Wolverine and Sinister in ORIGIN II #3 Preview


Origin II #3 courtesy Marvel
Origin II #3 courtesy Marvel

Marvel shared a look at Adam Kubert’s art from Origin II #3. The limited series explores Wolverine’s early life long before he became an X-Man. The untold tale of James Howlett does include one of the X-Men’s greatest enemies. Nathaniel Essex (the corrupt scientist will become Mister Sinister) who joins Victor Creed in the story by Kieron Gillen (Iron Man, Uncanny X-Men, Young Avengers.)


The writer tells Marvel.com about the roles of Creed and a new woman in Logan’s life, Clara. Continue reading Wolverine and Sinister in ORIGIN II #3 Preview

Sinister Connection to Wolverine’s ORIGIN

Origin II
courtesy Marvel Comics

Origin II will reveal more Wolverine’s past in a new limited series by Kieron Gillen and Adam Kubert.


We know Mister Sinister tried to manipulate Cyclops’s earlier years but now we’ll see how the twisted scientist was involved with Wolverine.


Writer Kieron Gillen promises this new series exposes more background of one of the X-Men’s greatest enemies and his ties to Logan. Continue reading Sinister Connection to Wolverine’s ORIGIN

X-MEN Apocalypse 2016 – What Might Be!

X-Men #182 courtesy Marvel
X-Men #182 courtesy Marvel

With one tweet X-Men director Bryan Singer signals the mutant Apocalypse!
X-Men Apocalypse 2016


X-Men: Days of Future Past hits in May 2014 and it looks like Fox is charging ahead with a new film starring the Children of the Atom against one of their most powerful enemies.


Apocalypse (created by legendary writer Louise Simonson and artist Walt Simonson) is an immortal mutant with multiple powers. The “First Mutant” named En Sabah Nur has been manipulating his race since the days of ancient Egypt Continue reading X-MEN Apocalypse 2016 – What Might Be!

Wolverine’s Sinister Holiday in ORIGIN II

Origin II #1 courtesy Marvel
Origin II #1 courtesy Marvel

Christmas with Wolverine!?


Origin II #1 arrives this holiday season but don’t expect a Howlett family Christmas. It’s been a decade since Marvel did the unthinkable. In Origin – the fan favorite’s mysterious past was finally revealed.


We learned Wolverine’s real name, age and birthplace. We learned of his first love, his brother and the painful, tragic circumstances surrounding the first appearance of his mutant powers. Continue reading Wolverine’s Sinister Holiday in ORIGIN II

Mister Sinister in Wolverine ORIGIN II

Origin II
courtesy Marvel Comics

Origin II will reveal more Wolverine’s past in a new limited series by Kieron Gillen and Adam Kubert. Marvel made the announcement at San Diego Comic Con this past weekend.


Origin revealed Wolverine’s childhood, real age and real name (James Howlett) and his connection to arch-enemy Sabretooth.


Writer Kieron Gillen promises this new series exposes more background of one of the X-Men’s greatest enemies: Mister Sinister.


“This is a good example of what I mean by [the series] being self-contained,” Gillen tells Marvel.com. “Nathaniel Essex has the sort of background that keeps Wikipedia editors at work forever. His appearance in ORIGIN II entirely fits into his personal chronology, but for those who don’t know anything about him will treat him as he appears, as in, a disgraced London scientist moving into increasingly unethical areas, discovering a strange new species for the first time. One of the working titles for Origin II was ‘Origin of the Species.’ Read into that as you will. Continue reading Mister Sinister in Wolverine ORIGIN II

The X-Men’s Sinister Showdown

Uncanny X-Men #17 courtesy Marvel

  A sinister showdown in Uncanny X-Men #17 taking place before the shattering of the Phoenix Five in the main AvX series. Gillen orchestrates unexpected action and sharp humor in a last stand between the X-Men and Mister Sinister.

  Psylocke is the breakout star of his issue. From her psychic manipulation of Sinister’s army to her intimate bonding with Danger to infiltrate the stronghold to her declarations “I’m a bloody ninja!”

Psylocke has become the female Wolverine! She’s in every freakin’ X-book but when she’s written this good (Rick Remender and Brian Wood equally rock Betsy) I can enjoy her overexposure.

