Daredevil #1 courtesy Marvel
Daredevil #1 courtesy Marvel

The hero you love with the fan-favorite creative team but in a new location leading to all new adventures. Matt Murdock goes west in a brand new Daredevil #1 this week.


Writer Mark Waid and artist Chris Samnee take The Man Without Fear to San Fransisco.


“[Editor] Steve Wacker and I talked about it and we didn’t want to change too much about the book, because it’s working, but [since] we really wanted to be a part of All-New Marvel NOW!, what about changing venues? So we set up a situation at the end of this [current] run, [where] Matt has no choice but to move away from New York City. He goes to San Francisco because he’s been there before, Continue reading DAREDEVIL Out West

All-New DAREDEVIL Goes West

Daredevil #1 courtesy Marvel
Daredevil #1 courtesy Marvel

Matt Murdock goes west in a brand new Daredevil #1 as part of the All-New Marvel Now.


Writer Mark Waid and a team of artists revitalized The Man Without Fear but that run will end with Daredevil #36 followed by a Marvel Infinite digital comic Daredevil: Road Warrior, which leads into the hero’s big move to San Fransisco.


“[Editor] Steve Wacker and I talked about it and we didn’t want to change too much about the book, because it’s working, but [since] we really wanted to be a part of All-New Marvel NOW!, what about changing venues? So we set up a situation at the end of this [current] run, [where] Matt has no choice but to move away from New York City. He goes to San Francisco because he’s been there before, Continue reading All-New DAREDEVIL Goes West

Lee Weeks Back On DAREDEVIL

Daredevil: Dark Nights #1 courtesy Marvel
Daredevil: Dark Nights #1 courtesy Marvel

Daredevil: Dark Nights is an eight-part series packed with incredible talent. An all-star roster of creators has lined up to share new tales of The Man Without Fear. Daredevil Dark Nights #1 begins this week with a story by Lee Weeks.

Weeks earned his place in the Daredevil creator hall of fame for his work on the Last Rites (with writer D.G. Chichester) storyline from the 1990’s. Weeks has wrote and drew this week’s story of Matt Murdock and a victim near death in a New York blizzard. Marvel shared these pages from Weeks’s story Angels Unaware and the Continue reading Lee Weeks Back On DAREDEVIL

DAREDEVIL Ends and Begins!

Daredevil End of Days #8 courtesy Marvel
Daredevil End of Days #8 courtesy Marvel

This is a HUGE week for Daredevil fans with a ending and beginning!

Daredevil: End of Days #8 is the grand finale of the “Last Daredevil Story” by the superstar team of Brian Michael Bendis, David Mack, Klaus Janson Alex Maleev! The The mystery of Daredevil’s final words are exposed. How will it change Ben Urich’s life?

As the “final” story of Daredevil comes to a stunning end, Marvel begins a brand new series with untold tales of the Man Without Fear!

Daredevil: Dark Nights #1 courtesy Marvel
Daredevil: Dark Nights #1 courtesy Marvel

Daredevil: Dark Knights #1 is an eight part anthology with an all-star roster of creators telling their stories of Matt Murdock. The first issue marks the return of legendary Daredevil artist Lee Weeks in a story he wrote and drew. Angels Unaware is the story of a patient near death in a blizzard. Can New York City’s “Guardian Devil” save them?

It’s been incredible to see the resurgence of Daredevil, the amazing assembling of major talents telling DD stories. With the popular and critical acclaim of the ongoing Daredevil series by Mark Waid and the film rights back at Marvel – is it possible would could see Daredevil on the big screen again or perhaps guests on Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD television series?

By Editor



Daredevil: Dark Nights #1 courtesy Marvel
Daredevil: Dark Nights #1 courtesy Marvel

An all-star roster of creators is lining up for The Man Without Fear! Daredevil: Dark Nights is an eight-part series packed with incredible talent. Lee Weeks has a well-deserved place in the Daredevil creator hall of fame for his work on the Last Rites (with writer D.G. Chichester) storyline from the 1990’s. Now Weeks has written and drawn this story of Matt Murdock and a young person near death in a New York blizzard. Marvel shared a first look at Weeks’s story Angels Unaware and the Continue reading Lee Weeks On DAREDEVIL: DARK NIGHTS

Can Iron Man Save Daredevil?

