Avengers and X-Men: AXIS #1 courtesy Marvel
Avengers and X-Men: AXIS #1 courtesy Marvel

AXIS is almost here.


In Avengers and X-Men AXIS #1  Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and the Children of the Atom must stand together against the mutated power of the Red Skull. The Captain America villain stole Professor Xavier’s brain and harnessed the power to unleash World War Hate.


This is the big event writer Rick Remender has been building up to after two years in pages of Uncanny Avengers. Continue reading AVENGERS and X-MEN AXIS Arrival


courtesy Marvel and Previews
courtesy Marvel and Previews

Avengers. X-Men. Villains. Rick Remender.


That’s all we know so far about Marvel’s next big event called AXIS.


After writing Uncanny X-Force, Captain America and Uncanny Avengers this marks Remender’s first shot at a big line wide event.


“Rick brings such an embarrassment of riches to every story outline, he’s constantly leaving juicy ideas on the cutting room floor. Continue reading AXEL ALONSO talks AXIS & REMENDER

Surprise Return in Uncanny Avengers!

Uncanny Avengers #4
Uncanny Avengers #4

The 90’s are definitely back with a vengeance!

Marvel’s newest dream team may have defeated the Red Skull in this week’s Uncanny Avengers #4. but Rick Remender delivered a huge surprise in the final page!

Before I continue here’s a



If you have not read Uncanny Avengers #4 yet then stop reading now.


Here it comes.



A reborn Red Skull stole the brain of Professor X and used it as the ultimate mind control weapon to trigger a wave of anti-mutant violence. Captain America, Wolverine, Thor, Rogue, Havok and Scarlet Witch saved the day but then Rick Remender cut into the future with team members on the run from… Continue reading Surprise Return in Uncanny Avengers!

Super Villain Showdown in UNCANNY AVENGERS

Uncanny Avengers #4
Uncanny Avengers #4

A God possessed. Cataclysmic clashes. Twisted history. Social commentary?

The most unexpected villain comeback since…

The finale of Red Skull versus Marvel’s newest dream team hits like Thor’s hammer in this week’s Uncanny Avengers #4. Rick Remender and John Cassaday are relentless storytellers!

Here’s what you need to know:

In the aftermath of Avengers vs. X-Men, Captain America realized the Avengers have not done enough to help protect the mutant race. Steve and Wolverine form a new squad of Avengers and X-Men (including Thor, Scarlet Witch, Rogue) working together with Havok as team leader.

A reborn Red Skull stole the brain of Professor X! Together with his army of freak S-Men the Nazi mastermind telepathically orchestrated a series of brutal attacks on mutants. As this finale begins Thor is under the Skull’s control. Havok continues his rise to becoming a major superstar in the Marvel Now. Alex Summers and Scarlet Witch take a beating against the power of the Thunder God but Havok proves he has the mettle to lead this team into the future. Scarlet Witch may be on the road to redemption but Wanda gets to hex out and we see just how her dark side Continue reading Super Villain Showdown in UNCANNY AVENGERS