Top 5 Comic Book Picks for 6/20/12


Astonishing X-Men #51 courtesy Marvel

Astonishing X-Men #51 The wedding of Northstar and Kyle Jinadu will make comic book history this week. The first openly gay X-Man is getting hitched but he’s also a target. Who is the mystery woman behind the recent attack by a new team of Marauders? Northstar’s nightmare of the X-Men out to kill him is coming true. Could the wedding be just a dream too?

Avengers vs X-Men #6 Five of the most powerful X-Men are now possessed by the Phoenix Force. Earth is being radically changed. The Scarlet Witch enters the war but on whose side? 

Nightwing #10 Dick Grayson is recovering from the shocking revelation from Night of the Owls when he checks out a double murder in Old Gotham. The evidence points the finger right back at….him? DC introduces a new threat to Batman’s battered ally. Who is Paragon and his Republic of Tomorrow?

Saga #4  An against all odds love story amid a galactic war. Two soldiers from enemy races fell in love, had a child and are now running for their lives. This issue introduces a distant planet where darkest fantasies can come true. Will this the runaway family’s safe haven or hell?

True Blood #2 A new comic book will help satisfy your craving for Sookie, Bill, Eric and all the other sexy scary characters from Bon Temps. Alan Ball, Ann Nocenti (Daredevil, Longshot) and Michael McMillan create a perfect companion to the HBO series.

Top 5 5/16/12


Avengers vs X-Men #4 courtesy Marvel

Avengers vs. X-Men #4 Wolverine chose the Avengers. Now Logan is abandoned on his own rogue agenda. Hope is flaring up with violent bursts of power – she already deep-fried Wolverine! The Phoenix Force is bearing down on Earth and Thor could make the ultimate sacrifice to stop it.

AvX Vs #2 Spider-Man against the Colossal Juggernaut, Captain American against Gambit. Those are the fights on the awesome cover but are we going to see the aftermath of the Iron Man/Emma Frost battle?

Winter Soldier #5 Bucky and Black Widow versus machine gun armed super gorillas and a squad of sleeper agents trained by the one time Captain America as they face to prevent all out war in the homeland Doctor Doom.

Manhattan Projects #3 A twisted tale of science fiction and alternate history. Creating the atomic bomb was nothing compared to the infamous government think tank’s creations in Jonathan Hickman’s series that pushes storytelling to a new level.

Nightwing #9 Showdown at Gotham City Hall as Nightwing must prevent an assassin from reaching its target. Bruce and Dick’s friendship has been tested by the exposure of a long kept secret but will any of the heroes survive the Night of the Owls.


Batman “Night of the Owls” is Here!


Batman #8 courtesy DC Comics

  Attack on Wayne Manor. Night of the Owls begins in Batman #8. First one, then another, then waves of relentless Talons invade Bruce Wayne’s refuge. Like a creepy hybrid of Aliens and (fast) Zombies from the Dawn of the Dead remake, the assassins keep attacking.

  Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo create a tension filled masterpiece with this issue as those owl eyes appear and Bruce must fight his way through a relentless series of attacks by the ruthless killers Alfred’s brief moment of glory against the invaders is short-lived as he discovers the horrible truth of what’s in store for Gotham City.


NIghtwing #8 courtesy DC Comics

  Nightwing #8 picks up the action as more Talons target Gotham City and Batman’s allies try to stop assassinations. Kyle Higgins and Eddy Barrows take the ball (or maybe the blade would be a better choice for this story) and run with two stories. One in Gotham’s past and one in the present as Dick Grayson endures brutal, bloody showdown with a Talon tied to Dick’s haunted family history.

 Night of the Owls is off to a thrilling start. This crossover may be the cure of event fagitue!

 By Editor

Nightwing Hunted by the Owls

Nightwing #8 courtesy DC Comics

  Batman #7 exposed a secret that cut into Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson’s alliance. It was another twist of the knife turned by the Court of Owls. This sinister society has been manipulating Gotham City for decades and is launching an all out war on Batman, his allies for control of Gotham.

 The Night of the Owls prelude begins with this week’s Batman #8 and Nightwing #8. DC Comics offered a preview of Dick Grayson’s title by Kyle Higgins and Eddy Barrows. Can Nightwing save the Mayor from the Talon.

The Dark Knight Rises Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Joseph Gordon-Levitt on the set of The Dark Knight Rises courtesy Jose Perez Splash News

  Joseph Gordon-Levitt hints that The Dark Knight Rises will explore the themes similar to the Occupy Wall Street movement. The actor plays Officer John Blake and talked with Sundance Channel’s Sunfiltered.

  Christopher Nolan has said A Tale of Two Cities was an element of inspiration for the film. Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle whispers to Bruce Wayne in the trailer “You and your friends better batten down the hatches because when it hits, you’re all going to wonder how you ever thought you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us.”

 The trailer shows protests in the streets of Gotham City. The cast and crew were filming as the real protests were happening. Fans assume the spirit of that movement is a theme of the final Batman film. 

  “Yup! I know. You saw it, man. The trailer isn’t misleading and Nolan’s not the type of guy to create a trailer that will sell you something other than what the movie is,” Gordon-Levitt said.

For more of Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s interview click here.

Nightwing: The Lost Year courtesy DC Comics

  Back to Geek Dreaming – I’m still curious if Gordon-Levitt’s John Blake will more than just a police officer. Some fans speculated he could become Nightwing. If the film does follow the Knightfall storyline with Bane breaking Batman, I can picture Joseph Gordon-Levitt as the character taking up mantle of protecting Gotham City.

  I know Dick Grayson is Robin first but Nightwing’s vibe and costume are so much cooler.

  Joseph Gordon-Levitt starred in the excellent romantic indie comedy 500 Days of Summer directed by Marc Webb – who’s directing the Spidey reboot, The Amazing Spider-Man.

By Editor

Nightwing Feels The Owls’ Talon

Nightwing #8 courtesy DC Comics The Source

  Nightwing is about to feel the claws of Batman’s new enemies in Nightwing #8. Can Dick Grayson protect the Mayor of Gotham City from the Council of Owls and the Talon?

  This issue leads into the Batman event Night of the Owls. The Source says the issue will have a back up story on the Talon who is hunting Batman. For more of today’s previews click here.

Batgirl – 11 for 2011

Batgirl #4 courtesy DC Comics

  Batgirl is one of my favorite titles of 2011 and one of my favorite relaunches in DC’s New 52. In this new reality Barbara Gordon survived the Joker’s ambush and recovered to once again wear the cape and cowl to face a psychotic new villain.

  Batgirl’s cat and mouse game with the Mirror made her relive the Joker nightmare, confronting her past and evolving as a hero.

  Gail Simone’s first arc was a thrill ride and empowering survival story. Artist Adrian Syaf’s Batgirl is sexy and dangerous. From brutal fights with the Mirror to a clash reunion with Nightwing to bonding with her roommate the arc was filled with thrills and heart.  This is the beginning of a great new Batgirl era.