Superior Foes of Spider-Man #1 courtesy Marvel
Superior Foes of Spider-Man #1 courtesy Marvel

Marvel has declared July Superior Spider-Man Month! As if Otto Octavius’s ego wasn’t big enough now he has a month dedicated to him?!

A Superior Hero (at least Otto thinks he is) deserves a Superior rogues gallery! Nick Spencer and Steve Lieber assemble an all-new Sinister Six to take on the new web-slinging hero .

Here are the Superior Foes of Spider-Man: Boomerang, Shocker, Speed Demon, Overdrive and the Beetle.

“This is a book about the working class guys; these are not the Kingpins or Green Goblins or Doc Ocks of the world. These are the small-time crooks looking for a quick score so they can pay their alimony and get the loan shark off their back. A lot of the book is Continue reading Who Are SUPERIOR FOES OF SPIDER-MAN

Superior Foes of Spider-Man

Superior Foes of Spider-Man #1 courtesy Marvel
Superior Foes of Spider-Man #1 courtesy Marvel

Spider-Man went from Amazing to Superior with Otto Octavius in control of Peter Parker’s body. A Superior Hero (at least Doc Ock thinks he is) deserves a Superior rogues gallery! Nick Spencer and Steve Lieber recruit an all-new Sinister Six to took on the new Spidey. Marvel revealed roster of Superior Foes of Spider-Man: Boomerang, Shocker, Speed Demon, Overdrive and the Beetle.

“This is a book about Continue reading Superior Foes of Spider-Man

Nick Spencer on AVENGERS to INFINITY

Avengers #12 courtesy Marvel
Avengers #12 courtesy Marvel

Marvel has recruited a big gun for a big story starring the biggest team in comics. Nick Spencer (Secret Avengers, Morning Glories) will join Jonathan Hickman on Earth’s Mightiest Heroes starting with Avengers #12 this May. That issue takes the team to the Savage Land. Spencer spoke with Comics Newsarama about his co-writing assignment with the very busy Hickman and what the current stories are driving towards.

“It’s the big lead-up to Infinity. One of the coolest things about the gig is that it wasn’t just, “Come in and kill time for a few issues, and do some filler.” The lion’s share of what I’m working on is the direct lead-in and the prelude to Infinity, and setting the stage for all that, so it’s a big, important story. It wasn’t just an opportunity to be a part of the book, but to be a part of the book at a really crucial juncture.”

The roster of Hickman’s Avengers has expanded to include New Mutants Sunspot and Cannonball along with heavy hitters Continue reading Nick Spencer on AVENGERS to INFINITY

Secret Avengers of SHIELD

Secret Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

Agent Maria Hill assembles a powerhouse roster for a new Secret Avengers by Nick Spencer and Luke Ross. At New York Comic Con Marvel revealed plans for a new Secret Avengers #1 debuting February 2013. The team will include Phil Coulson, the new Nick Fury, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Mockingbird, Hulk, Winter Soldier, and a brand new Iron Patriot.

  “These operatives were hand-picked by S.H.I.E.L.D. based on a number of factors,” revealed Spencer. “Some have experience in black ops missions. Some have military training. Some are walking weapons of mass destruction. The combination is a potent one, and a veritable dream team for these kinds of assignments. But I should also say they’re not the only ones. A big part of the fun is anyone can get the call. And then forget they got it, once the mission’s done.”

Spencer says the mission debriefing will take fans back to the awesome Secret War limited series by Brian Michael Bendis.

  “In Secret War, we saw Nick Fury used mind-wipe/memory plant tech to bring together a team of super-powered operatives to take down an off-the-books threat,” he reminds. “The end result of that mission was a full-scale disaster, and essentially set off a chain of events that ripped S.H.I.E.L.D. apart. But now that there’s a new S.H.I.E.L.D. up and running, there’s already interest in re-visiting this initiative. Because at the end of the day, there are limits to what their own agents can do—they need high-powered operatives to tackle high-powered threats. They need Avengers.”

Spencer explains how this team’s missions will differ from Jonathan Hickman’s book.

  “As I said, this is S.H.I.E.L.D.’s team, so the kinds of threats they deal with look very different from the ones the core Avengers team might come up against,” Spencer says. “These are rogue states, terrorist groups, arms dealers. The missions are often diplomatically sensitive and highly classified. They’re working in a world with a lot of gray in it, making tough decisions in order to prevent war and protect the peace.”

