WALK FOR WISHES Super Hero Style

Walk For Wishes 2013 photo by ComicsBlend.com
Walk For Wishes 2013 photo by ComicsBlend.com

Because of heroic kids Make-A-Wish of Washington and Alaska chose a superhero theme for this year’s Walk For Wishes.


Families and friends (and some doggies) came out dressed as their favorite comic book heroes braving the stormy Seattle elements to celebrate the money raised and to walk for the kids.


Thor must have been watching because after a heavy rainstorm and thunder the bad weather calmed down quickly. Continue reading WALK FOR WISHES Super Hero Style

Walk For Wishes Comic Book Style

The Walk For Wishes for Make-A-Wish 2013 is superhero themed in Seattle! A SUPER choice given the amazing comic book fans, cosplayers and creators based on the Emerald City.


Team ComicsBlend will be walking to raise money and capturing all the cosplay fun!


After exploring my collection of superhero t-shirts as inspiration I’ve narrowed it down to two t-shirts for inspiration.


I love both but should I go with a DC or Marvel look? (The one I don’t use will be the inspiration for Halloween)


What look do you think I should sport for Walk for Wishes?



Or maybe I can change looks mid-walk?


The big walk is this Sunday at Marymoor Park and watch for pictures on Monday!


Thanks for your support of Make-A-Wish Walk for Wishes!


By Editor

Why Walk for Wishes

Walk_for_WishesYou don’t have to wear a cape to be a superhero…but it sure is fun!


That’s why there’s a superhero theme for the 2013 Walk For Wishes 5K Walk and Fun Run in Seattle.


The theme isn’t the only reason why Team ComicsBlend is raising awareness and money for this great organization. I was inspired in part by Electron Boy. Erik Martin lived out a super hero dream thanks to the Seattle Sounders and Make-A-Wish donations by people like you.


Electron Boy inspired the world with his courage and spirit. Here’s his story:

There’s still time to show your support. You can make an online donation or just sharing this story or wishing us good luck would be most appreciated.

Better yet – why not suit up and join this walk or one near you.

Thanks for your support.

By Editor


The Walk for Wishes of Washington and Alaska is at Marymoor Park on September 15th so grab your cape and come walk to support these kids and their families.


Thanks for your support.




12 Year Old “Secret Agent” Stops Super Villain

Colby confronts Rex Velvet! courtesy KOMONEWS.COM

Rex Velvet is the self-proclaimed Seattle super villain! Imagine the child with DNA from Lex Luthor, The Riddler and Norman Osborn with Harley Quinn as his mad mommy and you have Rex. The media savvy villain has been outdone by a kid!


A 12-year-old has foiled Rex’s latest scheme. Velvet “kidnapped” the Seattle Seahawk mascot but Colby the secret agent cracked the case and has his fantasy fulfilled thanks to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Molly Shen of KOMO 4 News has the story.

You can help Wish families take flights, join KOMO 4 on Thursday, Aug. 2 for our annual Make Wishes Soar: KOMO 4 Wishes in Flight Mileage Drive. You’ll be able to donate your air miles to the Make-A-Wish Foundation.


Thanks to KOMONEWS.COM for Cody’s story!


By Editor