Angela In the Marvel Now

Age of Ultron #10 courtesy Marvel
Age of Ultron #10 courtesy Marvel

ANGELA arrives! Neil Gaiman brings the warrior angel from the Spawn mythos into the Marvel Now. Angela makes her debut in Age of Ultron #10 today and her story will continue in Guardians of the Galaxy #5 by Gaiman and Brian Michael Bendis. Joe Quesada redesigned the iconic character for her Marvel debut. How will Angela affect the Marvel Universe and who will encounter her after the Guardians?

Here are 3 Marvel heroes who should be on the top of Angela’s Marvel dance card: Continue reading Angela In the Marvel Now

ANGELA by Joe Quesada

courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel

Big changes are coming to the Marvel Universe in the aftermath of Age of Ultron! The biggest surprise is the Marvel debut of a classic character from the Image mythos. Now we see her!

Marvel unveiled the new look of Angela by Chief Creative Officer Joe Quesada. Created by Neil Gaiman and Todd McFarlane of Spawn, this warrior angel makes her Marvel debut in Age of Ultron #10 this June. Quesada is among the all-star roster of artists contributing to the AoU finale.

“Angela is going to make her mark rather quickly. She’s going to hit the ground running and cut a large swath through the Marvel Universe, both literally and metaphorically,” explained Joe Quesada, Chief Creative Officer, Marvel Entertainment. “We have huge plans for her, and the mystery of Continue reading ANGELA by Joe Quesada

New DOCTOR WHO Promo Posters!

The legendary Dame Diana Rigg, Neil Gaiman and the return of the Cybermen are among the reasons to cheer for upcoming episodes of Doctor Who! BBC America shared these feature film style promotional posters for three new episodes!

courtesy BBC America
courtesy BBC America

The Doctor and Clara take a Journey to the Center of the Tardis. If I recall producers haven’t taken us into unknown parts of the Tardis since the Tom Baker and Louise Jameson (Leela) era.

courtesy BBC America
courtesy BBC America

Dame Diana Rigg (Emma Peel of The Avengers, Mrs. James Bond of On Her Majesty’s Secret Service and now Game Of Thrones) Continue reading New DOCTOR WHO Promo Posters!

Neil Gaiman and “Angela” Join Marvel!

Age of Ultron #10 courtesy Marvel
Age of Ultron #10 courtesy Marvel

Neil Gaiman returns to Marvel! It’s part of the star-studded Age of Ultron finale! Legendary Joe Quesada returns to pencil the final pages of Age of Ultron #10. Marvel revealed Quesada will create art for a special epilogue written by Brian Michael Bendis that features the introduction of Gaiman’s Angela into the Marvel Universe! Angela will have a new look created by Quesada and have “an immediate impact” that continues in Guardians of the Galaxy #5 which will be written by Bendis and Gaiman.

Angela is a warrior angel Gaiman created by Gaiman and artist Todd McFarlane during their run on Spawn published by Image Comics.

Preparing the way for Continue reading Neil Gaiman and “Angela” Join Marvel!

Doctor Who Christmas Wish List

Matt Smith as The Doctor courtesy BBC America

As we celebrate the Christmas episode of Doctor Who I was inspired to make a wish list for second half of the season in 2013. The Snowmen will introduce the Doctor’s new companion: Clara Oswin (Jenna-Louise Coleman) and bring some humor back after the heartbreaking end of The Angels Take Manhattan.

The Return of Madame Vastra, Jenny and Strax! Check these off! The Doctor’s allies appear in the holiday episode.

Neil Gaiman Returns! The Sandman creator wrote one of the most emotional episodes of all time. The writer of The Doctor’s Wife is working on script for the upcoming second season starring…

Cybermen! Those sinister cyborgs will return in an episode penned by Gaiman.

Torchwood! Can you imagine Captain Jack Harkness hitting on Matt Smith’s Eleventh Doctor? I’m curious if there is an organization like Torchwood now. It was fun to meet Kate Stewart in The Power of Three. Kate is following in her father’s (Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart) footsteps with UNIT.

The Doctor faces Brian Williams! Will the Time Lord break the news of Amy and Rory’s fate to Rory’s dad? Moffat would write a heart ripping scene I know Matt Smith and Mark Williams would play the hell out of

Zygons! My favorite aliens of the series! The Tom Baker storyline Terror of the Zygons creeped me out because it involved the Loch Ness Monster but when I saw the Zygons for the first time it gave me childhood nightmares. I thought sure we might see one in The Pandorica Opens. Fingers crossed for the return of those creep suction cup crustacean looking bastards!

Queen Nerfertiti and John Riddell! Riann Steele and Rupert Graves played the Egyptian Queen and big game hunter who joined the Doctor in Dinosaurs on a Spaceship. How about the Doctor, Riddell, Clara and her Majesty united for an adventure in ancient Egypt that brings back Sutekh, another villain from the Tom Baker days in Pyramids of Mars.

Doctor Who in Seattle!  Why should New York City and Utah have all the fun? Emerald City Whovians like me would love to have the Doctor come to the home of the Space Needle – maybe it’s a real spaceship waiting to blast off or a Tardis?

That’s my wish list but I trust in Steven Moffat! Happy Holidays to my fellow Whovians around the globe!

By Editor

Neil Gaiman Returns to DOCTOR WHO!


Matt Smith as The Doctor courtesy BBC America

  Neil Gaiman crafted one of my favorite and heartfelt episodes of Doctor Who ever! The author of The Doctor’s Wife will write a new adventure for the Time Lord featuring the Cybermen!

  Warwick Davis, Tamzin Outhwaite and Jason Watkins will join Matt Smith and Jenna-Louise Coleman for the episode.

 “Cybermen were always the monsters that scared me the most! Not just because they were an awesome military force, but because sometimes they could be sleek and silver and right behind you without you even knowing. ’ He added, ‘And with one of the all-time classic monsters returning, and a script from one of our finest novelists, it’s no surprise we have attracted such stellar names as Tamzin, Jason and Warwick,” Executive Producer Steven Moffatt told the BBC.

  Doctor Who returns at Christmas and then for 8 episodes in 2013.

By Editor

X-Men: First Class Screenwriter Talks Sequel

Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy from X-Men: First Class courtesy

  Jane Goldman is screenwriter and queen of comic book geek friendly films. She’s featured in Entertainment Weekly because her new film The Woman in Black starring Daniel Radcliffe opens February 3rd. I was fascinated to learn the greek cred connections Goldman shares.

  With director Matthew Vaughn, she gave us Kick-Ass and X-Men: First Class. The Goldman-Vaughn partnership started with an adaptation of Neil Gaiman’s Stardust. He’s a family friend who recommended Goldman to Vaughn. Her husband is British television presenter Jonathan Ross, who is collaborating with Bryan Hitch on an upcoming comic book series, America’s Got Powers. Goldman wrote the short film James Bond Supports International Women’s Day.

 With Kick-Ass based on Mark Millar’s comic and X-Men: First Class -Goldman has become the female member of a male dominated clique of superhero-film makers. 

“The only moment I became aware of being the only woman in a meeting is when actresses are being discussed,” she told EW, “If someone’s critical of how a woman looks, they turn to me and apologize.”

Goldman told EW she and Matthew Vaughn enjoyed a “huge amount of freedom” on the reboot. And her response to a Vaughn directed sequel, “I’m there.”

I’ve posted my hope that a X-Men: First Class sequel will introduce Magneto’s children: Polaris, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver.

I loved Kick-Ass, Stardust and X-Men: First Class – all very different movies from the comic book genre that worked – a sure sign that the Goldman/Vaughn partnership is magic.