Any guesses on who’s under the helmet of the new Iron Patriot suit?

Op/Ed: Mindwipes are never good S.O.P.

For more of Nick Spencer’s interview here’s the Marvel.com link.

By Editor

Thief of Thieves Debuts


Thief of Thieves #1 courtesy Image Comics



The writers of The Walking Dead and Morning Glories team up for a brand new series debuting today from Image Comics. Robert Kirkman and Nick Spencer tell the story of a master thief yearning for what he can’t steal. He wants his son and ex-wife but can the criminal reconnect before the FBI catches him.


Shawn Martinbrough is the artist. Thief of Thieves #1 is on stores today.


Top 5 Comics Picks for 2-8-12

Secret Avengers #22 cover Gabriel Hardman courtesy Marvel.com

Secret Avengers #22

Hawkeye takes command and recruits Captain Britain for his covert team. He’s going to need the extra muscle as the Avengers’ version of the Sentinels strike. Rick Remender revolutionized Uncanny X-Force so get ready for a wild ride with the bad boys and girls of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.

Batgirl #6

Batgirl and Batman meet for the first time since her recovery. The deadly man manipulating Gretel makes her move. Barbara deals with the emotional wallop by a return from someone in her past.

Thief of Thieves #1

When the writers of The Walking Dead and Morning Glories unite for a book it’s a huge reason to rush to the comic store. Robert Kirkman and Nick Spencer tells the story of the ultimate thief who can steal anything except the life he lost. A master criminal tries to connect with the son and wife he lost while evading the FBI and an even bigger threat.

Kevin Keller #1 courtesy Archie Comics

Kevin Keller #1

Archie Comics didn’t just give the Riverdale Gang a gay sidekick – they made Kevin Keller openly gay young man who wants to serving in the military. This week the groundbreaking character gets his own series and hardcover graphic novel featuring the GLAAD Media Award outstanding comic story about Kevin’s first meeting with Archie and life before Riverdale.

 Wolverine and the X-Men #5

Kitty Pryde is pregnant. A billion alien Brood show up and I don’t think it’s for a baby shower! Is this the child that could bring Kitty and Colossus back together or has an alien enemy delivered a curse on my favorite X-woman?

A Legend Joins T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents.

THUNDER Agents cover courtesy DC Comics

  DC Comics recruits a legend for the modern version of a classic concept. Nick Spencer and Wes Craig welcome Walter Simonson on board T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents #3. Spencer talked exclusively with DC’s The Source.

  “If it weren’t for Walter Simonson, I wouldn’t be writing (or maybe even still reading) comics — and that’s no overstatement,” Spencer told THE SOURCE. “He’s been my favorite creator pretty much the entirety of my life, so please believe me when I say working with him on T.H.U.N.D.E.R. AGENTS #3 was the biggest honor of my career so far.”


  Since I enjoyed Spencer’s Ultimate Comics: X-Men, my comic book guy recommended T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents and I’m so glad he did! A great book!


Ultimate X-Men Kitty, Ultimate Twists

Ultimate Comics X-Men #6 cover by Kaare Andrews courtesy Marvel.com

  I confess I might buy a copy of the phone book if Kitty Pryde was in it. Kitty is the main reason I started Ultimate Comics X-Men but Nick Spencer had made me love entire cast and delivered one big huge “WHOAH!” moment at the end of issue #6 out this week.

 The Ultimate Kitty Pryde is the hardened, resourceful leader of a small band of mutant survivors. Kitty is known as The Shroud and wears a metal mask and red cloak. Pryde is leading the Ultimate Iceman, Johnny Storm and Jimmy Hudson against Reverend Stryker and a wave of Nimrods.

  I thought Stryker, Nimrod Sentinels and Val Cooper had been done to death in the regular universe but Spencer puts new twists and layers to their counterparts. Rogue is the tragic pawn in the struggle to save the remaining mutants and just when you think you understand her actions in this arc…there’s a last panel shocker plus a preview image that will have me back next month.

  Paco Medina’s art is dynamic and I love this Kaare Andrews cover that makes me think of Christina Ricci.