Astonishing Changes for Astonishing X-Men!

Astonishing X-Men #48 cover courtesy

  Marjorie Liu and Mike Perkins are the next creative team on Astonishing X-Men starting with issue #48. Marvel announced the changes today in their Next Big Thing presser. This will be Liu’s first official team book. The lineup is Wolverine, Warbird, Northstar, Gambit, Iceman, Cecelia Reyes and Karma.

“We’ve got Northstar moving back to New York and he’s going to be living with his boyfriend, Kyle,” Liu said. “Another side of it, we’ve got characters like Cecelia and Gambit circling each other and [Gambit] moving into his own apartment in Westchester.”

 Liu’s first issue will settle in the team and introduce the villains, the Marauders. Liu has added the Vanisher and Chimera to the Marauders, but did not comment on the rest of the current team line-up. The Marauders were last seen in Messiah Complex. Chimera was part of the Sisterhood of Evil Mutants. Vanisher was a uwilling member of X-Force. The Marauders have always worked for Mister Sinister but Liu confirmed Sinister will not be part of this storyline. No word on who is pulling the strings on this incarnation of the mutant mercenaries.

I’m excited to see Northstar back with the X-Men. You may have read my post on why Jean Paul should join Logan’s school. Seeing Cecilia and Karma on board is a thrill too. Warbird is a Shiar bodyguard to Kid Gladiator who just joined the Jean Grey School in Wolverine and the X-Men.

I’m a huge fan of Liu’s previous work on NYX: No Way Home, X-23 and Daken: Dark Wolverine and I’m eager to read what she will do with a larger cast in a new corner of the X-Men universe.

Northstar’s Brief X-Men Return


Northstar to the rescue. Courtesy

Mike Carey’s final X-Men: Legacy arc begins. X-Fans already know which side of Schism Rogue chooses but this issue explores how she reaches her decision. Issue 259 arrived in stores yesterday and Carey filled it will several exciting and moving moments.

  One surprise in this issue was the appearance of Northstar as X-men gathered around Rogue in an experiment after her embrace of Magneto revealed a big new mystery. In the Regenesis books so far we haven’t seen Jean Paul listed on Cyclops or Wolverine’s team. In my earlier post I made the case for Northstar’s official return back to the X-Men now that Alpha Flight has been cancelled.

  While I’m at it – if Archie Comics is bold enough to have a gay wedding for Kevin Keller how about more screen time for Jean Paul? Gay or straight, Northstar is a powerful character, an asset for any X-team.


Gay Heroes in Comics

Bunker debuts in Teen Titans #3 this week. Creators say the Mexican teen is openly gay and flamboyant. The online teaser sparked debate, praise and some scorn. Robot 6 has a good post about the early reaction.

 Comic book universes are still dominated by white males in the pages of comics and behind the scenes. Bunker is the a new creation as part of an effort to make the DC universe more diverse. Bunker’s arrival made me think of the GLBT heroes that I’ve followed over the years. 

Northstar to the rescue. Courtesy

I would have to say that Marvel has taking the lead when it comes to creating gay heroes. Northstar of the Canadian team Alpha Flight was created in 1979 but finally came out in 1992. With news of Alpha Flight being cancelled I’m hoping Northstar will return to the X-Men. In last week’s post I made my case for Jean-Paul joining Wolverine’s new school and team. 

The X-Men family of books have always has a theme of diversity and anti-discrimination with several GLBT characters. Rictor and Shatterstar are boyfriends in X-Factor. Karma is a lesbian member of New Mutants. Anole and Graymalkin are young mutants still in training to be be potential X-Men.

One of my favorite titles is the Young Avengers. Hulkling and Wiccan are boyfriends but being gay is the least of their family troubles. Hulking is an alien wanted by two enemy races. Wiccan may be the long lost son of the Scarlet Witch. Avengers: The Children’s Crusade may reveal the truth about Wiccan’s parentage.

DC’s most famous gay characters are Apollo and Midnighter. The duo was created in Stormwatch which morphed into The Authority under the Wildstorm banner. Imagine Superman and a Batman/Wolverine hybrid as a gay couple and you have Apollo and Midnighter. I would say The Authority is for mature readers for the graphic violence. The two heroes were married. Apollo and Midnighter are members of the new Stormwatch.


Batwoman #1 from DC Comics

DC is the only publisher to feature a lesbian as the star of her own series. When Batwoman was revamped a few years ago, Kate Kane came out and has been kicking butt in Gotham City. Batman’s home turf is the home to another lesbian character. Detective Renee Montoya was introduced on Batman the Animated Series but when she joined the book Gotham Central she was made a lesbian and made more butch.

Teen Titans #3 could be a book to buy for historical reasons. As far as I know, Bunker will be the most flamboyant openly gay character in a mainstream title. As for how out there, we’ll have to read and see. If you know of other gay heroes and heroines I may have left out – I want to hear from you.

X Marks Northstar


Northstar to the rescue. Courtesy

Northstar belongs in the X-Men now. Seeing Jean Paul reunited with this sister and the rest of Alpha Flight was enjoyable. Now that the title is cancelled, it’s time for Jean Paul to rejoin the X-Men but which team?

While Alpha Flight was on duty, the X-Men were choosing sides between Cyclops and Wolverine.  Both mutant leaders would benefit from having a mutant with multiple powers on one of their squads. Northstar has superhuman speed, durability, can fly and manipulate light. Jean Paul was the first openly gay superhero character. The X-Men have always been a metaphor for minorities, anti-discrimination and acceptance of others who may be different. Northstar is a hero and a positive role model as a confident gay man.

Cyclops could have many different roles for Northstar on his Utopia based team. Given Jean Paul’s speedster powers, he would be perfect for tactical and recon on the Extinction Team or Security Team. When the X-Men first relocated to San Francisco, Northstar proved himself during battles like Secret Invasion and the rescue of Illyana from Limbo.

Logan should welcome Jean Paul to his senior staff at Westchester. Northstar was recruited by Professor X to teach business, economics, French and flying.  Jean Paul’s experience as an Olympic skier and entrepreneur make him a perfect academic instructor. He could be a flying and physical education instructor too. Jean Paul could continue to be a mentor to the younger mutants, especially young gay teens like Anole and Graymalkin.

It would be stereotypical to assume a gay hero would automatically want to be based in a gay mecca like San Francisco. I would love to see Jean Paul and Emma have a night away from Utopia delivering icy barbs and enjoying the finer things in life. The White Queen and the icy Prince out on the town would be fun, clever and expected. I will give Marvel credit. Jean Paul could have been portrayed in various gay clichés over the years.

I hope Marvel will move Northstar to Logan’s team. Jean Paul would be a great fit as a mentor and role model for all the students at the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning and for all the scared young kids out there in the real world to see that it gets better – even in comic books.

By Editor