Mystique’s Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. The villain was last seen a reformed man running a bar out west.

Uncanny Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

Captain America and Thor rush into action. Cap hurls himself into battle against the villain while the Odinson is flying survivors out of the danger zone.

Marvel also says this premiere issue will include the funeral of a great hero and threaten Professor Xavier’s dream. I can only imagine what Rick Remender has planned. He is one fearless writer!

It’s so good to see John Cassaday drawing Marvel heroes again!

By Editor

Red Skull Radness on Uncanny Avengers #2

Uncanny Avengers #2 courtesy Marvel

  Rick Remender and John Cassaday assemble a new team in the aftermath of Avengers Vs. X-Men. Captain America and Wolverine gather an elite team from Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and the Children of the Atom in Uncanny Avengers – the first book of the Marvel NOW! relaunch.

  Marvel revealed the Uncanny Avengers #2 cover by Cassady and more information about the classic villain. The Red Skull has been reborn as the most powerful man on Earth, anti-mutant sentiment is at a boiling point and he has a new army to enforce his evil agenda. Captain America, Thor, Wolverine, Scarlet Witch, Rogue and Havok must take down the Skull and his S-Men.

 I love the Jim Steranko vibe I’m getting from this cover!

By Editor

Loki and Red Skull Versus The Avengers?

Avengers Character Banners courtesy Marvel.com

  Will The Avengers movie feature an old school Marvel Super Villain Team-Up?

  We know that Thor’s half-brother Loki (Tom Hiddleston) is the main foe of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. And he has a secret army. Is the God of Mischief teaming up with the Red Skull?

  MovieWeb caught on to what might be a big giveaway via a toy description. NECA’s HeroClix releases their Avengers line in 2012. The product description for retailers below does make you suspect the Captain America arch-enemy is helping Loki take on the super team:

“Charging straight out of theaters and onto your tabletop, Marvel’s the Avengers Movie HeroClix set features heroes like Captain America and Thor as they battle the villainy of the Red Skull and Loki! Each Counter-Top display includes standard one-figure boosters as well as new three-figure “Team Packs”! Team Packs are designed with strong thematic undertones – play a Hydra force or defend freedom with a S.H.I.E.L.D. team pack!”


Captain America: The First Avenger promo art courtesy Marvel.com

  If you remember in the climatic fight of Captain America: The First Avenger the Red Skull was transported into another realm via the Tesseract. Could the enemy have landed in Asgard or the realm of the Frost Giants?

Hugo Weaving was perfect as the Red Skull. Seeing Weaving and Huddleston together would be chilling and thrilling. I just hope the Red Skull (along with Sin, Crossbones and the Winter Soldier) are part of a modern-day Captain America 2.