GRAYSON #1 The New Mission Begins

Grayson #1 courtesy DC Comics
Grayson #1 courtesy DC Comics

The name is Grayson.


Dick Grayson.


The former Robin and Nightwing gives us the masks and code-names for a new role in the DC Comics Universe: Super Spy


The world believes Richard Grayson is dead after the events of the Forever Evil event series. In the James Bond film You Only Live Twice, 007 was killed off so he could go undercover. In the final issue of Nightwing, Dick accepted a new mission from Bruce Wayne: infiltrate a covert organization that may be a threat to DC’s costumed heroes and the world. Continue reading GRAYSON #1 The New Mission Begins


Nightwing: The Lost Year courtesy DC Comics
Nightwing: The Lost Year courtesy DC Comics

Dick Grayson is no longer Nightwing.


Will a new hero take on the role?


In the aftermath of Forever Evil – Dick will become a super spy operative in Grayson #1.


After assuming the roles of Robin, Nightwing and even Batman – Dick is moving on to a new role without a mask or costume.


Dick’s transformation may seem like a surprise move but it gives many Grayson fans want they’ve wanted. Grayson is a great hero who can’t never really become Batman permanently or could never escape being in Batman’s shadow. Continue reading NIGHTWING Blue

NIGHTWING #30 Finale And New Beginning

Nightwing #30 courtesy DC Comics
Nightwing #30 courtesy DC Comics

Don’t think of Nightwing #30 as a finale but a bold new beginning for one of the greatest heroes in comics. It is the final issue of Nightwing starring Dick Grayson but his story is far from over in a surprising relaunch and new role.


In the aftermath of Forever Evil, the world thinks Dick Grayson is dead. The Crime Syndicate captured, tortured and exposed Nightwing’s real identity to the world. In the Forever Evil finale Lex Luthor “killed” Dick to save the day.
Nightwing #30 gives us a brutal battle between Batman and Nightwing as Bruce test Dick and asks him to make a major sacrifice. It’s a bloody fight filled with power and raw emotions. It’s as if Bruce and Dick’s fight is ripping apart their past as the rip apart the Batcave to push the one-time sidekick finally out of the Batman legacy into his own new future. Continue reading NIGHTWING #30 Finale And New Beginning


Grayson #1 courtesy DC Comics
Grayson #1 courtesy DC Comics

Nightwing is dead.

Long live Richard Grayson – DC superspy.


After teasing the final fate of Nightwing and the cancellation of his solo series fans worried Richard Grayson would be killed on in Forever Evil.


DC Comics revealed Batman’s first sidekick will star in Grayson by writers Tim Seeley and Tom King as revealed in USA Today. King is a former CIA counterterrorism operations officer. Seeley is part of the team writing the new Batman Eternal weekly series. Mikel Janin will be the artist. Continue reading NIGHTWING Becomes GRAYSON The SUPERSPY


Forever Evil #6 courtesy DC Comics
Forever Evil #6 courtesy DC Comics

Death of hero?

Birth of a villain?


The fate of Nightwing is revealed in an action-packed, game-changing Forever Evil #6.


Batman and Lex Luthor have formed an uneasy alliance to take down the Crime Syndicate.
In this issue Bruce, Lex and their ruthless team including Catwoman, Sinestro, Deathstroke, Captain Cold and Black Manta take the fight to the evil version of the Justice League. Before the showdown begins Batman and Nightwing fans are thrown a shocker.


Before I continue here’s a SPOILER ALERT! Continue reading Fate of NIGHTWING in FOREVER EVIL #6 Review

Top 5 New Comic Book Picks For March 5, 2014

Forever Evil #6 courtesy DC Comics
Forever Evil #6 courtesy DC Comics

Forever Evil #6 DC Comics, DON’T KILL NIGHTWING! Batman and Lex Luthor’s strange alliance of rogues takes the fight to the Crime Syndicate while a hero’s life is in the balance! It’s the penultimate issue by Geoff Johns and David Finch that promises the “final fate of Nightwing.”

Also this week: Forever Evil: Arkham War #6 is Bane vs. Scarecrow’s army for control of Gotham City by Peter Tomasi.



Magneto #1 The Master of Magnetism is doing things his way! Young mutants are under attack. S.H.I.E.L.D. has their own Sentinels. Erik has severed ties with Cyclops, refused Mystique’s alliance offer and gone solo in his fight to save mutantkind. Continue reading Top 5 New Comic Book Picks For March 5, 2014