Daredevil #26 courtesy Marvel
Daredevil #26 courtesy Marvel

Did you see the beating Matt Murdock took in Daredevil #25?! After the brutal pounding by Ikari Matt has been left in a pool of his own blood.

Daredevil #26 courtesy Marvel
Daredevil #26 courtesy Marvel

Is Daredevil now the Man With Fear after a defeat by an enemy with all the same powers of Daredevil but none of his weaknesses?

Daredevil #26 courtesy Marvel
Daredevil #26 courtesy Marvel

The deadly Ikari has all of Matt’s heightened senses but Continue reading Can Iron Man Save Daredevil?

Taylor Kitsch as Daredevil?

Taylor Kitsch as John Carter photo by Frank Connor courtesy Disney Enterprises

  Will Taylor Kitsch trade in his John Carter loincloth for red leather and horns? Kitsch is reportedly being considered for Director David Slade’s reboot of Daredevil according to Movie Hole. The story is part of their hilarious feature on actors who nearly won super hero roles.

 Kitsch said he would like to play X-Man Gambit again but said it’s unlikely that would happen. The story says Xavier Samuel is under consideration too. Slade directed Samuel as the vampire Riley in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse.

Thanks to Comic Book Resources.

  When I think of David Slade’s film (Hard Candy, 30 Days of Night) I envision a dark and gritty Daredevil movie based on Frank Miller’s Born Again.


Daredevil #10.1 courtesy Marvel.com

  If this report is true the studio seems to be going for a young Matt Murdock reboot like Sony did with Amazing Spider-Man. The tone may be different too. Mark Waid’s new take on Daredevil has been a critical and fan hit. I really love the artwork on the new title – especially this cover.

  Marvel and Chris Evans (Fantastic Four’s Johnny Storm, Captain America)proved you have movie magic twice with the same actor.

While this Daredevil story is just speculation – what do you think of the idea of Taylor Kitsch as Daredevil?

What’s Next for Daredevil


Daredevil #10.1 courtesy Marvel.com

  Dark and gritty comics are great but once in while you just need to ease up and enjoy great superheroics. Daredevil is known for tragic tales, street level crime fighting, ninjas and the Kingpin. Marvel enlisted Mark Waid to reinvigorate Matt Murdock/Daredevil with stellar results.

  Daredevil by Mark Waid/Marcos Martin and Pablo Rivera was one of 2011’s critical and commercial successes for Marvel. After several tragedies and demonic possession in Shadowland, Matt Murdock came back with a more upbeat attitude and focus on straight up superheroics. Comics Newsarama asked the veteran writer if the successful relauch was in part to fans ready for more positive heroics.

  “I think that’s a huge part of it. That doesn’t mean that there are no consequences for Daredevil, no repercussions to his actions, no hurt in his future — but he wins. That’s what people seem to be responding to as far as the storylines go.”

  Waid has been throwing surprising enemies at Daredevil including Klaw and now the Mole Man. Why would Mole Man turn up in a book like this.

  “One, they’re both blind. Two, they both have a form of radar-sense. Three, I wanted to see the Devil on a Dante-esque journey through the dark and monstrous underworld, and boy, did Paolo deliver on the visuals. Those covers alone are so evocative of Doré’s classic depictions of Hades that I find them stunning.”

Daredevil #11 courtesy Marvel.com

  And don’t forget The Omega Effect is coming in April. Waid and Greg Rucka spin a crossover between Daredevil, Spider-Man and the Punisher.

Mark Waid’s first volume of Daredevil with issues #1-#6 is out now.

For the entire interview here’s the Comics Newsarama link.

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