Avengers vs. X-Men: The Final Chapter and Who’s Guilty

Spoiler Warning!

This Op/Ed/Review contains key plot points of Avengers vs. X-Men #12.

You don’t want to keep reading this post until you read AvX #12



Here it comes.

Avengers vs. X-Men #12 courtesy Marvel

The Avengers and X-Men united against Cyclops. The man trained to lead the mutant race had become the Dark Phoenix, killed Professor X and was burning the world to recreate it.

The climax came down to Scarlet Witch and Hope Summers. This showdown is the culmination of storylines starting back in House of M. We learn Hope’s purpose and why the Phoenix returned. Wanda and Hope beat the Dark Phoenix out of Cyclops. When Jean Grey reached out to Scott (from the Great White Room?) I thought Cyke was about to die and join her.

courtesy Marvel

Cyclops was right. The Avengers and Wolverine were wrong. Scott will pay a terrible price. I’m a little befuddled over Scott’s reaction. As Cyclops sits in interrogation with Steve Rogers he appears to feel like the murder of Professor X was worth it in order to save the mutant race. It makes me wonder if the dark influence has truly left Scott? I’ve always thought Cyclops could still be under the influence of The Void.

Cyclops sits in prison but is he the only guilty one? Captain America and Iron Man’s actions are what created the Phoenix Five and the Dark Phoenix Cyclops. Emma Frost, Namor, Colossus, Magik and Magneto are in hiding – is this a hint of a new mutant team. (Yes it’s time to pitch my Avenging X-Men idea again!)

The Marvel Universe is reset. New mutants are being born. A new kind of team (Uncanny Avengers) is being created. The search for a new leader of the X-Men begins. The fate of Hope is up in the air. The Phoenix brought death and rebirth.

Overall I’m mixed on the final chapter but intrigued about the aftermath and consequences.

Hope-Less In the Marvel NOW?


The final chapter of Avengers vs. X-Men is almost here and with it the final (?)fate of Hope Summers. Hopefully we will learn her true origin and connection with the Phoenix Force (and perhaps Jean Grey?)


Avengers vs. X-Men #12 courtesy Marvel

The Generation Hope series was so promising with an amazing cast of young characters but was a victim of poor sales and (in my opinion) not fitting in with two planned events. Idie has become a student at the Jean Grey School. The other kids stayed on Utopia and Hope became the source of AvX conflict but what will happen to Hope.


Hope and Storm at Emerald City Comicon 2012 photo by ComicsBlend.com

Hope is a strong young female character. I don’t think we have enough of them in comics today. I always say a new character is making an impact when you see an inspired cosplay fan. (Pixie Cloud of the Great Northwest!) In fact, I saw rival Hopes at Jet City Comic Show this weekend!

photo by ComicsBlend.com

It feels like Hope’s story is coming to an end and she will be sacrificed to save the Earth (and Scott.) Layla (“I know stuff”) Miller was a critical character in House of M and went on be part of Peter David’s X-Factor. As much as I would hate to see Hope go it feels like she should and wrap up story threads born in Messiah Complex.

Avengers vs X-Men #4 courtesy Marvel

Hope triggered the Five Lights which included some new female mutants. Maybe Hope’s final act in AvX will save the mutant race and give birth to more strong characters. The final fate of Hope is in the hands (as they reach for their wallets) of the fans so maybe Hope is alive in the Marvel Now!

By Editor

Avengers vs X-Men Finale Preview!

Avengers vs. X-Men #12 courtesy Marvel

  Cyclops has become the most powerful force on Earth…possibly the universe. Avengers and X-Men are in mourning. Tony Stark has pushed every scientific mind to find a way to fight the Phoenix Force and come up empty.

  It all comes down to Scarlet Witch and Hope. These were the only heroes able to do some damage to the entity. The Phoenix was almost afraid of Wanda.

Avengers vs. X-Men #12 courtesy Marvel

  Jason Aaron and Adam Kubert are the creative team on the final showdown. I wanted to share Comic Book Resource’s first look inside Avengers vs. X-Men #12.

  The heroes look defeated. Hope and Scarlet Witch have their own issues to work out before taking on the Dark Phoenix Cyclops. Wanda will survive to join Uncanny Avengers. Scott will be part of All-New X-Men. Is this Hope’s fate?

courtesy Marvel

AvX #12 comes out Oct 3rd.

By Editor

AvX #9: Nature of the Phoenix, Heart of a Hero

Avengers vs X-Men #9 courtesy Marvel.com

  Avengers vs. X-Men #9 is a dramatic, action packed epic with Earth’s Mightiest Heroes on the run, heroes switching sides, chilling hints of what’s to come and….heart and humor?

  The truth nature of the Phoenix Force is being revealed…and it’s scary as hell. But the true nature of a hero is what makes this issue a standout and a testament to why I love comic books. Jason Aaron successfully balances personal drama with big screen spectacle.

  The Phoenix Four are more powerful than ever after last issue’s shocking battle. Tony Stark’s genius is stalled. Thor’s might is crushed. It’s hard for the remaining Avengers to be inspired by Captain America’s leadership. Who knew your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man could be a crucial factor in a cosmic level clash?

  Peter Parker takes on the Phoenix fueled Colossus and Magik! Spidey sacrifices himself to save his fellow heroes. Peter takes a beating and uses his wit…and that may drive a wedge that may be lead to the final undoing of the Phoenix Four.  Jason Aaron nails Peter Parker as the “everyman on the ground” in this epic conflict.

