Hope-Less In the Marvel NOW?


The final chapter of Avengers vs. X-Men is almost here and with it the final (?)fate of Hope Summers. Hopefully we will learn her true origin and connection with the Phoenix Force (and perhaps Jean Grey?)


Avengers vs. X-Men #12 courtesy Marvel

The Generation Hope series was so promising with an amazing cast of young characters but was a victim of poor sales and (in my opinion) not fitting in with two planned events. Idie has become a student at the Jean Grey School. The other kids stayed on Utopia and Hope became the source of AvX conflict but what will happen to Hope.


Hope and Storm at Emerald City Comicon 2012 photo by ComicsBlend.com

Hope is a strong young female character. I don’t think we have enough of them in comics today. I always say a new character is making an impact when you see an inspired cosplay fan. (Pixie Cloud of the Great Northwest!) In fact, I saw rival Hopes at Jet City Comic Show this weekend!

photo by ComicsBlend.com

It feels like Hope’s story is coming to an end and she will be sacrificed to save the Earth (and Scott.) Layla (“I know stuff”) Miller was a critical character in House of M and went on be part of Peter David’s X-Factor. As much as I would hate to see Hope go it feels like she should and wrap up story threads born in Messiah Complex.

Avengers vs X-Men #4 courtesy Marvel

Hope triggered the Five Lights which included some new female mutants. Maybe Hope’s final act in AvX will save the mutant race and give birth to more strong characters. The final fate of Hope is in the hands (as they reach for their wallets) of the fans so maybe Hope is alive in the Marvel Now!

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Fantastic Four #1 First Look Inside!

courtey Marvel

  Matt Fraction and Mark Bagley take Marvel’s First Family into the Marvel NOW. Reed, Susan, Ben, Johnny and the kids take a cosmic vacation across space and time.

  Marvel.com shared 4 images by Bagley from Fantastic Four #1.

Fantastic Four #1 courtesy Marvel

The first image looks like a new interpretation of the iconic moment when the four were first bombarded with cosmic rays. Ben Grimm is in human form but the kids are in the picture so…

Fantastic Four #1 courtesy Marvel

This must be a dream as we see Franklin wake up from a nightmare. A sign of things to come?

Fantastic Four #1 courtesy Marvel

The final shots show the family in what looks like prehistoric times complete with a dinosaur….always welcome in an adventure in time and space!

Fantastic Four #1 courtesy Marvel

Fantastic Four #1 by Fraction and Bagley arrives this November.

By Editor

Hugh Jackman as The Wolverine! First Official Photo

Hugh Jackman as The Wolverine courtesy Marvel and 20th Century Fox

  Hugh Jackman has the acting muscle and definitely packed on the physical muscle to once again play the fan favorite X-Man!

  Agent M of Marvel.com shared via Twitter the first official photo of Hugh Jackman as Logan in The Wolverine. Based on the classic story by Chris Claremont and Frank Miller, the upcoming film will share Logan’s adventures in Japan in which he fights the Silver Samurai, Ninjas and the Yakuza. Logan will fall in love with Lady Mariko – the true love of his life.

  The Wolverine is filming in Australia and will claw into theaters in 2013.

By Editor

Avengers vs X-Men Finale Preview!

Avengers vs. X-Men #12 courtesy Marvel

  Cyclops has become the most powerful force on Earth…possibly the universe. Avengers and X-Men are in mourning. Tony Stark has pushed every scientific mind to find a way to fight the Phoenix Force and come up empty.

  It all comes down to Scarlet Witch and Hope. These were the only heroes able to do some damage to the entity. The Phoenix was almost afraid of Wanda.

Avengers vs. X-Men #12 courtesy Marvel

  Jason Aaron and Adam Kubert are the creative team on the final showdown. I wanted to share Comic Book Resource’s first look inside Avengers vs. X-Men #12.

  The heroes look defeated. Hope and Scarlet Witch have their own issues to work out before taking on the Dark Phoenix Cyclops. Wanda will survive to join Uncanny Avengers. Scott will be part of All-New X-Men. Is this Hope’s fate?

courtesy Marvel

AvX #12 comes out Oct 3rd.

By Editor

Captain America for President?

  America is divided. There’s a fight for power. Voters have a choice. Sound familiar? In this bitterly divided United States voters choose a war hero to lead them…a SUPER war hero!










  America in the Ultimate Comics Universe (published by Marvel Comics) has been brutalized by super villain terrorist attacks, occupation by giant Sentinel robots. The nation has been split into independent feuding states. The Ultimate Comics United States was divided and fell.


Ultimate Comics Ultimates #16 courtesy Marvel

  One man will unite the country – President Captain America?

  In this week’s Ultimate Comics Ultimates #15 voters will elect Captain America to become President of the United States. Can the super soldier unite the broken nation and lead it into better days?

  How did the creators come up with this major status quo change? Writer Sam Humphries tells Marvel.com.


