It’s Official: Gay X-Man Northstar Will Marry


Astonishing X-Men #50 courtesy

  Marvel told fans to “save the date” for a wedding in Astonishing X-Men #51 this June. Fans speculated that Marvel’s first openly gay hero Northstar (Jean-Paul Beaubier) would marry his boyfriend Kyle. Today it’s official – the ladies of ABC’s The View made the announcement. Astonishing X-Men #50 by Marjorie Liu and Mike Perkins is out this week – in which Jean-Paul proposes to Kyle Jinadu.


courtesy Marvel

  Jean-Paul is a native of Quebec and introduced in the 1980’s in Alpha Flight. Creator John Byrne said he always planned to have Northstar come out but Marvel’s editorial policy at the time wouldn’t allow it. Northstar came out in Alpha Flight by Scott Lobdell in 1992. Professor X recruited Northstar to be an X-Man and teach at the school. After joining, quitting (he was killed by a brainwashed Wolverine but resurrected) the X-Men and rejoining Alpha Flight Northstar started his own sports events company. He fell in love with his company manager, Kyle.

Astonishing X-Men #49 preview art courtesy

After Alpha Flight disbanded Northstar accepted Wolverine’s offer to be part of the Jean Grey School for mutants. Jean-Paul and Kyle will live in New York City and Northstar would commute (he’s a super speedster) to the school update.

Northstar to the rescue. Courtesy

I’m a big fan of Northstar’s twin sister Jeanne-Marie (Aurora.) Hope she’s able to come to the ceremony. Here’s a previous post with background on the GLBT mutants. We’ve come a long way in this country. I never knew when I wrote this post asking for Marvel to bring Northstar back into the X-Men family back in November of 2011 that I would be posting about his upcoming nuptials.

By Editor

By Editor

Astonishing X-Men Showdown Before the Wedding

Astonishing X-Men #49 courtesy Marvel

  Northstar’s past is coming back with a vengeance. A new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants is back on the attack. Marjorie Liu and Mike Perkins kicked off their Astonishing X-Men run with a frightening future sequence involving Northstar on the run from his new teammates.

  Issue 48 revealed Northstar and boyfriend Kyle’s home life in New York City and Gambit getting cozy with Dr. Cecelia Reyes (another blast from the past) when Wolverine, Iceman and Warbird show up. 

 Issue 49 is out and I’m eager for a major fight with this new villain team (which appears to be a mix of Matt Fraction’s Sisterhood and the Marauders from the Messiah Complex epic.) There must be a ton of quick action because a wedding is scheduled for next month’s issue.

Astonished By Marjorie Liu’s X-Men – Updated

Astonishing X-Men #48 courtesy Marvel

  Marjorie Liu makes a powerful first impression with her first issue of Astonishing X-Men this week. The action kicks in with a peak into the near future where Northstar is being stalked by his new teammates. I have a theory about what’s behind the possible betrayal.

 The story jumps back to the present where Northstar is settling in to domestic bliss – until a fellow Canadian mutant calls – with boyfriend Kyle. Gambit is entertaining a surprise guest at his home away from the school. I’m thrilled to see this former X-woman back. After an entertaining look into the personal lives of  X-Men the drama explodes literally with the new version of a classic team of villains.  

  I feel like I’m experiencing a cool slice of life with these mutants in city. Mike Perkins style has a grit that feels right for this X-Men in New York City story. His talent really shines in the facial expressions. It’s amazing to see how much character and relationship development Liu weaves in one issue while still packing action and intrigue.

Update: I must have been so excited to have Northstar back that I missed the fact that Jean Paul is called Jean Claude three times in the issue. Mon Dieu!

X-Men Wedding?

courtesy Marvel

  Who’s getting hitched in Astonishing X-Men #51? Marvel released a “Save the Date” teaser image today. Marjorie Liu (writer) and Mike Perkins (artist) and Dustin Weaver (cover artist) are the creative team on the June issue.

  The book’s lineup includes Wolverine, Iceman, Gambit, Northstar, Karma and Warbird. I think Northstar and boyfriend Kyle will be couple walking down the aisle. The two met when Jean-Paul founded his own snow sports equipment company. This was around the time the X-Men first moved to San Francisco. Jean-Paul later joined his friends in a reformed Alpha Flight. Liu announced Northstar would be part of her Astonishing line-up which focuses on the personal lives of X-Men.

Astonishing X-Men #49 preview art courtesy

  Marjorie Liu may be planning a same-sex wedding. In earlier interview Liu said one character will be changed forever and there’s a long term story planned. Marvel has teased this title will have the most controversial story of the year.

 Earlier this year I said Astonishing X-Men would be a title to watch for next year’s GLAAD Media Awards for Outstanding Comic Book. In this post Liu discusses why she wanted Northstar on the team.


  I could be in for a surprise – Iceman and Warbird? Bobby could fall fast for the Shiar warrior woman. Karma is a lesbian that has never had a romance in the comics. Maybe Shan and Cecelia Reyes might be hooking up? But my money is on Northstar having a happy day and Marvel having a milestone issue featuring a gay wedding.

Astonishing X-Men #50 by Mike Perkins, courtesy Marvel


Astonishing X-Men #48 interior art courtesy


Astonishing X-Men’s New Writer, New Controversy

Astonishing X-Men #48 interior art courtesy

  One of the most anticipated X change is Marjorie Liu and Mike Perkins taking on Astonishing X-Men with issue #48. The unique line-up includes Wolverine, Iceman, Gambit, Warbird, Karma and Northstar. The writer says she will show the characters lives away from the X-Men. Today Liu told how this cast of characters came together.

