Matt Smith Exits DOCTOR WHO

Matt Smith as The Doctor courtesy BBC America
Matt Smith as The Doctor courtesy BBC America

Matt Smith is turning in his sonic screwdriver and giving control of the Tardis to a new actor. Smith is leaving Doctor Who after four years – the BBC confirms. The Eleventh Doctor will appear in November’s 50th Anniversary Special and regenerate in the Christmas special.

Matt Smith says:

“Doctor Who has been the most brilliant experience for me as an actor and a bloke, and that largely is down to the cast, crew and fans of the show. I’m incredibly Continue reading Matt Smith Exits DOCTOR WHO

DOCTOR WHO Renewed, Smith & Tennant Together!

Matt Smith as The Doctor courtesy BBC America
Matt Smith as The Doctor courtesy BBC America

Whovians are recovering this weekend’s mindwarping finale! The Name of the Doctor ended with a shocking twist for fans to ponder until the 50th Anniversary special in November. The BBC has officially renewed Doctor Who for an eighth season with Steven Moffat already plotting new adventures for the Time Lord but the presser says nothing official about Matt Smith staying in the role.

The 3D special stars Smith, Jenna-Louise Coleman, John Hurt plus features the return of David Tennant, Billie Piper and one of my all time favorite villains – the Zygons!

Enjoy this vignette Continue reading DOCTOR WHO Renewed, Smith & Tennant Together!

New DOCTOR WHO Promo Posters!

The legendary Dame Diana Rigg, Neil Gaiman and the return of the Cybermen are among the reasons to cheer for upcoming episodes of Doctor Who! BBC America shared these feature film style promotional posters for three new episodes!

courtesy BBC America
courtesy BBC America

The Doctor and Clara take a Journey to the Center of the Tardis. If I recall producers haven’t taken us into unknown parts of the Tardis since the Tom Baker and Louise Jameson (Leela) era.

courtesy BBC America
courtesy BBC America

Dame Diana Rigg (Emma Peel of The Avengers, Mrs. James Bond of On Her Majesty’s Secret Service and now Game Of Thrones) Continue reading New DOCTOR WHO Promo Posters!

Matt Smith Leaving DOCTOR WHO?

Matt Smith as The Doctor courtesy BBC America
Matt Smith as The Doctor courtesy BBC America

Is it almost time for another regeneration? With 3 seasons and some specials Matt Smith might be leaving the Tardis with the same track record as David Tennant.

Here’s what The Sun is reporting:

Matt Smith’s contract is up this November and he doesn’t want to renew.

The 2013 Christmas Special Continue reading Matt Smith Leaving DOCTOR WHO?

DOCTOR WHO Faces Old Enemy!

courtesy BBC One
courtesy BBC One

Whovians are counting down to the return of Doctor Who! In the second half of the new season the Time Lord and new companion Clara will face an old enemy! The reptilian Ice Warriors from Mars have a new look as you can see in this image courtesy BBC One.


The Time Lord last fought the Ice Warriors in the The Monster of Peladon starring Jon Pertwee as the Doctor and Elizabeth Sladen as Sarah Jane Smith back in 1974.


courtesy BBC One
courtesy BBC One

The Cybermen will return this season in a story by Neil Gaiman (The Doctor’s Wife.) The Silurians came back under Steven Moffat’s watch. I’m still eager to see the return of my favorite aliens from the old days:


Continue reading DOCTOR WHO Faces Old Enemy!

Doctor Who Christmas Wish List

Matt Smith as The Doctor courtesy BBC America

As we celebrate the Christmas episode of Doctor Who I was inspired to make a wish list for second half of the season in 2013. The Snowmen will introduce the Doctor’s new companion: Clara Oswin (Jenna-Louise Coleman) and bring some humor back after the heartbreaking end of The Angels Take Manhattan.

The Return of Madame Vastra, Jenny and Strax! Check these off! The Doctor’s allies appear in the holiday episode.

Neil Gaiman Returns! The Sandman creator wrote one of the most emotional episodes of all time. The writer of The Doctor’s Wife is working on script for the upcoming second season starring…

Cybermen! Those sinister cyborgs will return in an episode penned by Gaiman.

Torchwood! Can you imagine Captain Jack Harkness hitting on Matt Smith’s Eleventh Doctor? I’m curious if there is an organization like Torchwood now. It was fun to meet Kate Stewart in The Power of Three. Kate is following in her father’s (Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart) footsteps with UNIT.

The Doctor faces Brian Williams! Will the Time Lord break the news of Amy and Rory’s fate to Rory’s dad? Moffat would write a heart ripping scene I know Matt Smith and Mark Williams would play the hell out of

Zygons! My favorite aliens of the series! The Tom Baker storyline Terror of the Zygons creeped me out because it involved the Loch Ness Monster but when I saw the Zygons for the first time it gave me childhood nightmares. I thought sure we might see one in The Pandorica Opens. Fingers crossed for the return of those creep suction cup crustacean looking bastards!

