Top 5 New Comic Book Picks For March 5, 2014

Forever Evil #6 courtesy DC Comics
Forever Evil #6 courtesy DC Comics

Forever Evil #6 DC Comics, DON’T KILL NIGHTWING! Batman and Lex Luthor’s strange alliance of rogues takes the fight to the Crime Syndicate while a hero’s life is in the balance! It’s the penultimate issue by Geoff Johns and David Finch that promises the “final fate of Nightwing.”

Also this week: Forever Evil: Arkham War #6 is Bane vs. Scarecrow’s army for control of Gotham City by Peter Tomasi.



Magneto #1 The Master of Magnetism is doing things his way! Young mutants are under attack. S.H.I.E.L.D. has their own Sentinels. Erik has severed ties with Cyclops, refused Mystique’s alliance offer and gone solo in his fight to save mutantkind. Continue reading Top 5 New Comic Book Picks For March 5, 2014

Fantastic Four and X-Men Movie Mashup

X-Men vs. Fantastic Four #5 courtesy Marvel
X-Men vs. Fantastic Four #5 courtesy Marvel

Watch for possible X-Men in the Fantastic Four reboot!


Fox’s Marvel Movie Creative Consultant Mark Millar said we could expect the members of Marvel’s First Family and the Children of the Atom appear together in future films.


“Without question I think you have to see some of these guys showing up in each other’s movies. I think the most exciting thing in superhero movies, until The Avengers came along, was when Nick Fury showed up in Iron Man. Continue reading Fantastic Four and X-Men Movie Mashup

Mashup Mastermind on FANTASTIC FOUR Script

courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel

The mind behind the mashups Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter is getting a shot at Marvel’s First Family. Author and screenwriter Seth Grahame-Smith is polishing up the script for the Fantastic Four reboot for Fox according to The Hollywood Reporter Heat Vision. Josh Trank (Chronicle) is directing. Mark Miller recently revealed Matthew Vaughn (director of X-Men: First Class, Kick-Ass) has been brought on board as a producer.

The story says the script will have a “grounded superhero and sci-fi approach and tap deep into the comics mythology” and possibly include Continue reading Mashup Mastermind on FANTASTIC FOUR Script

Matthew Vaughn Producing FANTASTIC FOUR Reboot

Fantastic Four #236 Courtesy
Fantastic Four #236 Courtesy

Matthew Vaughn is moving from the Children of the Atom to Marvel’s First Family as producer of the Fantastic Four reboot!

Fox’s Marvel Movie Mastermind Mark Millar shared the news via Twitter that the director of X-Men: First Class will produce the FF reboot to be directed by Josh Trank (Chronicle.)

Fox hold the film rights to Marvel’s X-Men and Fantastic Four franchises. Millar was hired as the Creative Consultant to the properties. Vaughn is producing X-Men: Days of Future Past.

Here’s my theory:

I think the seeds of the FF reboot will be Continue reading Matthew Vaughn Producing FANTASTIC FOUR Reboot

Mark Millar: Challenges of X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST

Uncanny X-Men #141 courtesy

The comic book writer who launched Ultimate X-Men and The Ultimates (which influenced The Avengers movie) is now the Creative Consultant for the Marvel movie franchises controlled by Fox.

I wanted to share part of Mark Millar’s interview with SciFiNow about the upcoming X-Men: Days of Future Past. Bryan Singer returns to the X-Men franchise to direct the film based on the classic storyline set in the past and a dark future. Turning that beloved X-Men story into a film is ambitious.

“I know how it’s done, so I’m not worried. I’ve been in all these meetings and talked about it at length with everyone, and everything I hear sounds incredibly mainstream. It’s no more difficult than The Terminator, or whatever, there’s one element of time jump in it, but other than that it’s absolutely fine.”

One of the biggest challenges in turning comic book teams into big screen teams is screen time for fan favorite characters and deciding who to cut. Millar compared what he faced writing Ultimate X-Men with the development of the X-Men movies.

“I remember when I was writing Ultimate X-Men and people were saying ‘I want to see Gambit, I want to see Rogue, I want to see…’ Everybody has a list, and at first you think ‘I’m going to please everyone’ and then you realise you’re pleasing no-one by just throwing in ten second cameos, you know.

I think that was the major problem with that first Wolverine movie and X-Men 3. Bryan Singer did such an incredible job with that original movie – it’s quite like Star Wars in that there’s Episodes IV, V and VI, and we’ve got the Matthew Vaughn prequels, and I love that – I love the fact that it simplifies so well. X-Men in the Nineties was so convoluted in comic-book terms, and Bryan drove a knife through it and make it work and simplified the whole thing.

I’d like to have that same approach and if we are bringing in a character then it shouldn’t just be for a trailer or to get a picture up online, get people excited, it should actually have a point in the story.

The trick with that is to try and keep the cast relatively small so that you actually care about them.”

For the entire interview here’s the ScifFiNow link.

Bryan Singer has revealed Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen and Hugh Jackman will reprise their roles. Kitty Pryde is critical to the original story but no word on it Kitty (played by Ellen Page in X3) will be in the film.

If you missed it – here’s my X-geek wish list for the next movie!

By Editor



Hugh Jackman as The Wolverine courtesy Marvel and 20th Century Fox

  The success of Iron Man paved the way for other Avengers solo films (Thor, Captain America) and the shared universe that became the box-office smash Marvel’s The Avengers for Marvel/Disney.

  Fox controls the cinematic rights to Marvel’s X-Men and Fantastic Four. Fox Creative Consultant calls Hugh Jackman’s next Wolverine the beginning of a shared universe among the Fox franchises. 

  “I felt like Iron Man was really the beginning of something for the Marvel Studios movies, and ‘The Wolverine’ will be a similar starting point to build a lot off of for the Fox movies,” Millar told Comic Book Resources.

   That idea will roll into X-Men: Days of Future Past  when it starts production in April. There was a recent change in roles behind the scenes for the upcoming film. Original X-Men director Bryan Singer will now direct and X-Men: First Class director/Millar friend Matthew Vaughn will produce.

  “Bryan’s worked as a producer even on the X-Men movies that he didn’t direct — he was a producer on ‘First Class.’ So when Matthew decided he wasn’t going to do the sequel, they just switched places with Matthew producing and Bryan coming on to direct. That’s got nothing to do with me, but I’m delighted that Bryan and I will get to work together over the next few years. I’ve been working with Josh Trank on ‘Fantastic Four,’ and I have a lot of ideas of other places we can go with the characters Fox has the rights to.”

  A big question for me: Will Hugh Jackman appear in Days of Future Past? The story is partly set in a dark future in which an older Logan leads the surviving X-Men (Storm, Kate Pryde, Colossus, Magneto, the daughter of Scott and Jean, the son of Fantastic Four’s Reed and Sue against the Sentinels.)

By Editor