First Look at Quicksilver in X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST

courtesy Comic Book Movie and Fox
courtesy Comic Book Movie and Fox

Evan Peters (American Horror Story) bring mutant speedster to life in X-Men: Days of Future Past.


Comic Book Movie posted this first look at Peters (along with Hugh Jackman, Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy) in costume from the upcoming film.


It looks like Quicksilver (aka Pietro Maximoff) will have his signature white hair but instead of a silver body suit he’s sporting a silver jacket over dark street clothes. Continue reading First Look at Quicksilver in X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST


All-New X-Factor #1 courtesy Marvel
All-New X-Factor #1 courtesy Marvel

Peter David is back in business and business is oh so good in All-New X-Factor #1.
From government squad to detective agency and now corporate sponsored super heroes – David evolves X-Factor again.


Serval Industries is a leader in internet and weapons technology has bought the “X-Factor” brand name and “just wants to help people.”

You  must cautious and suspicious when Continue reading ALL-NEW X-FACTOR #1 Review


X-Factor #2 courtesy Marvel
X-Factor #2 courtesy Marvel

X-Factor is not just a superhero team…it’s a brand name.


This week an All-New X-Factor #1 hits comic book shops.


Peter David gives the mutant team concept a new twist: Serval Industries buys the “X-Factor” name and launches their own superhero group. Continue reading New ALL-NEW X-FACTOR Preview

All-New X-FACTOR Evolves Again

All-New X-Factor #1 courtesy Marvel
All-New X-Factor #1 courtesy Marvel

Peter David and X-Factor are back in business…literally!


All-New X-Factor #1 by David and Carmine Di Giandomenico is out this week.


From being the government’s mutant liaison team to a mutant detective agency – Peter David has evolved the X-Factor title over more than a decade of writing. Now David will evolve the book again with a brand new number one. Continue reading All-New X-FACTOR Evolves Again


Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch courtesy Marvel
Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch courtesy Marvel

After months of speculation and hints Marvel makes it official.


Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Elizabeth Olsen are joining the cast of Avengers: Age of Ultron as Pietro and Wanda Maximoff (aka) Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. The mutant children of Magneto were introduced in the X-Men comic books as villains but reformed and joined Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. Quicksilver has the power of superspeed while Scarlet Witch has a mutant “hex” power in which she can alter probabilities. Later in the comics, she studies witchcraft. Continue reading AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON It’s Official

Elizabeth Olsen Confirms She’s Scarlet Witch in AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON

Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch courtesy Marvel
Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch courtesy Marvel

Elizabeth Olsen confirms she’s playing Scarlet Witch (aka Wanda Maximoff) in Avengers: Age of Ultron in new MTV News interview promoting Oldboy.


Oldsen plays the twin sister of Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff) played by Kick-Ass star Aaron Taylor-Johnson – who plays Olsen’s husband in the upcoming Godzilla reboot:


“We get to play husband and wife, and we get to play twin brother and sister,” she said. “It’s also fun because even though in ‘Godzilla’ we play husband and wife, we don’t have a lot of scenes together. I just love him. I love his family. I love his kids. I’m so excited…to actually work with each other. I think it’s going to be fun.” Continue reading Elizabeth Olsen Confirms She’s Scarlet Witch in AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON


Quicksilver courtesy Marvel
Quicksilver courtesy Marvel

Aaron Taylor-Johnson has officially joined the cast of Avengers: Age of Ultron according to The Wrap. The star of Kick-Ass will play Pietro Maximoff aka Quicksilver. Still no word on who will play the speedster’s twin sister Wanda aka Scarlet Witch. Elizabeth Olsen is said to be in negotiations for the role of the mutant with “hex” power.


The hotheaded hero is devoted to protecting his fragile but powerful sister. Quicksilver was married to Crystal of the Inhumans. They have a daughter named Luna. Inhumans could be the next Marvel movie franchise so we could see Quicksilver speed over to a second Marvel team movie. Continue reading KICK-ASS Star Joins AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON

All-New X-FACTOR Announced

All-New X-Factor #1 courtesy Marvel
All-New X-Factor #1 courtesy Marvel

A new beginning for Peter David and X-Factor revealed at New York Comic Con.


David hinted issue 260 of the new ended X-Factor held clues to his new project.


Then came the “Corporate” teaser.


Now we know there will be an All-New X-Factor by David and Carmine Di Giandomenico in 2014. Continue reading All-New X-FACTOR Announced