CAPTAIN AMERICA CIVIL WAR The Past Is Prologue Trailer

Chris Evans and Robert Downey Jr. in Captain America: Civil War courtesy Marvel
Chris Evans and Robert Downey Jr. in Captain America: Civil War courtesy Marvel

Marvel revealed a new trailer for Captain America: Civil War showing how it’s biggest heroes (Chris Evans as Steve Rogers, Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark) evolved over the previous films.

The Past of Prologue includes footage from earlier movies combined with the upcoming showdown between Captain America and Iron Man. The latest trailer shows fans why the two heroes have been friends but have never really been on the same page.

When the world government crack down on superheroes, the differences between Steve and Tony quickly grow into a huge divide and eventually war.

Watch and enjoy the road to Civil War: Continue reading CAPTAIN AMERICA CIVIL WAR The Past Is Prologue Trailer


Civil War #1 courtesy Marvel
Civil War #1 courtesy Marvel

 Captain America: Civil War will be Avengers 2.5+ as heroes choose sides in an epic battle that disassembles Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.

The government cracks down on costumed crime fighters. The Superhero Registration Act is passed. Heroes are ordered to reveal their identities, register and work for the government. Tony Stark sides with the government. Steve Rogers leads the opposition.

Who will follow Iron Man? Who will side with Captain America?

Here’s our breakdown: Continue reading MARVEL CIVIL WAR CHOOSING SIDES

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