Avengers vs. X-Men #11 courtesy Marvel.com

  As that bloody battle plays out two of Marvel’s signature couples are being shattered. Black Panther and Storm stop fighting long enough to finally talk in the aftermath of the devastating battle in Wakanda but is may be too late. Emma Frost is trying to warn Cyclops about the danger from within but it maybe too late. Emma Frost may on the way to causing a cosmic carnage worse than the Dark Phoenix Saga. The seeds may be planted for an Avenging Emma and for the final act: there can be only one!

By Editor


Avengers vs X-Men Final Act “There Can Only Be One”

AvX #9 teaser courtesy Marvel

  It’s a one-two cosmic teaser punch hinting at the return of a fan favorite mutant. Earlier today EW revealed a Jean Grey teaser image. Now Marvel revealed this teaser image for the third and final act of the Avengers vs X-Men event.

  The Phoenix emblem worn by Jean Grey is blazing in cosmic fire as the hands of (X-Men?) are reaching for it with the slogan “There Can Only Be One.”

Here’s the solicitation accompanying the image:

  This August, the comic book event of the year – Avengers VS. X-Men – reaches critical mass as Earth’s Mightiest make their last stand against the Phoenix Force. But when the Phoenix Force yearns for a single host, who will it choose? There can only be one! Act Three kicks off in Avengers Vs. X-Men #9.

Expect more teasers and reveals between now and Comicon International but enjoy the speculation.

By Editor

Is Jean Grey Returning After Avengers vs. X-Men?

Jean Grey image by Joe Quesada courtesy Entertainment Weekly

  The Phoenix is back. The entity was destined to bond with Hope Summers but (due to Iron Man’s intervention) is hosted by the Phoenix Five (Cyclops, Emma Frost, Colossus, Magik and Namor.) Another famous mutant with red hair may be back.

 Entertainment Weekly unveiled a tease with art by Marvel CEO Joe Quesada sure to get X-Men fans in a frenzy!

Here’s what’s accompanies the image: 

   To answer your questions: Yes, this is Jean Grey — as in, the Jean Grey who’s been absent from Marvel comics ever since dying for a second time back in the mid-00s. And yes, she is modeling her vintage blue-and-yellow X-Men outfit from her Marvel Girl days. Does this mean that the fan-favorite character is finally returning? We can only confirm that her presence in the Marvel universe will not be imaginary. This will not be part of the Ultimate line-up. She will not be a zombie hologram, like Shard on X-Factor. What could this all mean? Check back tomorrow, when all the secrets will be revealed. (Or some of them, anyhow.)

  EW characterizes the Jean Grey news as part of “an upcoming initiative by Marvel Comics that will build off the current Avengers vs. X-Men crossover and radically alter the Marvel universe as you know it,”

Thanks to Comics Newsarama.

Phoenix: Endsong #1 Cover by Greg Land. Marvel.com

 The “return” of Jean Grey? The former host of the Phoenix Force died (a second time depending on how you look at it) in New X-Men #150. Jean ascended to a higher plane (the white hot room) and encouraged Scott to be with rival Emma Frost and rebuild the school – thus preventing a horrific future.

 I’ve been speculating that the Scott/Emma era may be over and that Cyclops will be sacrificed or face a heavy loss before Avengers vs X-Men is over. Namor wants Emma. Cyclops would never commit to her – as in propose. An upcoming AvX cover image shows Scott and Emma in Phoenix forms attacking each other. Marvel may be plotting cosmic level breakup! 

  As I posted back in November – I love you Jean. I hope you stay dead. I may be in the minority on this issue. Let the speculation begin.

By Editor


AVX: Daredevil Against Psylocke!

AvX: Vs. #4 courtesy Marvel.com

  The Man Without Fear against the X-Men’s psychic ninja! Daredevil and Psylocke’s fight goes into overtime in AvX: Vs #4. Marvel.com revealed the cover and Brandon Peterson’s interior art.

AvX: Vs. #4 courtesy Marvel.com

  Rick Remender writes the latest “all fights” issue. If you’ve read his Uncanny X-Force you know Remender really knows how to write Betsy Braddock. The character really evolved during The Dark Angel Saga. Betsy has a darker, harder edge. If Psylocke can gut her one-time lover expect Matt to feel the pain. I’m excited to see how this billy club to psychic knife fight will play out.


AvX: Vs. #4 courtesy Marvel.com

  Seeing Brandon Peterson’s work takes me back to the 90’s when he was teamed with Fabian Nicieza on the X-Men book. Peterson drew Psylocke and her “twin” Revanche.

AvX: Vs. #4 courtesy Marvel.com

  AvX: Vs #4 features not one but two fights. The other match picks up from Remender’s Secret Avengers AvX tie-in story with Thor against the Phoenix Force with art by Kaare Andrews.

By Editor

AvX Phoenix Rising in New Avengers


New Avengers #26 courtesy Marvel

What is the connection between Danny Rand and the Phoenix Force? New Avengers #25 revealed an ancient secret: X-Man Jean Grey was NOT the first vessel for the entity.

  Brian Michael Bendis and Mike Deodato continue their beautiful tale of another red-haired girl, the prophecy of an approaching firebird, and how the Phoenix was once in Kun Lun issue 26.

  Fans of Jonathan Hickman’s SHIELD series (like me) will be pleasantly surprised by a guest star who aids Master Yu Ti in the search for answers to the girl and his dream. My only qualm is the misleading cover but I’m confident this tale of the past will tie into the meeting of Danny Rand and Hope as the Phoenix approaches Earth.