Matt Fraction at Emerald City Comicon


The Mighty Thor #1 courtesy

  I’m excited to report that Matt Fraction is returning to Emerald City Comicon. I loved Fraction’s Uncanny X-Men era which included the X-Men/Dark Avengers: Utopia. Matt is known for his long run on Invincible Iron Man, The Mighty Thor and 2011’s big event Fear Itself.

   Matt recently relaunched The Defenders and is co-plotting The Fearless, both spinning out of event from Fear Itself. Matt is part of the team creating Avengers Versus X-Men debuting this April.

  Fraction’s creator owned book Casanova continues to push the boundaries of storytelling and your mind!

Casanova Luxuria #1 courtesy

    I’m very lucky to have several autographed issues and graphic novels by him. Time to start choosing what I hope to have signed this year! 

  Emerald City Comicon is March 30th-April 1st in Seattle.

Welcome to the New and Improved Asgard by Tony Stark

Asgardia by from The Mighty Thor #11 courtesy

  Tony Stark vowed to rebuild the city of the Norse Gods in the aftermath of Norman Osborn’s Siege of Asgard. Fear Itself (another Marvel event) put Stark Resilient’s reconstruction plan on hold.

  Iron Man will reveal Asgardia in The Mighty Thor #11 on sale February 22nd. Matt Fraction gave fans a preview today on Asgardia may be built by Stark but it’s female power that runs it.


The Mighty Thor #11 preview art courtesy

“[It came] straight from the fevered brain of madman Matt Fraction and the fantastic stylings of artist extraordinaire Pasqual Ferry,” says MIGHTY THOR editor Lauren Sankovitch. “When Matt dreamed up his scheme to bring Tony Stark’s Resilient in to rebuild Asgard, he had a vision of fantasy meets high-tech, where repulsors and rock trolls could coexist and thrive. An Asgard for the future if you will. And with Pasqual’s penchant for cutting edge environments and dreamscapes complemented by the stunning palette of [colorist] Frank D’Armata, he couldn’t have had a better set of partners to bring this new cityscape to life.” 

  Writer Matt Fraction said Asgardia will be ruled by the All-Mother and it’s not just a home for the Gods.

  “Since we’ve fixed the World Tree on Earth, we’ve created a capitol city where denizens of all nine realms may reside,” Fraction explains. “Everyone’s in it together now, and the cast and flavor of the book is all the more diverse and varied for it. 

  “With the people of the Nine Realms only just familiarizing themselves with the new rule of the All-Mother, Asgardia is tangible proof that their new leaders can put their mythological money where their mouths are,” says Sankovitch. “Having a rebuilt Asgard is a powerful symbol to the world that the All-Mother are a force to be reckoned with and one that looks out for its own.”

One of my favorite moments of Fear Itself was Tony – Earth’s ultimate creative genius – in the Odin’s workshop. Now that Tony has built a city for Gods – makes you wonder what he might do next in the Marvel Universe? A high-tech surprise for AVX?

Avengers Post AVX

AVX Image by John Romita Jr courtesy

  After a week of AVX teaser images I found this quote from the Axel in Charge column on Comic Book Resources intriguing.

Marvel Editor in Chief Axel Alonso was asked about the future of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes as Brian Michael Bendis plots his departure and how AVX affects the exit strategy. How do you cap the writer’s huge era. 

  “All I can say is that there will be one. “AvX” did not derail Brian’s plans; he’s been down for this event since day one — which is why he, along with Jason Aaron, is one of the core plotters of the event. Brian will be wrapping up his Avengers run the way he wants to — we wouldn’t have it any other way. Who’ll follows him on “Avengers” and where he’ll land in the future is going to blow readers away.

Does this mean Aaron could assume the role? I’m betting on Matt Fraction.

  For the rest of this week’s Axel In Charge column here’s the link to Comic Book Resources.

Who Will Assemble the Avengers?

Avengers #500 cover courtesy

  Who will take over the Avengers franchise once Brian Michael Bendis moves on? A fan asked Marvel Editor in Chief Axel Alonso on today’s Axel-In-Charge on Comic Book Resources.

  “We have a plan…” Alonso responded, ” Let’s just say the Avengers franchise will be in excellent hands. As for Brian, if you’re a fan of his work, you won’t believe what he’s writing next for us. My lips are sealed.”


  Could Matt Fraction inherit the Avengers franchise? Fraction’s era on Uncanny X-Men was phenomenal and he’s been steering Iron Man and Thor’s solo books. Could his current Defenders run be leading up to a takeover of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.

Avengers Versus X-Men courtesy

  If Avengers Versus X-Men and the return of the Phoenix lead to the destruction and rebirth of the X-Men – could we see an Age of Bendis for the Marvel’s mutants?


In Defense of the Defenders 2

Defenders #1 courtesy

  Hookups, zero-g kung fu, and doing shots with a red-hot mama. Matt Fraction brings the action, humor and creepy twists in Defenders #1.

  Earlier this week I raised the question of why another reboot of the Defenders and a little back story of Marvel’s oddest team. I assumed Doctor Strange brings this odd mix of loner heroes together but I was wrong. I won’t spoil who is behind the team building.    

  Knowing their history (even though you don’t have to) and the new specific mission you quickly realize why these outsiders are perfect for the latest version of Marvel’s non-team.

  Fraction captures each character and blends them up in a fun mix. Terry Dodson’s art is bold with strong expressions that will convey the enthusiasm and fun Fraction is pouring into the story.


