Legendary comic writer Neil Gaiman returns to world he created in Forbidden Brides.

Dark Horse Comics announced Neil Gaiman is returning to one of his darkly complicated short stories in Neil Gaiman’s Forbidden Brides of the Faceless Slaves in the Secret House of the Night of Dread Desire.

courtesy Dark Horse Comics
courtesy Dark Horse Comics

This was originally published as a short story in Gaiman’s collection Fragile Things, Forbidden Brides has been adapted by Shane Oakley into a hardcover graphic novel. Continue reading NEIL GAIMAN Returns To FORBIDDEN BRIDES

Joseph Gordon-Levitt in SANDMAN Movie

courtesy Vertigo, DC Entertainment
courtesy Vertigo, DC Entertainment

Joseph Gordon-Levitt producing a Sandman movie with David Goyer?


The Dark Knight Rises co-star and scribe are in final talks to produce a film for Warner Brothers based on the Vertigo Comics creation by Neil Gaiman according to Deadline.


No word on if the star would direct or possibly play Morpheus, the personification of dreams in the beloved fantasy series. Continue reading Joseph Gordon-Levitt in SANDMAN Movie

Top 5 Comic Book Picks October 30, 2013

Damian, Son of Batman #1 courtesy DC Comics
Damian, Son of Batman #1 courtesy DC Comics

Damian: Son of Batman #1  What if Damian Wayne lived to become the Dark Knight of Gotham City? Andy Kubert takes us back to the future world he created with Grant Morrison in Batman #666 for a four-part epic in which Damian lives again.


Infinity #5 The triumphant Avengers return from space to find Earth invaded by Thanos and Inhumanity spread across the planet. Can the heroes defeat the Mad God and his Black Order and how will they handle the new epidemic of strange new beings? Plus, how will all the aliens races of Marvel Universe react to living in an Avengers Universe now?


Nightwing Annual #2 The most anticipated of all this week’s DC Comics Annuals. Robin and Batgirl grew up fast as costumed crimefighters but Richard is on new quest, Barbara is no longer in the Bat family – what’s left for one of the greatest couples in comics? Continue reading Top 5 Comic Book Picks October 30, 2013


courtesy Vertigo, DC Entertainment
courtesy Vertigo, DC Entertainment

Perfect for this Halloween Eve  – legendary Neil Gaiman takes you back to the realm of the Endless.


The Sandman: Overture will unite Gaiman with J.H. Williams III (Batwoman) to reveal an untold story in The Sandman mythology from Vertigo Comics.


Gaiman is returning to the beloved universe Continue reading SANDMAN: OVERTURE

Angela In Marvel Universe! Who’s Next?

Guardians of the Galaxy #5 courtesy Marvel
Guardians of the Galaxy #5 courtesy Marvel

Today it’s Guardians of the Galaxy but which Marvel icons should fight against or with ANGELA now that she’s in the Marvel Universe next?


The warrior angel from the Spawn mythos was transported into the Marvel Universe after the reality rippeding finale of Age of Ultron #10.


Angela’s story continues in Guardians of the Galaxy #5 this week by Neil Gaiman and Brian Michael Bendis. Joe Quesada redesigned the iconic character for her Marvel debut. After Angela’s adventure with the Guardians of the Galaxy who will encounter her next?


Here are 4 Marvel heroes who should be on the top of Angela’s Marvel dance card: Continue reading Angela In Marvel Universe! Who’s Next?

Top 5 Comic Book Picks for July 31, 2013

Batman, Incorporated #13 courtesy DC Comics
Batman, Incorporated #13 courtesy DC Comics

What a week! Milestone issues! Creators at the the top of their game on exciting new projects or reaching major finales! It was extremely hard to pick this week but….here we go:


Batman, Incorporated #13 Bruce vs. Talia – one final battle! Will Batman’s obsession with revenge for Damian’s murder make him kill the woman he once loved? Grant Morrison’s Batman finale is sure to be controversial, game-changing and gripping!


Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time #7 All of the Time Lord’s companions are kidnapped. The Seventh Doctor makes a strange house call in a Scottish castle and all 11 Doctors appear in this latest chapter celebrating the Time Lord’s 50th Anniversary. Continue reading Top 5 Comic Book Picks for July 31, 2013


Guardians of the Galaxy #5 courtesy Marvel
Guardians of the Galaxy #5 courtesy Marvel

Heaven’s most fearsome Angel vs. the Guardians of the Galaxy!


The Age of Ultron finale unleashed a powerful new force into the Marvel Universe. Angela (a co-creation of Neil Gaiman in Todd McFarlane’s Spawn series) was pulled in the Marvel 616 in Age of Ultron #10… and she’s not happy about it!


Gaiman joins Brian Michael Bendis on Guardians of the Galaxy #5 which picks up Angela’s adventures in the Marvel Universe with art by Sara Pichelli.


Earlier Bendis talked about the consequences of Age of Ultron and how Angela came into the Marvel Universe: Continue reading ANGELA In GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY