Halloween Comic Book Horror: X-Men vs. Frankenstein?

Wolverine and the X-Men #23 courtesy Marvel
Wolverine and the X-Men #23 courtesy Marvel

“It’s Alive! It’s Allllliiiiiivvvvvvveee!”

In our Halloween celebration of scary comic book epics this entry is a creation of the mad scientists behind Wolverine and the X-Men.

The Frankenstein’s Murder Circus arc by Jason Aaron and Nick Bradshaw packed future classic with horror, humor, action, dramatic character development and one —- of a surprise ending!

A witch’s magic mind control turns the X-Men into circus freaks in a traveling show run by Frankenstein. As Logan’s students try to save their teachers. The mutants were facing zombie clowns! Yes, zombie clowns! Trust me, Aaron and Bradshaw make it work. Continue reading Halloween Comic Book Horror: X-Men vs. Frankenstein?

Wolverine vs. Frankenstein

Wolverine and the X-Men #23 courtesy Marvel
Wolverine and the X-Men #23 courtesy Marvel

It’s Alive! It’s Allllliiiiiivvvvvvveee!

Those mad scientists behind Wolverine and the X-Men create a smashing finale to the Frankenstein’s Murder Circus arc! Jason Aaron and Nick Bradshaw pack Wolverine and the X-Men #23 with horror, humor, action, dramatic character development and one hell of a surprise ending!

A witch’s magic mind control turned the X-Men into circus freaks. Idie became unexpected allies with a member of the new Hellfire Club. Frankenstein was obsessed with killing the sadistic little brat. The mutants were facing zombie clowns! Yes, zombie clowns! Trust me, Aaron and Bradshaw make it work!

In The Last Frankenstein we learn the young villain’s monstrous past, see a glimpse of hope that he might be redeemed and a potential rattling in the status quo in the Hellfire Club. Maximillian Von Katzenelbogen isn’t the only teen who undergoes a big change in this chapter. The blossoming attraction between Idie and Quentin Quire takes an interesting turn. Is the smitten Kid Omega possibly changing his arrogant bad boy ways as Idie sinks deeper into the dark side?

Nick Bradshaw is an artistic madman conjuring zombie clowns, teen angst and a poptastic splash page of Wolverine and the X-Men ready to to drop the big top on the murder circus! Doop fans will LOVE this issue!

I enjoyed every frame then Aaron and Bradshaw and pull a bombshell for theie final magic act! The comeback of a forgotten villain that may be tied to a running gag since the series began. This issue shows yet again this is the X-book is the most mutant fun you can have and maybe the most fun you’ll have with a Marvel title!

By Editor



Storm Joins Wolverine’s X-Men

Wolverine and the X-Men #20 courtesy Marvel

Storm has joined the teaching staff of the Jean Grey School but new villains appear to be delivering a lesson in cruelty and death in this week’s Wolverine and the X-Men #20. Frankenstein’s Murder Circus is coming to Salem Center. From the issue cover it appears Logan, Ororo and Bobby have been forced to join the freaky carnival.


I love that Storm is on the faculty and this image by Nick Bradshaw takes me way back to the Chris Claremont/John Byrne Uncanny X-Men era when Mesmero hypnotized the X-Men into thinking they were part of his traveling circus. Continue reading Storm Joins Wolverine’s X-Men