Avengers World #1 courtesy Marvel
Avengers World #1 courtesy Marvel

The Avengers comic book franchise expands again with a brand new series. Writer Nick Spencer joins Jonathan Hickman for Avengers World.


In Hickman’s first Avengers arc Steve Rogers and Tony Stark declared Earth to be an Avengers World. One year later there’s this new series of that name will show the global power and presence of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.


Avengers World #1 by Hickman, Nick Spencer and artist Stefano Caselli arrives this week. Here’s what fans can expect: Continue reading Welcome to AVENGERS WORLD


Black Widow #1 courtesy Marvel
Black Widow #1 courtesy Marvel


S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent.



Black Widow is a woman with many roles but her past life comes back to haunt her in a brand new series hitting comic book shelves this week.


Natasha Romanova goes on a globe-trotting James Bond style adventure in a brand new series by writer Nathan Edmondson and artist Phil Noto. Continue reading BLACK WIDOW Goes Solo

All-New Marvel Now Begins

All-New Marvel Now Point One: Avengers World courtesy Marvel
All-New Marvel Now Point One: Avengers World courtesy Marvel

Preview time is over! This week you can have the All-New Marvel Now in your hands. New books, new heroes, new creative teams and a whole lot of new number ones starting with All-New Marvel Now Point One.


This all-star, jam-packed issue of stories shows you a first look at some of the all-new titles with new lead-in stories for LOKI: AGENT OF ASGARD, SILVER SURFER, BLACK WIDOW, MS. MARVEL, ALL-NEW INVADERS and AVENGERS WORLD.

Continue reading All-New Marvel Now Begins

The Comics Before Christmas

Avengers #24 courtesy Marvel
Avengers #24 courtesy Marvel

Hope you’re having a great holiday week. Due to Christmas it’s a slower, divided week but we do have 3 big releases out tomorrow so instead of our usual top 5 here are the comics before Christmas:


Origin II #1 An untold tale of Wolverine’s past! The sequel to the groundbreaking Origin takes place a decade after James goes into the wild. Kieron Gillen and Adam Kubert reveal what happens when the man Continue reading The Comics Before Christmas

BLACK WIDOW Solo Preview

Black Widow #2 courtesy Marvel
Black Widow #2 courtesy Marvel

One of my most anticipated All-New Marvel Now books is Black Widow by writer Nathan Edmonson and artist Phil Noto.


The new series explores the dark past of the fan-favorite Avenger and super spy. I want to share part of Edmondson’s new Marvel.com interview giving insight on the Natasha’s new solo series.


“About all I can tell you is that the shadows in her past are dark and deep and they are reaching out for her. We will learn some things about them eventually, but keep in mind she’s a master spy: her secrets stay in the dark. When the book opens, though, we’ll be plenty busy with her present and all the action that entails,” Edmondson teases. Continue reading BLACK WIDOW Solo Preview

All-New Marvel Now Preview

All-New Marvel Now Point One: Avengers World courtesy Marvel
All-New Marvel Now Point One: Avengers World courtesy Marvel

All-New Marvel Now means new books, new heroes, new creative teams and a whole lot of new number ones!


The All-New Marvel Now Point One (following in the Marvel Now Point One tradition) is an all-star, jam-packed issue of stories showing you a first look at the all-new titles.



Continue reading All-New Marvel Now Preview

SHE-HULK Gets Her Own Series

She-Hulk #1 courtesy Marvel
She-Hulk #1 courtesy Marvel

She-Hulk is getting her own ongoing series. She’s been an Avenger, Defender, Fantastic Four member and has a busy law practice…and love life. Jennifer Walters stars in a new book by Charles Soule and Javier Pulido Marvel revealed in USA Today.


“She-Hulk has always been a title where weird, cool things can happen,” Soule said in the story. “She is a strong — very strong — female character, and comics absolutely cannot have too many of those.

“There’s no reason Jennifer Walters can’t be iconic, and we’re going to do what we can to make that happen.” Continue reading SHE-HULK Gets Her Own Series

Who’s All-New Marvel Now Next

All-New Invaders #1 courtesy Marvel
All-New Invaders #1 courtesy Marvel

The All-New Marvel Now is on the way. World War II heroes The Invaders will reunite against a modern-day enemy in a new series by James Robinson and Steve Pugh. Inhuman by Matt Fraction and Joe Maduriera will star classic and new Inhumans in a world vastly changed after a major event involving the Kree-created race. All-New Avengers #24.NOW by Jonathan Hickman and Esad Ribic starts a new arc, Rogue Planet, in the wake of Infinity.


Who’s next? Which characters and concepts should get a chance to shine in the All-New Marvel Now? Black Widow and Silver Surfer have been named as possible heroes getting a new series in the upcoming recharge.


Here are our top picks for the All-New Marvel Now treatment: Continue reading Who’s All-New Marvel Now Next