Uncanny Avengers #2 Review

Uncanny Avengers #2 courtesy Marvel

The Children of the Atom may have won over the hearts of two of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes but they have a new enemy that is pure evil and possibly the most powerful new villain in the Marvel Universe. Welcome to the Uncanny Avengers.

Here’s what you need to know: Captain America wants you Alex Summers! The Star-Spangled Avenger asks Havok to lead a team of human and mutants heroes. A mutant terrorist attacks New York City. Havok, Cap, Wolverine and Thor fight to stop the madman and save lives. Scarlet Witch and Rogue are attacked by a mysterious squad of freaks at Professor Xavier’s grave. The Red Skull has been reborn and he’s stolen Xavier’s brain.

Rick Remender and John Cassaday continue the shock and awe in this week’s issue #2 picking right up where the last issue left off. The Red Skull is using the Professor’s brain as a weapon to inflame anti-mutant rage. The creators deliver more “oh —-!” moments involving the Red Skull and his manipulations.

I’m really excited by the way Remender portrays Rogue from her clash with Scarlet Witch, her discovery of Xavier’s remains and her recollection of joining the X-Men.

This book is definitely working for me and I’m excited for what’s next. Remender and Cassaday have me hooked!

By Editor

Top Comic Book Picks for 11/28/12

All-New X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel

All-New X-Men #2 New mutants are popping up across the world. Cyclops has gone full-blown revolutionary. An X-Man travels back to a key point in the team’s history in hopes of saving the mutant race. How will the original five students of Xavier (including Jean Grey!) react upon seeing their future?

Arrow #1 Brand new adventures of DC’s crusader from the creators of the hit CW series and legendary Green Arrow comic creator Mike Grell.

Batman Incorporated #5  Bruce Wayne’s son is now the Batman? Bruce is in Arkham Asylum? Grant Morrison takes you back to the dark future he created in the modern classic Batman #666.

FF #1 Meet the new Fantastic Four? Medusa, Ant-Man, She-Hulk,  and She-Thing take the place of Marvel’s First Family in a brand new adventure by Matt Fraction and Mike Allred.

Uncanny Avengers #2 The Red Skull committed one of the most shocking and heinous acts I’ve seen in comics – and now he’s more powerful than ever with a freakish new army and bizarre new weapon. Can Captain America, Thor, Havok, Wolverine, Scarlet Witch and Rogue stop more mutant acts of terror?

By Editor


Red Skull Returns or Recast in Captain America Sequel?

Captain America: The First Avenger promo art courtesy Marvel.com

The Red Skull is enemy number one in the Marvel Now revamp. Rick Remender and John Cassaday brought back the Captain America villain in Uncanny Avengers #1. The mad scientific genius has an anti-mutant agenda and a shocking weapon to execute it. The Red Skull’s sickening act inspired this reaction from me.

The Red Skull was a huge presence in the Winter Soldier epic but if the character makes it back on the big screen – it may be with a new actor. Hugo Weaving may not reprise the role in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Weaving tells Collider about appearing in the Cap or Avengers sequel.

“I did that for Captain America.  I think the tendency, with those films, would be to probably not bring a villain back.  They might for The Avengers, but I didn’t think I’d be in Captain America 2 or 3.  I don’t think Red Skull will be there.  And it’s not something I would want to do again.  I’m glad I did it.  I did sign up for a number of pictures and I suppose, contractually, I would be obliged to, if they forced me to, but they wouldn’t want to force someone to do it, if they didn’t want to.  I think I’ve done my dash with that sort of film.  It was good to do it and try it out, but to be honest, it’s not the sort of film I seek out and really am excited by.  As an actor, to do all sorts of different films is great.  It stretches you in different ways.  But, I increasingly like to go back to what I used to always do, which is to get involved with projects that I really have a personal affiliation with.”

In The Winter Soldier storyline the Red Skull is assassinated at the very beginning but there’s a twist I won’t reveal (Ed Brubaker Cap fans know how awesome it is!) so Weaving could do the job in the studio with just his voice.

Maybe Cap will face the Red Skull’s sinister daughter, Sin, and her man, Crossbones. I hope Weaving returns.

By Editor



An X-Men Fan’s Reaction to Uncanny Avengers #1

Uncanny Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

Shocking. Sickening.

“That moment” on the final page of Uncanny Avengers #1 (Don’t worry I’m not going to spoil it for you.)

It was like the final scenes in Rosemary’s Baby, Carrie and Halloween.

That act. It was a desecration, an insult to X-Men fans and Xavier’s dream.

