AVX Doctor Strange Makes Magik Vanish!

X-Infernus courtesy Marvel.com

  The Avengers and X-Men go to war in April over the return of the Phoenix Force. Marvel has revealed stunning AVX teaser images of potential fights. We’ve seen matchups based on strength, fighting ability, and mutant powers but what about magic?

  I know it may seem unfair to have an older man fight a young woman but since we’ve already seen the Emma Frost versus Hulk teaser, I’m going there. I want Doctor Strange to make Magik vanish…for good!

  I envision a scene inspired by Uncanny X-Men #136 in which Professor Xavier psionically threw down with Dark Phoenix. The psi battle lasted a few panels but the way John Byrne illustrated Chris Claremont’s vision for the showdown was epic.

Magik courtesy Marvel.com

  The Magik I loved from the early New Mutants and the reborn little snowflake who died from the Legacy Virus is long gone.  Magik (after so many reboots) is a member of the Extinction Team in Uncanny X-Men and serves as the teleporter. Given her own dark nature and demonic connections it’s only a matter of time before Illyana will become the Darkchilde again.

  Illyana is nearly as dangerous as the host of the Phoenix force. If you’re going to eliminate the threat of the Phoenix, you should excise the evil potential inside Magik.

Defenders #1 courtesy Marvel.com

  Doctor Strange lost his mojo and is guilt ridden from events in New Avengers but he’s getting it back in the new Defenders book. Many of Marvel’s cosmic entities consider Strange to be on their level in terms of his power.

  Doctor Strange versus Magik would be a mystic battle for the ages but maybe their combined power could tame the Phoenix?

Here’s the Magik Marvel bio if you’d like to learn more. To learn more about Dr. Strange here’s his Marvel bio.

Uncanny X-Men Writer: Sinister, Cyclops and AvX

Uncanny X-Men #5 cover courtesy Marvel.com

  Kieron Gillen has resurrected old villains on the new Uncanny X-Men title featuring Cyclops and his Utopia based Extinction Team.

  In a new interview by Comic Book Resources featuring fan questions – the British writer tackled classic villains and upcoming events.

  Why did Gillen kick off the relaunched title with Mister Sinister?

   “I wanted a classic heavyweight X-Men villain and Sinister was simply the only one with the appropriate level of gravitas who wasn’t already elsewhere in play. Magneto is with the team. Apocalypse is busy over in “X-Force.” Sabretooth was already involved in plans you’ll be aware of now (and would be annihilated in a millisecond if he went up against the Extinction team, to be honest). Who else but Sinister? No one, that’s who. So I tried to work how I could do something that was entirely new yet true to what I sawa as the core of the character (mutants as research material, Victoriana, scheming and manipulating, upgrading of self, sinister-ness), and ended up with Sinister is a System — Sinister is a species and someone whose idea of an escape route is to blow off his own head.”

  On Cyclops becoming the Magneto of the 21st century?

“I think his current position is that he’s willing to pretend to be more like Magneto to get what he wants — which is no one to fight and kill each other. It’s a specific tactic for a specific situation for a specific timeframe. From Cyclops’ position, it’s a case of keeping mutants alive until Hope does whatever Messiah-y things she’s born to do — if embracing the fact they are feared is a short-term compromise he thinks is the best solution. Cyclops is synthesizing various philosophies. There may be more Magneto in there than previous, but it’s not the dominant strand by any means.”

  This is an excellent question: Would Cyclops recruit Daken to replace Wolverine?

 “It’s certainly something that could happen — but I don’t think Scott would trust Daken. He’s got a lot of reformed villains on his team, but he’s more convinced by their reasons for being there than the ever-sociopathically manipulative Daken.”

Uncanny X-Men preview art courtesy Marvel.com

   Gillen says Storm and Namor will play big roles in the Avengers Versus X-Men tie-in issues and Magic “comes under hard focus in my AvX issues.”

  For the entire interview click here.

 Uncanny X-Men #5 is out today featuring a new threat to the mutants: Tabula Rasa.