Romance With Wolverine and the X-Men

Wolverine and the X-Men #25 courtesy Marvel

I was so excited by the preview art and upcoming stories in Wolverine and the X-Men that I had to divide it up in two posts. Jason Aaron mixes action and humor but let’s talk about love at the Jean Grey School.

Kitty Pryde and Bobby Drake? Quentin Quire and Idie? Toad and Husk? Jason Aaron took unlikely couples and started spinning some sweet, and often hilarious romances. And I was a devout Kitty/Colossus fan! Aaron acknowledges the Kitty/Colossus fan base.

“I know some of the hardcore X-Men fans want Kitty and Colossus, but to me, one of the big themes of Wolverine & The X-Men is change, these characters growing up. It’s a book about family, about moving from childhood into adulthood, and Kitty and Iceman fit that perfectly to me. Once they were both the X-Men kids and now they’re basically Professor X. They’re bonding over that. They’re not necessarily head over heels in love, but there’s something there they want to explore.” – Jason Aaron

Here’s what Aaron revealed about upcoming issues and how it might affect other budding sweethearts at the Jean Grey School.

Will Toad be heartbroken because “the core of issue #19 is that Husk has left the school so they’re hiring a new teacher. ”

“Even though Husk has left the main cast, her story is not over. She’ll pop up in a crazy location,” Aaron shared, ” And even though she’ll be out of the book, you can follow her on Twitter. A Twitter mini-series focusing on Husk, unfolding in real time!”


Wolverine and the X-Men #21 courtesy Marvel

Storm will become a teacher at the school. There is an upcoming cover in which Logan and Ororo kiss! Is this the latest power couple on campus?

“I’m a huge Storm fan, so when I knew the Utopia team was breaking up, I wanted to bring her in,” said Aaron, “I love having strong women in the book, so she joins Kitty and Rachel.”

Bobby has reached a new level of using his mutant power and confidence! Did you him kissing Kitty Pryde!

“We’ve been building for a while to Iceman and Kitty going on their first date, so we’ll see that,” teased Aaron, “There’s something going on with Logan and Storm as well. They have a long history.”

It’s not just the staff of the Jean Grey School hooking up! The tragic Idie may bring out the softer side of snarky Kid Omega. Aaron teased the romantic forecast among the students:

“There’s a lot of stuff to come with Idie and Quentin, not all romantic in nature. There’s lots to come with Genesis, our Kid Apocalypse. Rick Remender have talked a lot about him. We’ve been shaping that story for a couple of years and have stuff planned as far as 2014. There will also be a surprising relationship with one of the kids.”

Editor Nick Lowe said to expect Pixie to appear at the school. She won’t have a big role in the book but “will have a place in the Marvel Now.”

For the entire interview and new art here’s link. Here’s my first post about the Wolverine and the X-Men preview including stories in Savage land, Logan’s brother and the fate of Broo and more.

Update: Want to relive the many love and adventures of this cast? Here’s the link to the Wolverine and the X-Men Omnibus.

By Editor

Storm and Brian Wood Take Command of X-Men


X-Men #30 courtesy Marvel

  Brian Wood took over X-Men #30 with a new mission and mystery for Storm’s team. This issue felt so good because it took me back to the Chris Claremont and Paul Smith era. As much as I love the mutants and creative teams all the X-books can seem too big with too many characters tied to way to many plot threads.

  Cyclops has made Storm leader of a security task force to defend mutants. Ororo leads a small team where everyone has a purpose, every mutant’s power fits into making them an effective unit and everyone gets screen time. Wood definitely demonstrates this team is under Storm’s authority.

  Blank Generation begins with the discovery of what might be a new mutant race, a murder, two monsters and Storm defiantly keeping secrets from Scott. Wood sets a strong tone and pace. The art reminds me of Paul Smith but more nuanced. David Lopez draws the X-Women feminine yet strong without the typical cheese. This book reminded me of when there was just one book – and it felt nostalgic and exciting but with a dark tone.

By Editor