Nightcrawler #2 by Tim Sale courtesy Marvel
Nightcrawler #2 by Tim Sale courtesy Marvel

Kurt Wagner returned from the dead in Amazing X-Men. Now he’s racing to save people he loves in a brand new solo series by legendary writer Chris Claremont and artist Todd Nauck.


In the first issue the swashbuckling, romantic Fuzzy Elf shared a reunion with magical girlfriend Amanda Sefton when an armored enemy broke up the happy couple.


It’s classic X-characters vs. new threats as Nightcrawler fights to save the ones he cares about. Don’t worry the BAMFs are in this new book, too.


Marvel shared a first look inside Nightcrawler #2 by Nauck along with some amazing variant covers by Jamie McKelvie and Tim Sale. Continue reading NIGHTCRAWLER #2 Preview

Top 5 Comic Book Picks April 16

Batman Eternal #2 courtesy DC Comics
Batman Eternal #2 courtesy DC Comics

Batman #30 The Riddler won! Zero Year – Savage City begins. In the final arc of Bruce Wayne’s first year as the Dark Knight – how can he prevent Batman from becoming a symbol of failure in an apocalyptic Gotham City orchestrated by Nygma.



Batman Eternal #2 Jim Gordon – Gotham City’s most wanted? Why is the top cop in cuffs? The New 52 debut one of of Batman’s most infamous enemies! The next chapter in the new weekly Batman book. Continue reading Top 5 Comic Book Picks April 16

Top Comic Book Picks for April 9, 2014

Batman Eternal courtesy DC Comics
Batman Eternal courtesy DC Comics

Batman Eternal #1 A story so big it takes an all-star team (Scott Snyder, James Tynion, Ray Fawkes, Tim Seeley, Kyle Higgins) and an entire year to tell it! DC Comics launches a brand new weekly series starring nearly everyone from the Dark Knight’s world and every corner of Gotham City that will shatter the status quo.


All-New X-Men #25 The original X-Men return from deep space after surviving the Trial of Jean Grey. One mutant has left them. One is changed forever. What’s next for the first students of Xavier. An amazing roster of artists join Brian Michael Bendis. Continue reading Top Comic Book Picks for April 9, 2014


Nightcrawler #1 courtesy Marvel
Nightcrawler #1 courtesy Marvel

The mutant who (for me) representing the heart and soul of the X-Men is back.


Nightcrawler returned in the pages of Amazing X-Men. Jason Aaron’s story of the swashbuckling Kurt Wagner may remind you of the classic Chris Claremont and Dave Cockrum era.


The legendary Claremont returns to share Kurt’s new adventures in Nightcrawler #1 arriving this week. Artist Todd Nauck explains his excitement for working with the writer. Continue reading Art of NIGHTCRAWLER


Nightcrawler #1 by Chris Samnee courtesy Marvel
Nightcrawler #1 by Chris Samnee courtesy Marvel

The return of two X-Men legends this week.


Wolverine led a squad through Heaven and Hell to bring the late Kurt Wagner back from beyond in the first arc of Amazing X-Men by Jason Aaron.


Now Kurt is starring in a new ongoing Nightcrawler series by legendary X-writer Chris Claremont and artist Todd Nauck.



New Comic Book Picks for March 26, 2014

Alex + Ada #5 courtesy Image Comics
Alex + Ada #5 courtesy Image Comics

Alex + Ada #5 Boy meets android girl. Boy begins to have feelings for a machine without feelings. Boy attempts to change girl’s programming. She will be never the same. This beautiful and haunting story by Jonathan Luna and Sarah Vaughn takes a twist that could be heartbreaking and change the future world of this thought-provoking sci-fi series.


Amazing X-Men #5 Nightcrawler goes on the offensive against Azazel and the forces of Hell. It’s X-Men and Bamfs versus a fleet of demon pirates. Will an X-Man pay a horrible price in Kurt’s fight with this demonic father? Jason Aaron and Ed McGuinness. Continue reading New Comic Book Picks for March 26, 2014

AMAZING X-MEN Showdown & Goodbye

Amazing X-Men #5 courtesy Marvel
Amazing X-Men #5 courtesy Marvel

A final showdown on supernatural seas.


This week Nightcrawler leads his mutant friends in a battle against his father’s fleet of demon pirates in Amazing X-Men #5 by writer Jason Aaron and artist Ed McGuinness.


Logan, Storm, Beast, Northstar, Iceman and Firestar have been through heaven and hell literally in their quest to find the truth about Kurt Wagner who died to save mutant messiah Hope Summers in the Second Coming crossover. Continue reading AMAZING X-MEN Showdown & Goodbye

Which Mutants Could Be In X-MEN APOCALYPSE

Age of Apocalypse #13 courtesy Marvel
Age of Apocalypse #13 courtesy Marvel

X-Men: Days of Future Past in just a few months away but director Bryan Singer is already thinking of which mutants would be in the sequel, X-Men: Apocalypse.


“I’m considering a Gambit and potentially a young Nightcrawler for Apocalypse,” he said. “[I was] going to have Nightcrawler appear [in Days of Future Past] and even wrote a scene, but I felt that we were forcing too many mutants known history,” Singer told Cine Premiere. Continue reading Which Mutants Could Be In X-MEN APOCALYPSE