DAREDEVIL Dream Casting


Daredevil #117 courtesy Marvel
Daredevil #117 courtesy Marvel

With the movie rights to Daredevil back at Marvel Disney I revisited my dream cast for a Daredevil film!

Ryan Gosling as Matt Murdock/Daredevil – Gosling would be perfect as the public defender from New York’s most brutal streets who fights crime by night as the masked vigilante.

Vin Diesel as Kingpin – smooth, cool and oozing menace in a sharp suit and when the finally unleashes his raw power in a fight – watch out!

Zachary Quinto as Bullseye – after 2 seasons of American Horror Story and his explosive moments when Spock lets his emotions loose in Star Trek proves Continue reading DAREDEVIL Dream Casting

Spider-Woman In the Marvel NOW!

Avengers Women of Marvel variant featuring Spider-Woman courtesy Marvel.com

  One of my favorite elements of the Brian Michael Bendis Avengers era is how he brought the original Spider-Woman back in the spotlight and made her an Avenger. Sure the Spider-Woman who joined New Avengers #1 was actually a Skrull but the real Jessica Drew finally came back.

  Jonathan Hickman is taking over Avengers and New Avengers in 2013 as part of the Marvel NOW! relaunch. Hickman revealed his Avengers will start with 18 cast members. Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso now confirms Spider-Woman will be part of the relaunched team.

  In today’s Axel-in-Charge column on Comic Book Resources a fan asked if more female characters like Spider-Woman will have a place the Marvel NOW! world.

 “Spider-Woman will remain part of the Avengers, and may turn up in Avengers Assemble,” Alonso responded.

Spider-Woman on New Avengers #15 courtesy Marvel

 “As for Black Widow, while she won’t have a new Marvel NOW! title, she’s currently appearing Secret Avengers, Avengers Assemble and Winter Soldier,” he added.

  This is just speculation on my part but could Spider-Woman appearing in Avengers Assemble mean Marvel Films could be considering have Jessica join an Avengers sequel or star in her own movie? Given Joss Whedon’s stunning track record of writing and directing female heroes can you imagine how Whedon would translate the tragic and triumphant life of Jessica Drew!?

 And I still say if Mila Kunis wants to play a superhero – write a Spider-Woman script for her!

By Editor