RUFFALO On Possible HULK Movie

Mark Ruffalo in Avengers: Age of Ultron courtesy Marvel
Mark Ruffalo in Avengers: Age of Ultron courtesy Marvel

Avengers: Age of Ultron conquered the world. Earth’s Mightiest Heroes faced the wrath of the evil A.I. but had to survive each other first as Scarlet Witch turned hero against hero including an epic battle between the Hulk and Iron Man in his Hulkbuster Armor aka “Veronica.”

While fans of the Green Goliath may be yearning for a solo spinoff movie there are no official plans. What does Ruffalo say about Hulk’s place in the team and the future? Continue reading RUFFALO On Possible HULK Movie


Hulk in Avengers: Age of Ultron courtesy Marvel
Hulk in Avengers: Age of Ultron courtesy Marvel

It sure looks like a superhero version of Beauty and the Beast is a storyline in Avengers: Age of Ultron.

In Marvel’s The Avengers Black Widow was tasked with bringing in “the big guy.” Scarlett Johansson and Mark Ruffalo has instant chemistry and from the trailer we’ll see more in the sequel.

Joss Whedon will reveal more of Black Widow’s past in the Red Room program that turned her into a killer but will she find comfort in Bruce Banner? Continue reading MARK RUFFALO on HULK & BLACK WIDOW in AGE OF ULTRON


All-New X-Men #31 courtesy Marvel
All-New X-Men #31 courtesy Marvel

The man who plays the Hulk is weighing on the outing of an X-Man.

It was just a week ago (not counting the leak a few days prior) that young Bobby Drake came out (or was he outed) in All-New X-Men #44 by Brian Michael Bendis.

Young Jean Grey read Iceman’s mind and confronted him on his sexist comments about female teammates saying he was overcompensation because he’s gay. Bobby and Jean eventually bonded and he did confess to her but wondered why his old self isn’t gay – or is he?

While readers, religious leaders and GLBT activists have sounded off on the story development actor Mark Ruffalo of Avengers: Age of Ultron has made his support clear. Continue reading MARK RUFFALO On X-MAN COMING OUT


courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel

The character posters for Avengers: Age of Ultron are smashing into the fanbase.

Mark Ruffalo revealed this Hulk poster for Marvel’s super sequel via Twitter.

Ruffalo reprises his role as Dr. Bruce Banner but will HULK up in a battle with Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr) in his HULKBUSTER Iron Man Armor.

But the big enemy is the evil A.I. and his legion of robot warriors.

Avengers: Age of Ultron opens May 1.

By Editor



Marvel's The Avengers courtesy Marvel
Marvel’s The Avengers courtesy Marvel

Hulk fans can expect more of the Green Goliath when Earth’s Mightiest Heroes Re-Assemble for the big screen.


Mark Ruffalo (The Normal Heart) is teasing the that the Hulk will get more screen time in Avengers: Age of Ultron.


“[My role’s] even bigger than last time, and it’s more complex and it has more layers and a bit more arc,” Ruffalo tells Total Film. Continue reading MARK RUFFALO On BIGGER HULK Role In AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON


Marvel's Avengers The Hulk courtesy Marvel Studios
Marvel’s Avengers The Hulk courtesy Marvel Studios

Mark Ruffalo joins Scarlett Johansson in praising the script for Avengers: Age of Ultron. The actor who plays Bruce Banner says to expect a darker story and more Hulk moments.


“I would say that it’s better, it’s cooler, it’s more awesomer,” he tells MTV News. “It’s a little bit darker, but also really has Joss Whedon’s incredibly, witty and sly sense of humor.” Continue reading Mark Ruffalo On AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON Story

Hulk Smash! Mark Ruffalo Gets 6 Picture Deal?

Marvel's Avengers The Hulk courtesy Marvel Studios

  When the Hulk leaps into action to save Iron Man in the Avengers trailer – the screams from the crowd huddled around my computer were filled with joy! The Hulk must really be awesome in Earth’s Mightiest Movie because Mark Ruffalo revealed he’s signed a 6 picture deal with Marvel Films to Collider.

  (Ruffalo also reveals there’s a deleted scene with the great Harry Dean Stanton.)

  So Avengers 2 is a given but how about a Hulk solo movie? What comic book story would you want to see on the big screen?

  I love Peter David’s run on The Incredible Hulk. I especially enjoyed when the merged Hulk – Banner’s mind in control of the monster body – was allied with a group of heroes called the Pantheon. This organization answered to no government and their missions often brought them into conflict with other heroes. I could see a great Pantheon-SHIELD conflict orchestrated by The Leader, a scientist mutated by gamma radiation in a very different way. While the members of the Pantheon took names inspired by Greek mythology, their leader Agamemnon, was half-Asgardian. See the Thor cameo?


Planet Hulk image courtesy

 Greg Pak’s Planet Hulk would be an out of this world – literally – adventure for the Green Goliath. It’s already an animated movie.   The Illumanati (Tony Stark, Reed Richard, Doctor Strange, Professor X, Namor) decide the rampaging Hulk has done enough damage and blast him off to an uninhabited planet to live in peace. The thing about programmed spaceships with a Hulk on board – they can go off course. The Hulk goes through a wormhole and lands on a barbaric world, is forced to become a gladiator, becomes a hero and leads a revolution against the planet’s cruel leader. In the sequel World War Hulk, the Hulk and his Warbound (allies from the arena) come back to Earth to lay down some serious vengeance on the Illumanati. Hulk doesn’t realize until later that he fathered a son on Sakaar until Skaar arrives on Earth ready to resolve his daddy issues with some serious fighting!

By Editor

Joss Whedon on Hulk in Avengers

Marvel's Avengers The Hulk courtesy Marvel Studios

  Will the third time be the charm for the big screen version of Marvel’s Green Goliath in The Avengers? Director Joss Whedon talked with SFX magazine about what he need to get right to make the Hulk work.

  “So much. A Bruce Banner who’s not obsessed with his own problems. A Hulk who not only feels flesh and blood, but is clearly an extension of Banner himself and not just a CGI thing that roars. A Hulk who feels dangerous, who might actually hurt someone we care about, who belongs in a classic horror film. And much more. He’s the hardest character by far, and ended up being the most fun.”

  Whedon revealed what Mark Ruffalo brings to the team as the new Bruce Banner.

  “Mark is such a delightful mensch it’s stupid. His Banner is a bunch of contradictions: graceful and awkward, meek and confident, erudite and working class, funny and sad. And contradictions are what the Banner/Hulk dynamic are all about. Also, Mark kinda looks like the Hulk. So we got to build our Hulk from him.”

The entire interview is in SFX #220 out today.

This Geek’s Opinion: Based on the awesome trailer I still wonder if Banner is on control of the Hulk since he’s working with the Avengers. I’m hoping we see Betty – at least in a cameo.