  “They’re all in the wrong place at the wrong time, basically, but being X-Men, they’re not the types to turn away from a dangerous situation. What none of them realize, of course, is that working together will lead them into some very unfamiliar—and uncomfortable—situations

  I’m excited Northstar found a home with the X-Men after Alpha Flight’s cancellation. Liu expanded on why she brought Jean-Paul back with the mutants:

Astonishing X-Men #49 preview art courtesy

  “Northstar has so much to offer in terms of character; not just his personality, but where he is now, where he wants to be, who he might become under certain circumstances. All of which will be addressed in these first two arcs. Also, despite being a powerhouse of experience when it comes to this super hero gig, he’s also a bit unpredictable; his emotions get the better of him, sometimes, and that’s very interesting to play with when he’s under pressure.”

   Marvel said the arc will be the most controversial story of the year. Liu said one character will be changed forever but she has a long-term plan in mind.

 “There’s a long-term mystery playing out over the first two arcs that establishes these individual X-Men as a real team. We have fights, deaths [and] explosions, but in many ways it’s a very intimate story, and by that, I mean these characters will literally live and die based on the strength of their relationships to one another. There’s an enemy, of course, but the battle against this individual’s machinations will force the X-Men to look inward, and at each other, in ways that may be very uncomfortable, and illuminating.”

 For the entire interview and more of Mike Perkins preview art here’s the link.

Astonishing GLBT X-Men In Action

Astonishing X-Men #50 courtesy

  Marjorie Liu and Mike Perkins are the new team on Astonishing X-Men. The lineup includes Wolverine, Iceman, Gambit, Warbird, Karma and Northstar. With the cancellation of Alpha Flight I had hoped Marvel would bring Jean Paul back to the X-Men. Northstar is at the Jean Grey School and he’s continuing his relationship with boyfriend Kyle.

  I call Astonishing X-Men the title to watch for next year’s GLAAD Media Awards for Outstanding Comic Book. In the solicit for May’s issue Liu is keeping Karma and Northstar pivotal to the first arc.

  The mutant with mind possession power is losing control over her own. How will the X-Men stop Karma from taking control over her teammates. Northstar’s boyfriend Kyle is in danger. Will Jean Paul be forced to choose between him or his team. Plus Marvel promises that his issue’s ending will “be the most talked about moment of the year!”

GLAAD LGBT Marvel Characters to Watch in 2012

  Because of the overwhelming response by my posts on the recent GLAAD Media Awards: Best Comic Book Nominees I wanted to share some LGBT characters to watch for in 2012.

  Writer Marjorie Liu and Artist Mike Perkins are the new creative team on Astonishing X-Men starting in March. Northstar and Karma are in their lineup.   I’ve posted before about why Northstar should rejoin the X-Men now that Alpha Flight is ending. Jean-Paul Baubier and boyfriend Kyle’s relationship was tested in Alpha Flight and the tension isn’t over as the couple move to Westchester. I’m hoping Jean-Paul will be a teacher at the Jean Grey School. You can read about Liu and Perkins take on Northstar in this post.

Karma preview art by Mike Perkins courtesy Marvel and Comics Newsarama

  Karma was a founding member of the New Mutants. She has the mutant power to possess the minds of other people or animals. Xi’an (pronounced Shan) Coy Mahn was born in Vietnam. During the Mekanix series Karma and Kitty Pryde reunited at the University of Chicago. This is when Xian came out as a lesbian, confessed her for Kitty but Kitty’s heart belongs to Colossus. (OK I know they broke up but they’re soul mates.)

  Karma eventually returned to the Xavier Institute as their librarian and became a mentor to Anole, a young gay mutant boy. When the X-Men were based in San Francisco Xi’an’s leg was injured in battle, had to be amputated and replaced with a prosthetic. It will be exciting to see Karma on the Astonishing team and perhaps have a love interest.

  Anole (Victor Borkowski) is a young mutant with an appearance like the reptile he’s named after. Vic’s powers include wall crawling and adaptive camouflage. Vic was a student at Xavier’s then regrouped with the X-Men in San Francisco and decided to attend Wolverine’s new Jean Grey School. Anole is among the student cast of Wolverine and the X-Men. Anole and Rockslide’s (Santo is straight with a mutant body made of rocks) friendship continues to be hilarious and inspiring. You can follow Victor on Twitter @_Anole_.

 These are some great X collections featuring Anole with a quick link: New X-Men: Academy X, Young X-Men, Nation X

GLAAD Best Comic Nominees Part 2

    I hope Avengers: The Children’s Crusade wins the GLADD Best Comic Awards. Hulkling and Wiccan fell in love in Young Avengers. As the heroes try to save the Scarlet Witch (Wiccan’s mother) they are in the center of a huge storyline featuring Doctor Doom, Avengers and X-Men. The book is filled with action but the heart of story is the strong relationships between the boys and their devoted teammates.  This is one of the most beautifully written and drawn stories Marvel is publishing.

Northstar to the rescue. Courtesy


  I’m hoping that Marjorie Liu’s upcoming Astonishing X-Men (featuring the return of Northstar and his partner Kyle) will be nominated next year. Northstar (when he was in Alpha Flight) was the first superhero to come out. The Canadian mutant has been a teacher and mentor to younger gay mutants, Anole and Graymalkin.

  If you want to learn more about Northstar you can read my post about why he should rejoin the X-Men – which he will later this year.

  Teen Titans (part of the DC New 52) welcomed Bunker, an openly gay Mexican teen hero. Scott Lobdell co-created Bunker with the plan to make him flamboyantly out. It will be interesting to see Bunker’s story develop in Teen Titans and if the book will be nominated next year.

Teen Titans #3 from DC Comics. Art by Brett Booth.

  You may want to read my post about gay heroes in comics.
  Thanks to Comics Alliance for the story about this year’s GLAAD nominees.