Who Would CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR Writers Want in a Movie

New Avengers #7 courtesy Marvel
New Avengers #7 courtesy Marvel

Which Marvel characters would the writing duo behind the Captain America series want to see in a future Marvel movie?

Steve McFeeley and Christopher Markus continue their Marvel streak with Captain America: Civil War. The writing team previous worked on Captain America: The First Avenger and Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

If you thought the writers had a massive challenge with all the Avengers in Civil War, imagine all the characters they are working with on Avengers: The Infinity War, Part I and II?

With an entire universe to play with…who would they like to see in a future Marvel movie? Continue reading Who Would CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR Writers Want in a Movie


Squadron Supreme #1 courtesy Marvel
Squadron Supreme #1 courtesy Marvel

A new team will make a killer debut in Squadron Supreme #1 by James Robinson next month.


Marvel revealed an iconic character will be killed by this team in the first issue.

Hyperion, Dr. Spectrum, Power Princess, Nighthawk and Blur are all survivors of a lost Earth during Secret Wars. These refugees will band together to protect the only Earth left – by any means necessary.

Marvel shared new art by Leonard Kirk from the first issue.

It got us thinking…who will the Squadron target next? Continue reading Next On SQUADRON SUPREME’S Kill List?


Squadron Supreme courtesy Marvel
Squadron Supreme courtesy Marvel

He’s been a villain, hero, King and member of several super teams but for one Marvel icon…time is up.

Marvel revealed a major character will be killed off in Squadron Supreme #1.

The new team book by James Robinson and Leonard Kirk will unleash a dangerous new super group from another reality in the All-New, All-Different Marvel Now following Secret Wars.  In Avengers #0 we saw an idea of how ruthless this team could be.

The Squadron Supreme’s world was destroyed. They want revenge. They’re going to be the judge, jury and executioner of…

Before we continue here’s a SPOILER ALERT!

(Although is it a spoiler if Marvel’s writer is revealing what’s going to happen in the first issue?)

O.K. If you don’t want to know stop reading now.



Cable and X-Force #14 courtesy Marvel
Cable and X-Force #14 courtesy Marvel

Fans and readers have spoken. We left out some prominent characters from our first list of top heroes and villains missing from the All-New, All-Different Marvel Now.

After your suggestions and more digging here are more fan-favorites and Marvel mainstays who are MIA so far from this fall’s relaunch:

Cable and Hope! Nathan Summers has been an on-again, off-again hero since his 1990 debut. The son of Scott Summers from the future was last seen leading the latest version of X-Force saving his adopted daughter Hope (also MIA) from same techno-organic virus infected him as a child. The future leader of the war against Apocalypse and the messiah child that reignited the mutant race are not on any of the teams but don’t count them out. Continue reading MORE MISSING FROM ALL-NEW, ALL-DIFFERENT MARVEL NOW


New Avengers: Illuminati #1 courtesy Marvel
New Avengers: Illuminati #1 courtesy Marvel

Will Marvel’s top secret super group appear in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

The Illuminati were heroes who formed an alliance and secretly worked behind the scenes in the Marvel Universe. Brian Michael Bendis created this Illuminati and revealed how they were secretly part of the biggest events of Marvel history starring with the Kree-Skrull war.

With plans for films starring Doctor Strange, Black Panther and Inhumans, almost every member of the secret super group will appear in the Marvel movies.

The original Illuminati would act a secret “United Nations” council with representatives from major groups and nations. Continue reading ILLUMINATI in MARVEL MOVIES?

CULLEN BUNN’S Villain Hit List

Namor: The First Mutant #1 courtesy Marvel
Namor: The First Mutant #1 courtesy Marvel

Magneto, Sinestro, Lobo.

Cullen Bunn is writing acclaimed series starring iconic villains along with anti-hero Deadpool.

Which other unusual suspects does Bunn want to take on next?

“I’ve often said that Namor is one of the most fun characters to write. There’s pure joy in channeling that level of self-confidence. But writing Sinestro, Magneto and Namor might be too much narcissism for me to handle. There are many villainous characters I’d love to see in their own book. Continue reading CULLEN BUNN’S Villain Hit List


Avengers #35 courtesy Marvel
Avengers #35 courtesy Marvel

Avengers vs. New Avengers.

The return of Thanos and the Black Order.

A classic hero allied with unholy evil.

The final incursion and finale of Jonathan Hickman’s epic Avengers run.

The endgame begins in Avengers #35 this week.


Time Runs Out will flash forward eight months to a war-torn Marvel Universe of tomorrow. Writer Jonathan Hickman gives us a look at this bleak future of May 2015 and brings the story threads from Avengers and New Avengers into a clash of heroes.

As you can see Sam Wilson, the All-New Captain America is here but isn’t Thor being replaced by a Goddess of Thunder? Continue reading AVENGERS TIME RUNS OUT Begins

NEW AVENGERS MOVIE For Your Consideration

New Avengers #20 courtesy Marvel
New Avengers #20 courtesy Marvel

For Your Consideration:


Earth’s Mightiest Heroes face the ultimate evil android in Avengers: Age of Ultron in 2015 and possibly Thanos in Avengers 3 in 2017.
Doctor Strange is getting his own solo film and will likely the third Avengers.


As I read this week’s New Avengers #20 I couldn’t help but imagine Hickman’s epic starring The Illuminati as a big screen adventure. Continue reading NEW AVENGERS MOVIE For Your Consideration