In Defense of The Defenders

Defenders #1 courtesy

  If at first you don’t succeed, relaunch with a hot creative team after a huge crossover event. Matt Fraction and Terry Dodson made mutant magic on Uncanny X-Men. Fraction’s Fear Itself epic unleashed supernatural forces on earth courtesy of The Serpent.

  Now Doctor Strange recruits a new team to face threats unleashed by the Asgardian God of Fear . Namor the Submariner, Red She Hulk, Iron Fist and Silver Surfer join the Doctor’s mission against mystical monsters threatening the planet.

  When you’ve got teams of Avengers and the X-Men plus the Fantastic Four, why does the world need The Defenders? I’ve always been puzzled why the “non-team” keeps getting reboots. 

  Fraction joins a fraternity of writers including Roy Thomas, David Anthony Kraft, Steve Gerber, Kurt Busiek, Keith Giffen and Joe Casey that have crafted the adventures of a team of outsider/lone wolf types.

  Doctor Strange, Hulk and Namor are the most iconic members that have appeared in most versions of the series. My favorites have always been Valkyrie and Hellcat. The steely noble warrior woman and the sexy crimefighter were odd couple that worked great together.

Defenders #63 courtesy

  My earliest memory of The Defenders is their most outrageous storylines. You could say Kraft’s Defender for a Day was ahead of its time. Long before reality shows took over television, this story showed how slick producers and wannabes could exploit and tarnish the most heroic ideas.

  In Defenders #62-#65 a promoter exposes the team to the world and announces a membership drive and videotapes the whole thing for a documentary. Some of the lamest back burner characters and villains invaded the Defenders home hoping to join the team. It was great fun with hilarious moments especially from the Hulk. The story is infamous now but as a little kid I loved seeing so many costumed characters all packed into one issue. And if Captain Ultra has a shot maybe I could be a Defender?

Does the world really need another variation of the Defenders? Maybe not. But with this creative team and membership it’s definitely worth finding out.

By Editor

Avengers Versus X-Men Event Highlights

Avengers Versus X-Men courtesy

The Phoenix is coming. Marvel’s biggest teams are going to war. The men behind the event of 2012 took fan questions and delivered details and teases sure to generate excitement.

Marvel presented the Avengers Versus X-Men writing team (Brian Michael Bendis, Ed Brubaker, Matt Fraction, Jason Aaron, Jonathan Hickman) along with X-Men Editor Nick Lowe and Avengers Editor Tom Brevoort. 

Here are some of the rapid fire highlights. My thoughts follow in italic:

“Wolverine and Storm have to redefine themselves in the Marvel Universe.” Bendis. This could be an opportunity to rethink their decisions after Schism which could be sever or mend their friendship with Cyclops.

“New armor for Iron Man with a specific foe in mind.” Fraction. Could this be a suit that can take a beating from the Juggernaut powered Colossus or a stab from Wolverine’s adamantium?

Thor gets up to come big time cosmic colossal shenanigans. Fraction. Now that Colossus is nearly God like thanks to Cytorrak, he could be a match for Thor.

“Cyclops is willing to make more sacrifices than Steve Rogers.” Brubaker.

“A new reader friendly take on the Phoenix.” Aaron.

X-Sanction starring Cable is a prelude and leads up to AVX. “Specific events Cable has come back in time to prevent are connected to AVX. It’s the opening shot of AVX.” Brevoort. Cable will do anything to protect his daughter Hope. This could be a clue that Hope is the target host for the Phoenix Force.

AVX #0 is in March. The Prelude is brand new material. Not a recap. Art by Frank Cho. Bendis.

Black Panther and Storm’s marriage. “Storm’s allegiance is very much split down the middle. Her choice will be heard very loudly. A big one for Storm.” Bendis. Storm is my all time favorite female hero. I have an ominous feeling Bendis could sacrifice her. There’s a reason she joined Avengers.

“Storm joining the Avengers was a separate decision” not predicated on AVX. Bendis

“The end of Avengers: Children’s Crusade will set up and calibrate how the X-Men, Avengers and the world feels about Scarlet Witch.” Yesterday I posted my thoughts on a Dark Phoenix Versus Scarlet Witch battle.

Professor X stayed out of Schism. “He can’t just stand on the sidelines.” Aaron. I immediately thought of the classic psi war between Charles and Jean in the Dark Phoenix saga. Can the greatest mutant mind – if Professor X still is – take on the Phoenix and win if needed? Charles has stayed out of Cyclops way but this conflict could lead to a showdown between the Professor and Scott.

How will SHIELD be involved?  “There’s an opportunity for a lot of players in Marvel universe to pick new allegiances” Bendis hinted there could be a “potential reinvention” of a law enforcement group like SHIELD.

Those are some of the highlights, more to come!


bin Laden Raid – The Comic Book?

"For God and Country" courtesy Comic Book Resources, published by GQ

  A comic book based on the operation to kill Osama bin Laden?

  GQ is publishing a comic in their December issue described as an “illustrated account” of the U.S. Navy Seal raid on the terrorist leader’s compound.

  One of my favorite writers, Matt Fraction worked with artist Nathan Fox and colorist Jeromy Fox to create “For God and Country.” 

“The original editorial directive was to tell the story from OBL’s perspective but, aside from not caring to get inside the man’s head, the more I researched that night, the more in awe I became of the DEVGRU/Seal operators who performed the raid — and the more I decided their story demanded telling, too,” Fraction writes in one annotation.

  Matt Fraction is best known for his work on Uncanny X-Men, Thor, Invincible Iron Man, Fear Itself, The Defenders for Marvel Comics and his creator owned title Casanova.

Thanks to Robot 6 for this story and this image.