ANGELA by Joe Quesada

courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel

Big changes are coming to the Marvel Universe in the aftermath of Age of Ultron! The biggest surprise is the Marvel debut of a classic character from the Image mythos. Now we see her!

Marvel unveiled the new look of Angela by Chief Creative Officer Joe Quesada. Created by Neil Gaiman and Todd McFarlane of Spawn, this warrior angel makes her Marvel debut in Age of Ultron #10 this June. Quesada is among the all-star roster of artists contributing to the AoU finale.

“Angela is going to make her mark rather quickly. She’s going to hit the ground running and cut a large swath through the Marvel Universe, both literally and metaphorically,” explained Joe Quesada, Chief Creative Officer, Marvel Entertainment. “We have huge plans for her, and the mystery of Continue reading ANGELA by Joe Quesada

Skrulls & New Alien Villains of INFINITY!

New Avengers #9 courtesy Marvel
New Avengers #9 courtesy Marvel

Thanos is the big threat Earth’s Mightiest Heroes will battle in the upcoming event: Infinity. The Mad God of Titan has a fearsome team of enforcers! In Marvel’s preview for Avengers #18 we saw that the Skrulls are back! Have the Avengers formed an alliance with the alien shapeshifters to stop Thanos? It was just a few years ago the heroes and warriors battle for Earth in Secret Invasion!

Marvel shared a preview of New Avengers #9 by Mike Deodato, also featuring the Skrulls! And we get a look at Jerome Opena’s designs for brand new characters that will be the enforcers of Thanos in the upcoming epic: Continue reading Skrulls & New Alien Villains of INFINITY!

Avengers #11 Review

Avengers #11 courtesy Marvel
Avengers #11 courtesy Marvel

Avengers #11 was a thrilling, fun side trip on Jonathan Hickman’s cosmic odyssey! You don’t have to have read the earlier issues and enjoy this espionage filled chapter that puts Black Widow, Captain Marvel, Spider-Woman, Sunspot and Cannonball on the front burner of a undercover mission that would impress James Bond.

A.I.M. scientists are taking the alien viruses from the previous arcs and turning them into bioweapons for highest bidder. Natasha, Carol, Jessica, Roberto and Sam assemble in Macao to execute a Mission Impossible operation against A.I.M. agents. Hickman is known for his big epic scope but here he shows he’s equally powerful at writing comedy mixed with the thrills.

The real star of this issue is Continue reading Avengers #11 Review

Iron Man’s Role in Avengers & Infinity

Avengers #7 courtesy Marvel
Avengers #7 courtesy Marvel

Iron Man 3 is taking over the world and Tony Stark is playing a critical role in Marvel’s next big comic book epic! Tony stars in Avengers and New Avengers as Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and the Illuminati fight to protect our world from alternative worlds obliterating ours. Both team books are building up to Infinity in which the Marvel Universe battles Thanos.

Writer Jonathan Hickman explains why Tony’s role in the three books with Comic Book Resources:

“I think Tony Stark is a futurist and a pragmatist, a builder and Continue reading Iron Man’s Role in Avengers & Infinity

IRON MAN Is Marvel’s James Bond?

courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel

As Iron Man 3 dominates the global box-office fans wonder if Robert Downey Jr will return as Tony Stark in Avengers 2 or a possible Iron Man 4. The acclaimed actor recently talked about his future after the latest film in GQ.

Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige compares Stark to James Bond and speculates on Downey’s future as the Armored Avenger in a Huffington Post story:

  “Well, look, I don’t think Robert will be playing this character for another 30 years, and I certainly hope the character stays in movies for the next 30 years — just like James Bond. I would say before George Lazenby and Roger Moore, Sean Connery was James Bond. It will take a while to fill any shoes, whether it’s filmmaker shoes or writer shoes or certainly actor shoes. I think Tony Stark Continue reading IRON MAN Is Marvel’s James Bond?

Spider-Man, Superior No More?

Superior Spider-Man #9 courtesy Marvel
Superior Spider-Man #9 courtesy Marvel

This could be the week True Believers!

Who will be the one true Spider-Man? This week Superior Spider-Man #9 teases “Superior No More”

Does this mean Doctor Octopus will pay for what he’s done to Peter Parker? Can Pete reclaim his body, identity and life from one of his greatest enemies?

Superior Spider-Man #9 courtesy Marvel
Superior Spider-Man #9 courtesy Marvel

After the shocking events of Continue reading Spider-Man, Superior No More?

Spider-Man 2009 Meets Superior!

SpiderMan 2099  Get ready for a blast from the future past! Spider-Man 2099 (Miguel O’Hara) enters the Marvel Now in Superior Spider-Man #17 this September Marvel revealed at C2E2 in Chicago this past weekend.

In the 1990’s Marvel launched an entire line of comics starring reimagined heroes (Ghost Rider, X-Men, Doom, Punisher) set in the future.

  Spider-Man 2099 was created by Peter David and Rick Leonardi. Miguel was a brilliant scientist attempting to recreate the powers of the original Spidey in others. An accident caused O’Hara’s DNA to be rewritten with spider genetic code. This reimagined hero of Marvel’s future was the first Latino Spider-Man.

“It’s Spider-Man of the future!” Dan Slott tells, “How can you not love Miguel?  He’s awesome. I, like everybody in the 1990’s, was reading the 2099 books, and  SPIDER-MAN 2099 and GHOST RIDER 2099 were my favorites. For some time, I’ve  wanted to do Continue reading Spider-Man 2009 Meets Superior!

X-Men Anniversary, Killable Wolverine, Mystery X-Woman!

X-Men Battle of the Atom courtesy Marvel
X-Men Battle of the Atom courtesy Marvel

The X-Men 50th Anniversary event revealed: X-Men: Battle of the Atom introduces mutants from the future designed by Arthur Adams. Will Paul Cornell make Wolverine: Killable? A news packed Marvel X-Men panel at C2E2 in Chicago kicked off with more news about the dead X-Men and Avengers coming back in Uncanny Avengers.

X   The Apocalypse Twins will use the death seeds to resurrect The Sentry, Daken, Banshee and Grim Reaper as the Horsemen of Death. Rick Remender teased a big Thor vs. Sentry battle, Wolverine vs. Daken, Rogue vs. Grim Reaper and Havok vs. Banshee.

X   Red Skull (now with Xavier’s brain) will turn up in X-Men Legacy (now starring Legion, the Professor’s son.)

X  Wolverine and the X-Men #29 will be set 50 years in the future. Ramon Perez is leaving the book as artist.

X   Brian Wood teased there’s one more member of his all-female team that will be introduced in the final page of X-Men #1.

X  X-Men: Battle of the Atom will be the X-Men 50th Anniversary event in which X-Men from the future (Molly Hayes, Kate Bishop, Deadpool, Continue reading X-Men Anniversary, Killable Wolverine, Mystery X-Woman!