Ultimate Comics Ultimates #16 courtesy Marvel

  “Jonathan Hickman, my predecessor, very generously gave me all his notes for the title. There was a line in there about making Cap the president. It was an intimidating idea to pitch to Marvel, especially on my first big book. But the more I talked about it with editorial, the more we all became convinced it was the right story to do.”

  Humphries explains how this game-changing story will play out.

 “Cap is a soldier, not a politician. He’s not trying to make a career change. He’s answering the call of the people. They want him to do a job—unite America—and he’s going to do anything he can to do it.”


Ultimate Comics Ultimates #16 courtesy Marvel

  What kind of President will Steve Rogers be?

 “This isn’t the first time Cap has answered the call of an America in crisis. He’s not going to let the presidency change who he is; he’s going to do the job he was elected to do.”

  This is the same comic book line that killed most of the X-Men and Fantastic Four, has the U.S. defeated by its foreign enemies and inspired the alien warrior seen in The Avengers movie. Humphries explains why this election could only happen in this universe.

  “In the Ultimate Comics Universe we do stories with iconic characters you can’t find anywhere else—in the Marvel Universe, the movies, video games, anywhere. President Cap fits that definition by shaking up Steve Roger’s status quo in a radical fashion, and hopefully getting to know him in new ways.”

  For more of Humphries interview here’s the Marvel.com link.

  In the Marvel Comics Universe Captain America is still leader of The Avengers and not entering politics.

  Humphries (Higher Earth, Fanboys vs. Zombies) is launching a brand new Uncanny X-Force in January, 2013.

By Editor





Amazing Spider-Man Welcomes Back a Legend


Amazing Spider-Man #700 courtesy Marvel

  Dan Slott is been taking Peter Parker to new heights as the latest in the long line of creators keeping Spider-Man swinging. Marvel revealed a legendary creator will be back for a milestone issue and 3 covers for huge event. J.M. DeMatteis will write a story for Amazing Spider-Man #700 out this December.

 “I think it’s because Peter Parker is the most psychologically real character in any super-hero universe—and I almost hesitate to use the word character,” he explains of his affinity for Spidey. “I believe in Peter. I identify with him. His trials and tribulations reflect my own and that’s allowed me to pour so much of myself into Peter when I’ve written him. A kind of mind-meld happens and we become one person,” reveals DeMatteis.

 “I think the readers react similarly; there’s something about Peter that resonates with them, that feels true. He is, first and foremost, the everyman of super heroes. He’s one of us. That’s why I’m always happy to revisit the character:  it’s like getting a chance to hang out with one of my oldest and dearest friends.”


Amazing Spider-Man #700 courtesy Marvel

  The legendary creator gives a hint of what his story will be.

 “What I will say is that I wanted to do a story that was special and unlike any Spider-Man story I’d done before.  One that was a suitable for this big anniversary celebration. I think my story, “Spider Dreams,” fits the bill. It’s a stand-alone story that—well, if I say anything more about it, I’ll spoil the surprise, so I’ll shut my big mouth now.”

  I wonder if Spider Dreams is inspired by one of my favorite Spidey stories you could call nightmarish! Kraven’s Last Hunt by DeMatteis and Mike Zeck is just one of the classic storylines by this incredible writer.

Amazing Spider-Man #700 courtesy Marvel

By Editor



New Writer for Winter Soldier

Winter Soldier #15 courtesy Marvel

  My favorite new book of 2012 will get a new writer in 2013. At the AvX panel at Fan Expo Canada Marvel announced that Jason Latour will take over Winter Soldier.

  Ed Brubaker brought Bucky Barnes back as the brainwashed assassin and set him on a path of redemption during his acclaimed Captain America run that continued with the Winter Soldier series.

 Comic Book Resources talked with the writer turned artist (his creator owned title Loose Ends and Untold Tales of the Punisher MAX) about taking over.

  “I was surprised to get the chance, simply because I didn’t think this character would ever be in play. Brubaker’s work on this character has been great. He’s really built such a strong and compelling foundation– that when the possibility was introduced my mind went off like a nuclear test site.

  As for how it came about — I’d drawn a few stories for my editor, Lauren Sankovitch, in the past and I’d made it clear I was interested in writing for hire, too. Fortunately she seemed to like my creator-owned work and when the time came to cast the book she asked me if I would be interested.”

  Brubaker has several issues left. Latour takes over with January’s issue #15 with Bucky in a dark place.

“A darkness has washed over The Dude — Like I said, it’s the pain that sticks. He’s done some awful things — things that he’d like to believe were independent of his control.  But when Cap fixed his mind with the Cosmic Cube, it’s telling that he used the phrase “Remember who you are.” That didn’t just return him to “Gee wilikers, Cap, I sure like pinball” Bucky — it kept intact a lot of memories he’d rather have seen erased.

Recently his past has come home to roost — and each time he found himself asking what his role in creating the situation was. It’s made him feel very powerless. People he loves keep getting thrown into harm’s way, and he’s trying to look in the mirror and see how much of it is his old habits. Who he works for is just where he starts.”

