Michael Fassbender: The Theme of “Prometheus”

Michael Fassbender in Prometheus courtesy 20th Century Fox

  The countdown to Prometheus is escalating. Michael Fassbender tells The Sci Fi Show in a new interview how the cast including Noomi Rapace, Idris Elba and Charlize Theron became part of Ridley Scott’s return to science fiction.

 “There’s always politics within, and that’s why, I think, this cast got together. The tempo, the pace, the intelligence of the script; each person has got their own agenda on that ship and it’s each a very individual agenda. Some people are there for the pay. Other people are there to get answers. Other people are there to hopefully attain some sort of secret. Others are there in somewhat of a spite journey. You’ve got all these collective relationships, individuals and motivations and that’s what makes quite intriguing even before the shit hits the fan.”

  I wanted to share this quote from Fassbender on the theme of the epic.

  “It’s basically about trying to find out if there was intervention in the birth of civilisation on planet Earth by other beings, which we come to know as Engineers, and whether they had a master plan in mind for us.”

  Thanks to Dark Horizons.

New “Prometheus” Starmap Photos

  The starmap is just one the many geek freakout inducing images coming from Prometheus, the Ridley Scott directed return to the Alien universe. Now an awesome collection of images from the film can be found on a facebook app with an interactive starmap. Thanks to Dark Horizons for capturing.

Charlize Theron in Prometheus courtesy 20th Century Fox

  Charlize Theron plays a Weyland corporate officer named Meredith Vickers.

courtesy 20th Century Fox

The Prometheus crew explore the alien vessel from Alien?

Idris Elba in Prometheus courtesy 20th Century Fox

                                  Idris Elba as the Captain (?) of Prometheus

Michael Fassbender in Prometheus courtesy 20th Century Fox

                 Michael Fassbenderder as the android David of Prometheus.

Prometheus courtesy 20th Century Fox

                                 The Prometheus landing on the alien planet

Prometheus courtesy 20th Century Fox

                    Michael Fassbender explores the alien ship in Prometheus.

Prometheus courtesy 20th Century Fox

Michael Fassbender on “Prometheus” and the “Alien” Essence

Michael Fassbender in Prometheus courtesy 20th Century Fox

  At the Empire Awards Michael Fassbender spoke with Red Carpet News TV about his role in Prometheus. The interviewer asked if the star playing an android saw anything from the previous Alien films on set.

  “There are certain elements of the spaceship. There are threads of it there, there’s almost an aftersmell of it in the air, there’s the essence of it there,” Fassbender said.

  You can see the interview below including a joke about wearing Magneto’s helmet from X-Men: First Class.

Fassbender is playing an android named David. You can see a “commercial” for his character here. His android voice in the trailer is still chill inducing because you know David has “special” programming from “the company!”

Inside the Company Behind The “Prometheus” Mission

image courtesy Weyland Industries

  What’s more dangerous than the monstrous creatures of the Alien universe? How about the ruthless company that will stop at nothing to turn the xenomorphs into a profitable bio weapons? Now you can get an insider look into the notorious corporation from the Alien films.

  The TED corporate video starring Peter Weyland revealed the connection between Ridley Scott’s Alien and Prometheus. Now you can “Invest In Your Future” and see the investor section of Weyland Industries.


Michael Fassbender in Prometheus courtesy 20th Century Fox

Once inside scroll down to see the development of the company’s android. The 8th version of “David” is a crew member on Prometheus and will be played by Michael Fassbender. You can see a Weyland commercial for David 8 here.

Michael Fassbender On His “Prometheus” Android

Michael Fassbender in Prometheus courtesy 20th Century Fox

  Michael Fassbender plays an android named David in Prometheus. Ian Holm played Ash in Alien. In the first film it was a surprise to the crew and audience that the Nostromo’s science officer was artificial. Fassbender talked with Collider about how he’s playing a character with no emotion.

  “You want to play with as many of those human traits as possible. You’re essentially trying to build a computer that has a physicality to it, that can respond and understand human behavior. It’s programmed to be able to incorporate itself within a human environment. You’re going into space, so you’ve got to get certain personalities that will get on in space. He has to be very flexible. So, what happens when you program that and the program then starts making its own connections and joins up to its own electrical linking to other areas and forming its own ego, insecurities, jealousy and envy? I don’t really think too much about things. I just try to explore what’s happening within the scene, moment to moment. What I thought was very interesting was that you have this guy who was on his own for two and a half years while everyone else was in cryostasis, so what did he do to amuse himself? The idea that there is something of a little boy there, and that he has to rely on his imagination to keep himself occupied, imagination is a very human trait. The fact that he’s curious, how far will that curiosity go? The way that Damon [Lindelof] wrote it, people treat him as a robot and there’s a bit of contempt towards him because he has all the answers. He’s hyper-intelligent. His physicality is more advanced than human beings. So, people don’t really embrace him. He’s sort of used and abused. How does that make him feel, if robots can feel? I didn’t want to make a direct, definite choice. I played with the ambiguity. Is this robot starting to develop human personality?”

 The “David” android has it’s own commercial from Weyland Industries you can see here. And if you haven’t seen it here’s the international Prometheus trailer.

Prometheus New Viral Video: Own Your Michael Fassbender Android

Michael Fassbender in Prometheus courtesy 20th Century Fox


  A new viral video has emerged online for a new “product” from Weyland Industries from the Alien movies. This new video is an advertisement for “David” an android played by Michael Fassbender in Prometheus.

 The “David 8” Demo is voiced by Fassbender and ends with the same eerie tagline from the new full length Prometheus trailer.

  This is the second viral video promoting Prometheus. The first was a TED video starring Peter Weyland.

Prometheus Full Length Trailer!

Prometheus still of Noomi Rapace courtesy 20th Century Fox

“Prometheus, are you seeing this?”

The full length trailer to director Ridley Scott’s return to the Alien universe is here. This is beautiful with jaw dropping and awe inducing imager. The DNA of Alien is truly in this film yet it feels new and different. The final minute is extremely intense. Take a look.


  Noomi Rapace looks to make a great heroine. Michael Fassbender as the android is particularly chilling at the end. I’ve always wondered about the “Space Jockey.” When I was a kid and saw the original Alien the image of him scared me even though I knew he was dead.

  What was your favorite part of this trailer?

New Prometheus Viral Image from Weyland Industries

  Prometheus and Weyland Corporation promotion is taking over the world in a chilling way. The TED viral video starring Guy Pearce as Peter Weyland revealed the link between Alien and Prometheus took over the web.

image courtesy Weyland Industries

 Now there’s a website for the evil corporation from the films and this beautiful but frightening image.

 On the page you can see this image and description under coming soon:

courtesy Weyland Industries


Weyland engineers have been working around the clock to bring you the newest, most advanced addition to the Weyland family. Stay tuned for a special announcement.”

This Geek’s Opinion: This will likely be the introduction of the artificial person that will be played by Michael Fassbender in Prometheus. Ian Holm played an android in Alien.

The picture above appears to be inside the ship of the “Space Jockey” from the first Alien film with an egg and a map showing multiple star systems. What do you think?

Ridley Scott is not just a brilliant director but expert marketer too.