It may become one of the most shocking moments in comic book history.

It’s necessary. I hated it. But I love (or hate myself for loving) the stories, alliances and moments that will follow it. It may have made me an even bigger X-Men fan because I want payback.

With Uncanny Avengers #1 the dangerous minds of Marvel Now have proven that nothing is sacred and anything can happen. It’s not a reboot. It’s gripping the past in hand and violently surging into new territory.

The Red Skull is no longer just a super villain.

In that final page Rick Remender, John Cassaday and Laura Martin created a force of pure evil, hate and malevolence.

And I want him dead. Claws, shield, hammer, cosmic blasts – whatever it takes!

Welcome to the Marvel Now. You may have hate what happens here. But wouldn’t you rather read a book that makes you feel?

By Editor

I’m working on a review of the entire issue – I just had to get that out of me.

Uncanny Avengers #1 Warning

Uncanny Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

I’m a grown man but I admit I screamed when I turned to the final page of Uncanny Avengers #1! They seriously heard me at the front of the comic shop.

Don’t read any reviews. Do you very best to avoid any spoilers. Just read the book as soon as possible!

Rick Remender and John Cassaday are your twisted, brilliant welcome wagon to the Marvel Now!

By Editor

Is Red Skull A Mutant In Uncanny Avengers?

Uncanny Avengers #2 courtesy Marvel

  Uncanny Avengers leads the Marvel NOW relaunch this week. Rick Remender and John Cassaday kick off a new kind of team made of Avengers and X-Men to face a classic enemy. Captain America, Wolverine, Thor, Scarlet Witch, Rogue and Havok assemble to take on the threat of a reborn Red Skull – now with an anti-mutant agenda.

  In the issue #3 preview Marvel teased the super-villain’s new power to incite anti-mutant violence around the world. In the teaser for issue #4 Thor appears to have turned against his friends. Is he under the influence of the Skull?

  Could the Red Skull have been reborn as a mutant somehow? There’s nothing like self-loathing to fuel an insane criminal’s fury!

  Uncanny Avengers is the publisher’s effort to lower the barriers between franchises. It makes sense that have Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and the Children of the Atom working together – especially in light of new mutants being born in the aftermath of AvX.

  What I enjoy even more is the fact that a villain doesn’t have to always fight the same heroes.

 Brian Michael Bendis took the Spider-Man villain and elevated him to a major threat to Avengers. Norman Osborn eventually took control of the Avengers and SHIELD, attacked the X-Men and Asgard.

  It appears Rick Remender is going to make the classic Captain America enemy the new number one enemy of the Marvel Now! Can Sin be far behind?

  If the Red Skull’s new reign of terror is a hit with comic fans perhaps we’ll see Hugo Weaving reprise his role and be the big bad guy of an Avengers 3?

By Editor

 I’m getting a sneak peek at Uncanny Avengers #1 tonight! Watch for a review soon!

Thor Betrays Uncanny Avengers?

Uncanny Avengers #4

  Will Marvel’s new supergroup been destroyed by one of their own? Thor sure likes like he’s been possessed on the cover of Uncanny Avengers #4 courtesy of Marvel by John Cassaday.

  Captain America will assemble Wolverine, Thor, Rogue, Scarlet Witch and Havok to fight the power of a reborn Red Skull in this week’s Uncanny Avengers #1.

Here’s the preview copy for issue #4:

Red Skull and his S-Men move forward their take over of New York.
• A member of the Uncanny Avengers joins the S-Men!
• When the chips are down, the fight all but lost, one Avenger must rise and face the terrible might of The Omega Skull!

  The Red Skull may be the big bad guy but don’t forget Rick Remender is throwing Kang and Apocalypse at the new team too. Here’s that post about the evil trio and on why Red Skull is back.

By Editor


Uncanny Avengers Preview: Red Skull’s New Power?

Uncanny Avengers #3 courtesy Marvel

  Members of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and the Children of the Atom team up against a reborn Red Skull. Marvel shared this stunning cover and teaser for Uncanny Avengers #3 by Rick Remender and John Cassaday.

  From the teaser: The Red Skull has new powers and is using them to incide anti-mutant violence around the world. Is Cap’s classic foe now a telepath? Scarlet Witch and Rogue make a shocking discovery. The team faces the might of Red Skull’s S-Men.

 I’m thrilled to have John Cassaday (artist on the Joss Whedon Astonishing X-Men era) back at Marvel. I really love Cassaday’s artistic take on the characters and his almost Steranko vibe on the covers.

Uncanny Avengers #3 is out this December.

By Editor