Latour says he’ll create a new villain.

“Two people who were once caught in the Winter Soldier’s swath. Our big antagonist is a new take on Bucky’s rogues’ gallery in the sense that she’s the first indirect casualty of his actions. She’s got plans much larger than revenge, but their personal connection is going to make things very complicated for Bucky.”

By Editor


Thanks to Comic Book Resources.

Captain America Goes “Sci-Fi Indiana Jones”


Captain America #1 courtesy Marvel

  Marvel’s ultimate boy scout in the hands of the writer known for chronicling the bad boys and gals of Marvel. Rick Remender (Punisher, Venom, Uncanny X-Force, Secret Avengers) is launching a brand new Captain America #1 this November with legendary John Romita Jr. Remender is following Ed Brubaker’s acclaimed and extensive run. The writer tells Marvel.com his own history with the Sentinel of Liberty.

  “SECRET WARS is what brought me into comic books. That was my first contact with Cap. That led me into his ongoing series, around #294-295 when The Red Skull and his daughters were hatching their big plot against Steve. That was great stuff; a lot of interesting stuff to get pulled into. There was plenty of history there and how they were handling the Red Skull and Captain America relationship—I remember being very grabbed by that. A few issues later Captain Britain showed up and that’s when I started falling in love with that character, too.”

  What does Cap stand for?

  “Tenacity. The character, in my head, was always about [that at] his core. He never gives up, he never quits. He’s a role model. That’s a term that comes a little bit clichéd and trite I suppose, but that’s sort of the beauty of who he is. He’s a patriotic soldier directed by a personal ethical compass, belief in the American dream and faith in his fellow man. At the same time we’ve seen that he’s very clever and roguish, quick with the drill comment on occasion, but he’s also a leader at the core of it. That was something that I definitely wanted to dig into when I took on the new series and we will be quite a bit.”

 Expect a change in tone with Remender. While Ed Brubaker focused on SHIELD and spies, Remender will turn up the sci-fi factor.

  “It’s almost like “Kirby Sci-Fi Indiana Jones.” High adventure dipped in sci-fi spy fantasy with heavy focus on the man under the suit. Steve’s fabric and his relationships drive our story and the action is the byproduct. Tonally it’s very serious. You want to make sure the characters go up against things that feel like real threats and [put] them into interesting situations. It’s a lot less of the connection with S.H.I.E.L.D. and the spy work and more big high adventure super hero stuff with sci-fi that I tend to lean into. It’s obviously a big challenge following a beloved run like Ed’s. I guess that’s what was also appealing because it was a challenge; it wasn’t safe. You’re working with new people.”

Uncanny Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

 Remender is also writing the flagship Marvel NOW! relaunch book Uncanny Avengers and says expect a crossover.

 “There will be a lot of new characters cross pollinating [between the two books]. The first 10 issues of each are going to be their own thing—you want to get that train out of the station and really solidify what the books are about and what’s going on in them. Then we’ll start to see characters from one pop up in the other and a little more cross pollination. I spent some time on the phone with Jason Aaron about how to incorporate some of his new THOR: GOD OF THUNDER ideas in UNCANNY AVENGERS as well, and I want to do the same with Jonathan Hickman and I know Kieron Gillen and I will talk, too. We’ll try and do our very best to make it cohesive and not like it’s a bold new direction where everyone is doing their own thing. We want it to feel like a bold new direction where everyone is doing their own thing and swapping toys out, trying to build something that feels cohesive because that’s such an important part of the shared universe experience.”

Remender tells IFanboy that part of the sci-fi focus will be bringing back Arnim Zola and sending Cap to Dimension Z?

  “One of the mandates I have to myself is, I don’t want to touch the World War II stuff. I think that that has been done, now, and it’s been done perfectly. To go back and to keep focusing on Cap in World War II at this point, again, would be following too closely to what Ed has already done.  What I’m doing is spending a lot of time in the Lower East Side of Manhattan in the 20s and 30s, showing Steve grow up. The first arc is 10 issues, and it’s called “Dimension Z.”

  I don’t want to give away too much, but a big portion of it is Cap dealing with Arnim Zola in Dimension Z. I’m trying to take Zola and do with him, what we did with Apocalypse over in Uncanny X-Force. Where we take what’s there, re-imagine it, build a new mythology and really expand Zola, and try and build Zola into a very, very big and important character.

  The other half of it is going to be a lot of flashbacks to a young Steve Rogers growing up in Depression-era Lower East Side, and getting to know his family and his friends, and how this 98-pound weakling became such a tenacious, strong person; focus on the fiber and the integrity of who he is, and really develop that for the first time.”

  Op/Ed: Brubaker’s run is beloved. The Winter Soldier is what got me buying Cap again. The writer taking on Cap probably has the biggest challenge in the Marvel NOW! relaunch. Remender is one of the most ambitious and fearless writers out there (Hello –Dark Angel Saga) so I’m excited to see where he’ll take Steve.

 For the entire interview here’s the Marvel.com link.

By Editor