Avengers vs X-Men Round 2

Avengers vs. X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel.com

  Avengers vs X-Men #2 kept the action going and starting shredding friendships. Cyclops took the first shot and in round 2 fired his second attack via a new spin on the fastball special! Captain America unleashes his army of Avengers (including Wolverine) to take Utopia.

  The issue is action packed with lots of fights and I want to see more. At first the idea of AvX Vs (the book of all fighting) seemed like marketing but now I can’t wait. I see how it makes story sense. The fights erupt but the main story must move forward so if you want to see more of the battles (Namor, Thing, Luke Cage is one I particular can’t wait to see) you can cheer on your favorite in Vs.

  While it’s amazing to see these clashes it’s hard to watch because of the friendships and relationships being battered – that’s a compliment to the writers and particular Jason Aaron, scripter of round 2. Cyclops and Captain America’s verbal exchange as they pound each other is perfect as they try to convince the other to stand down. 

  A surprise player enters the battleground while one key character’s simple drawing is an omen of the destruction and despair ahead. Wolverine is a man torn between friends and once again forced to do what no other hero can but with a potentially frightening outcome Logan didn’t expect.

  AVX is living up to the hype.

AvX This Geek’s Theories

Avengers Vs. X-Men #5 courtesy Marvel

 These ideas have been running in my head and really come to the forefront after reading AvX #1 so I want to share them. These are not facts just my thoughts about the future of this series and the Marvel universe.

– The Phoenix Force created the mutant gene in humanity. They’re not Children of the Atom after all.

– Cyclops has been under the influence of The Void.

– The Sentry/Void will return to challenge the Phoenix Force.

– Professor X will take back leadership of mutantkind.

– Namor’s allegiance to the X-Men will be severed in AvX.

– Emma Frost knows in her heart Cyclops is wrong and believes Hope is a threat but she will not betray him. I think Emma will pay a terrible price as a result of AvX.

– Hope is not Jean Grey reincarnated. I think Hope may be connected to Madelyn Pryor somehow and this ties into Matt Fraction’s Sisterhood story during his Uncanny run. Which means Sinister is involved.

– Hope and the Five Lights are manifestations come to life like when Scarlet Witch created her sons.

– Jean Grey will not return in physical form but she will appear to Emma Frost from the White Hot Room.

 By Editor

AVX Scarlet Witch Vs Phoenix

Avengers Vs X-Men #6 variant courtesy Marvel

   Marvel revealed a variant cover to Avengers Vs X-Men #6 by Nick Bradshaw showing an angry Scarlet Witch at full power with the Phoenix claws ready to grab the mutant.

  This week in Avengers The Children’s Crusade #9 Scarlet Witch was redeemed and ready to make up for M-Day. Looks like Wanda may be on the edge of losing control of her powers again or losing her life to the Phoenix Force.


Matt Fraction on AVX: Phoenix & Hope…The Big Payoff


Avengers Vs. X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel

  One of my favorite writers Matt Fraction was a special guest on the Axel-in-Charge column this week on Comic Book Resources – a Friday must for all Marvel fans. I really excited by his response to the question of what elements he will tap into for the upcoming Avengers Vs X-Men epic.

  “Not to put too fine a point on it, the Phoenix! I put a lot of my back into growing Hope as a character. I was very present in those early conversations figuring out what this little girl’s destiny was going to be — who she was and who she was going to become. And I became quite fond of her and what she represents. I have a daughter and we don’t have enough girl-heroes to go around. So the idea of being a part of telling this story where Hope and the Phoenix would encounter each other at long last? That was a huge payoff.

The Phoenix stuff, with the exception of being a red herring in one story arc, largely went untouched when I was on Uncanny [X-Men]. I just used it to kind of foreshadow that this was coming, though at the time I didn’t know when or how it would play out. Even though the plans have changed, you can see foreshadowing for this back in the early #500s. In my first four or five issues of “Uncanny,” we were foreshadowing “Second Coming” and “AvX.” And then I left the book, but to be back and now be a part of it is like having my cake and eating it too. And there’s a bunch of other stuff. There’s another big location that the gang goes to that I don’t want to spoil, but in issue #7, I got to do a real big piece of the Marvel puzzle that I hadn’t had a chance to touch otherwise. The whole event has been a chance to play with all the toys at once in all these fun, new combinations.”

For the entire interview click here.

  Fraction continues writing The Mighty Thor, Invincible Iron Man and The Defenders and his creator owned epic Casanova. It will be great to see him write with the X-Men again in AVX. I was a huge fan of his run. This is just speculation but I wonder if Matt might be a front-runner to take over the Avengers franchise after Bendis?

AVX: An Avenger’s Betrayal

Avengers #26 courtesy Marvel

  “An Avenger must betray the team to fill their destiny with the Phoenix.”

  Brian Michael Bendis is joined by the legendary Walter Simonson on Avengers #26. This tie in to Avengers Vs. X-Men is called a “game-changer for the Avengers franchise…and it’s not who you think,” according to the just released May 2012 solicits.

 The cover shows Thor and Protector (I think that’s him) fighting so does this mean the Asgardian or Kree will betray the team? 

  Remember Thor was on the cover of Secret Avengers #26 on what was hailed as a suicide mission in space to confront the Phoenix. Does Thor learn something in on that mission to change his allegiance?

 And don’t forget the New Avengers #25 and #26 cover showing Iron Fist apparently feeling the Phoenix Force and defending Hope Summers.

  For all of Marvel’s May solicits click here.

  It’s easy to think Wolverine, Beast, or Storm will be the Avengers that side with their fellow mutants, but time to rethink the cosmic connections between certain Avengers and Phoenix entity.

AvX: The Marvel Family United in Secret Avengers

Secret Avengers #27 courtesy Marvel.com

  Can you feel the Kree force on the stunning cover for Secret Avengers #27? Captain Marvel, Ms. Marvel and the Protector are beautifully rendered by Alan Davis.

  Captain Marvel appears to be bursting from a cosmic aura. Is he erupting from the Phoenix entity? Could the original Mar-Vell be returning from the dead? The Phoenix would certainly have the power to resurrect the late Kree warrior.

  Could this be the unexpected result of a mission in Secret Avengers #26? That preview cover showed Ms. Marvel and a task force of Avengers heading to space to possibly confront the Phoenix before the entity reaches Earth.

Thanks to Marvel.com and Comic Book Resources.


AvX Darkness Inside Hope

Avengers Vs. X-Men #3 courtesy Marvel.com

  My heart sank when I saw this Avengers Vs X-Men #3 cover Marvel shared today. Hope Summers appears to have a devil inside. The mutant messiah was born in tragedy, chased across time and endured pain and loss. Hope Summers was the start of a new beginning for the mutant race but will she be the end of life on Earth?

AVX Zero Preview: Losing Hope?


AvX #0 courtesy Marvel on Comics Newsarama

  The mutant messiah and the fallen Avenger have crucial roles in upcoming Avengers Versus X-Men event. AVX #0 by Brian Michael Bendis, Jason Aaron and Frank Cho will focus on Hope Summers and Scarlet Witch.

  Today Marvel gave Comics Newsarama a look at the first five lettered pages of AVX #0 and wow!

  Hope asks Cyclops about the Phoenix. A conversation between leader and messiah explodes on Utopia.

  The Phoenix Force is speeding to Earth to find a human host. Hope was born when all the severed parts of the entity regrouped in space. Maybe the entity is reuniting with the mutant is was born to bond with? Could the Scarlet Witch’s mutant power or dark magic have set all this in motion?

AVX #0 arrives in March.

For the entire album click here.