  Kieron Gillen does a fantastic job wrapping a two-year storyline amid a major crossover. I wish Carlos Pacheco could have rejoined him as this title ends. Gillen breathed new life into a tired old villain and Sinister manages to do to the Phoenix Five in this issue what Avengers’ biggest brains wish they could do.

Uncanny X-Men #9 interior art of UNIT courtesy Marvel

  This looks like the end of Sinister and his own twisted version of London but I hope it’s just the beginning for Unit. I think he’s the X-Men’s version of Ultron. I already pleaded on Twitter for Gillen to pit Tony Stark against the metallic manipulator on his upcoming Iron Man run. Please? I just hope Marvel doesn’t let this brilliant and scary creation fade away.

By Editor


Uncanny X-Men Writer: Sinister, Cyclops and AvX

Uncanny X-Men #5 cover courtesy Marvel.com

  Kieron Gillen has resurrected old villains on the new Uncanny X-Men title featuring Cyclops and his Utopia based Extinction Team.

  In a new interview by Comic Book Resources featuring fan questions – the British writer tackled classic villains and upcoming events.

  Why did Gillen kick off the relaunched title with Mister Sinister?

   “I wanted a classic heavyweight X-Men villain and Sinister was simply the only one with the appropriate level of gravitas who wasn’t already elsewhere in play. Magneto is with the team. Apocalypse is busy over in “X-Force.” Sabretooth was already involved in plans you’ll be aware of now (and would be annihilated in a millisecond if he went up against the Extinction team, to be honest). Who else but Sinister? No one, that’s who. So I tried to work how I could do something that was entirely new yet true to what I sawa as the core of the character (mutants as research material, Victoriana, scheming and manipulating, upgrading of self, sinister-ness), and ended up with Sinister is a System — Sinister is a species and someone whose idea of an escape route is to blow off his own head.”

  On Cyclops becoming the Magneto of the 21st century?

“I think his current position is that he’s willing to pretend to be more like Magneto to get what he wants — which is no one to fight and kill each other. It’s a specific tactic for a specific situation for a specific timeframe. From Cyclops’ position, it’s a case of keeping mutants alive until Hope does whatever Messiah-y things she’s born to do — if embracing the fact they are feared is a short-term compromise he thinks is the best solution. Cyclops is synthesizing various philosophies. There may be more Magneto in there than previous, but it’s not the dominant strand by any means.”

  This is an excellent question: Would Cyclops recruit Daken to replace Wolverine?

 “It’s certainly something that could happen — but I don’t think Scott would trust Daken. He’s got a lot of reformed villains on his team, but he’s more convinced by their reasons for being there than the ever-sociopathically manipulative Daken.”

Uncanny X-Men preview art courtesy Marvel.com

   Gillen says Storm and Namor will play big roles in the Avengers Versus X-Men tie-in issues and Magic “comes under hard focus in my AvX issues.”

  For the entire interview click here.

 Uncanny X-Men #5 is out today featuring a new threat to the mutants: Tabula Rasa.

X-Men Versus Space Gods

Uncanny X-Men #3 courtesy Marvel.com

  Humanity may encounter Space Gods on the big screen in Prometheus next year. Cyclops and his Extinction Team face Marvel’s Space Gods in Uncanny X-Men #3 out today.

Kieron Gillen and Carlos Pacheco’s first Regenesis arc reaches a cosmic climax when the Celestials arrive on Earth because of Mister Sinister’s manipulation of their cosmic brother.

The arc kicked off with Cyclops laying out his game plan to protect mutantkind with a show of force. You could say Scott was giving the Avengers a run for the money as Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.

Mister Sinister returned with a plot similar to The Master’s in the The End of Time episode of Doctor Who. I wasn’t sure if I liked this latest incarnation of Sinister who seemed more like a hybrid of Loki and Liberace but I’m sold now.

I loved the dynamic of the Extinction team with tactical brilliance by Cyclops, clever chemistry between Emma Frost and Namor and an absolutely killer moment from Danger.

After taking on an army of Sinister clones – the X-Men stand ready to face the Celestials – with the world watching as Earth’s Mightiest Mutants show why there’s power in fear.

Wolverine may have an adamantium skeleton but Cyclops has nerves and b—- of steel!