Agents of SHIELD by Josh Dotich courtesy Marvel
Agents of SHIELD by Josh Dotich courtesy Marvel

You could call Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season Two a mother of a mashup of monsters, myths and family matters. Multiple story arcs came together in an intense, action and twist packed finale that sets the stage for even bigger battles on the show in on the big screen.

The fates of Skye and Raina.

The truth about Skye’s mother. Let’s hope the movie Inhhumans are a little nicer!

Why Mockingbird and Lance Hunter are not getting their own spinoff.

Oh yeah and payback for Ward!

And that cliffhanger?!

The Inhumans declared war on S.H.I.E.L.D. in a satisfying payoff to a much improved second season with more emotional stakes but we’re left with burning questions. Continue reading AGENTS OF SHIELD VS INHUMANS BURNING QUESTIONS


Agents of SHIELD by Gabrielle Dell'Otto courtesy Marvel
Agents of SHIELD by Gabrielle Dell’Otto courtesy Marvel

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. returned with an action-packed new episode packed with Easter eggs and left us with big questions about the Inhuman factor as the series continues.

Skye and Raina have been transformed. Team Coulson is in mourning after losing a friend and there’s a power grab within Hydra but we’re obsessed with the Inhumans.

Spoiler Alert!

If you did not watch last night’s episode stop reading now.

Here are our top burning questions after Aftershocks: Continue reading AGENTS OF SHIELD AFTERSHOCKS Burning Questions


Agents of SHIELD by Gabrielle Dell'Otto courtesy Marvel
Agents of SHIELD by Gabrielle Dell’Otto courtesy Marvel

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. returns after a literally earthshaking cliffhanger:

Agent Skye and Raina are Inhumans.

Skye is actually Daisy Johnson (better known to comics readers as Quake.)

In comics Daisy’s powers are due to her father’s experiments. Kyle MacLachlan plays the scientist known as Cal aka Calvin Zabo, the twisted scientist who becomes the monstrous Mister Hyde.

Producers decided to make Daisy’s powers due to her Inhuman DNA as a way to introduce the race in the greater Marvel Cinematic Universe. Continue reading INHUMANS for AGENTS OF SHIELD

AGENTS OF SHIELD Deaths and Revelations

Agent Skye from Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. courtesy Marvel
Agent Skye from Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. courtesy Marvel

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. delivered shock after shock in the mid-season finale last night with a major deaths and revelations.

We know now the truth about Skye, The Doctor and the artifact that will change the fate of two characters on the series.

Before we reveal the possible comic book counterparts of Skye and The Doctor here’s a….

Spoiler Warning! Continue reading AGENTS OF SHIELD Deaths and Revelations


courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. producers revealed the mystery alien seen earlier in the series is a Kree in this week’s episode.

(Lee Pace played the Kree villain Ronan the Accuser in Guardians of the Galaxy.)

It’s been a major story thread since the show began. The blood of his alien led to Phil Coulson’s resurrection and saved Skye.

From next week’s episode preview – Skye and villainess Raina could be radically transformed by the Kree. Continue reading KREE Revealed On AGENTS OF SHIELD! INHUMANS Next?