We try to keep things positive here but with the announcement of X-Men: Worst X-Man Ever we couldn’t resist to look back at some of the maybe not to popular mutants who made the team…even for a brief membership.
The new X-book by Max Bemis and Michael Walsh will star a new mutant. We don’t know his powers or back story or why he deserves this ominous title but it does make one think: Who are the worst X-Men?
Let’s face it, after decades and dozens of characters, it’s hard for writers and artists to create a new mutant that will take off. We’ve often said, for every Gambit and Rogue….there’s a Maggott and Marrow.
Yet there’s a fan who may love these odd (even for mutants) heroes and want them back.
For your consideration, here are candidates for Worst X-Man ever: Continue reading WORST X-MEN EVER?