Superior Spider-Men Preview

Superior Spider-Man #17 courtesy Marvel
Superior Spider-Man #17 courtesy Marvel

Otto Octavius will encounter a truly Superior Spider-Man. Miguel O’Hara aka Spider-Man 2099 guest stars in a 3-part epic kicking off in Superior Spider-Man #17.


I wanted to share part of this new interview with writer Dan Slott explaining the difference between the three men behind the masks on Continue reading Superior Spider-Men Preview

Spider-Man 2009 Meets Superior!

SpiderMan 2099  Get ready for a blast from the future past! Spider-Man 2099 (Miguel O’Hara) enters the Marvel Now in Superior Spider-Man #17 this September Marvel revealed at C2E2 in Chicago this past weekend.

In the 1990’s Marvel launched an entire line of comics starring reimagined heroes (Ghost Rider, X-Men, Doom, Punisher) set in the future.

  Spider-Man 2099 was created by Peter David and Rick Leonardi. Miguel was a brilliant scientist attempting to recreate the powers of the original Spidey in others. An accident caused O’Hara’s DNA to be rewritten with spider genetic code. This reimagined hero of Marvel’s future was the first Latino Spider-Man.

“It’s Spider-Man of the future!” Dan Slott tells, “How can you not love Miguel?  He’s awesome. I, like everybody in the 1990’s, was reading the 2099 books, and  SPIDER-MAN 2099 and GHOST RIDER 2099 were my favorites. For some time, I’ve  wanted to do Continue reading Spider-Man 2009 Meets Superior!