Queen Nerfertiti and John Riddell! Riann Steele and Rupert Graves played the Egyptian Queen and big game hunter who joined the Doctor in Dinosaurs on a Spaceship. How about the Doctor, Riddell, Clara and her Majesty united for an adventure in ancient Egypt that brings back Sutekh, another villain from the Tom Baker days in Pyramids of Mars.

Doctor Who in Seattle!  Why should New York City and Utah have all the fun? Emerald City Whovians like me would love to have the Doctor come to the home of the Space Needle – maybe it’s a real spaceship waiting to blast off or a Tardis?

That’s my wish list but I trust in Steven Moffat! Happy Holidays to my fellow Whovians around the globe!

By Editor

Doctor Who Annual 2012 Preview

courtesy IDW Publishing

An all-star lineup of creators will pay tribute to the Eleventh Doctor in an all-new Doctor Who Annual 2012 from IDW Publishing out this week. This oversize issues includes three stories.

While Matt Smith will say goodbye to Amy and Rory on the television series, writer Tony Lee is leaving the Doctor Who franchise with this Annual. The writer has helmed series, one-shots, miniseries and even the current crossover between the Time Lord and the cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation.

“It’s an escape story,” Lee tells Comic Book Resources of his final story, “The Doctor willingly enters 1962 Alcatraz to rescue a friend after he learns of his death in a riot. It’s ‘Escape From Alcatraz‘ with timey-wimey fun and shimmer-suited aliens thrown in. And a familiar face or two. I wanted to do something ‘big’ in my 11 pages, rather than have people just sitting at a table talking to each other. I like the running, jumping, climbing trees school of Doctor Who.”

The all-star creative team includes legendary comics writer Len Wein, Dr. Who novelist Richard Dinnick, artists Matthew Dow Smith and Mitch Gerads.

Andy Diggle and Mark Buckingham will be the creative team on a new series spinning out of the annual which includes a prelude of their upcoming story.

By Editor

Doctor Who Sets the Date!


courtesy BBC

  It’s official! BBC America announced the new season of Doctor Who will return September 1st with 5 new episodes. It’s the final farewell of companions Amy and Rory – sigh – and the return of the Daleks and Weeping Angels – yeah!

  Here’s the official announcement including episode details.

  Lead writer and executive producer Steven Moffat on the new season: “We have, I think, our biggest range of stories EVER. We’ve got the return of the Daleks AND the Weeping Angels – both of them poll-topping “Doctor Who” adversaries – in cracking new stories, we’ve got Dinosaurs on a Spaceship (it’s what you’ve always wanted), we’ve got a glorious western with a Cyborg Gunslinger, the most unusual invasion Earth story EVER, and location shooting in New York for the Pond finale.”

  In the season opener, “Asylum of the Daleks,” the Doctor is forced on an impossible mission after being kidnapped by his oldest foe – to a place even the Daleks are too terrified to enter…. the Asylum. A planetary prison confining the most terrifying and insane of their kind, the Doctor and the Ponds must find an escape route. But with Amy and Rory’s relationship in meltdown, and an army of mad Daleks closing in, it is up to the Doctor to save their lives, as well as the Pond’s marriage.”

  Here’s a new trailer:



Asylum of the Daleks – Episode 1

  Kidnapped by his oldest foe, the Doctor is forced on an impossible mission – to a place even the Daleks are too terrified to enter…. the Asylum. A planetary prison confining the most terrifying and insane of their kind, the Doctor and the Ponds must find an escape route. But with Amy and Rory’s relationship in meltdown, and an army of mad Daleks closing in, it is up to the Doctor to save their lives, as well as the Pond’s marriage.

Dinosaurs on a Spaceship – Episode 2

  An unmanned spaceship hurtles towards certain destruction – unless the Doctor can save it, and its impossible cargo…… of dinosaurs. By his side a ragtag gang of adventurers; a big game hunter, an Egyptian Queen and a surprised member of the Pond family. But little does the Doctor know there is someone else onboard who will stop at nothing to keep hold of his precious, prehistoric cargo.

A Town Called Mercy – Episode 3

  The Doctor gets a Stetson (and a gun), and finds himself the reluctant Sheriff of a Western town under siege by a relentless cyborg, who goes by the name of, the Gunslinger. But who is he and what does he want? The answer seems to lie with the mysterious, Kahler-Jex, an alien doctor (yes another one) whose initial appearance is hiding a dark secret. This episode will guest star Ben Browder (Farscape, Stargate.)

By Editor