All-New X-Men #18 courtesy
All-New X-Men #18 courtesy

The milestone Uncanny X-Men #600 marks the end of an era by Brian Michael Bendis. This week the fan favorite writer’s final issue wraps up his run on Uncanny X-Men and All-New X-Men.

From Cyclops and his Revolution vs. S.H.I.E.L.D. to Battle of the Atom to The Black Vortex we saw plenty of action and intrigue with classic and new enemies.

What about the surprising team bonding, romantic twists and personal moments that show why the X-Men are a family….dysfunctional but a family.

Here are some of our favorite moments of the Bendis X-Men run: Continue reading X-MEN BEST OF BENDIS

NEW MUTANTS Movie Update

New Mutants #15 courtesy Marvel
New Mutants #15 courtesy Marvel

Writer/director Josh Boone (The Fault In Our Stars) says the first script for X-Men spinoff New Mutants is complete.

Boone shared the update via Twitter including X-Men producer Simon Kinberg and co-writer Knate Gwaltney.

The New Mutants were a younger generation of Xavier students including the little sister of Colossus who would become known as Magik.

In comics New Mutants evolved into X-Force, a pro-active squad taking the fight to enemies of mutants. But the original New Mutants have often reunited. Magik is now on the main X-team while Sunspot and Cannonball are Avengers. Continue reading NEW MUTANTS Movie Update


Uncanny X-Men #9 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny X-Men #9 courtesy Marvel

Why should Storm and Jean Grey have all the screen time?

After seeing Psylocke, Mohawk Storm, young Jean and Jubilee in X-Men: Apocalypse preview photos and Negasonic Teenage Warhead in Deadpool, we organized our top X-Women we want to see in a X-Men movie, spinoff film or possible television series. After our first five, here are our top five:

(Again, we narrowed it down to actual members of the X-Men roster even though there are extraordinary New Mutants, X-Factor investigators and students who haven’t declared a team yet.)

Here we go with our five most wanted: Continue reading X-MEN LADIES IN WAITING: FIVE MOST WANTED

NEW MUTANTS Movie Update

New Mutants #21 courtesy Marvel
New Mutants #21 courtesy Marvel

Among the recent excitement for the Deadpool trailer and X-Men: Apocalypse previews, X-Fans may have forgotten there’s a New Mutants movie in the works.

Director and co-writer Josh Boone (The Fault in Our Stars) gave fans a big reminder via Instagram showing his progress on the script.

“#X-Men #NewMutants not done yet but we have a lot of pages”

Boone is co-writing with Knate Gwaltney. Simon Kinberg and Lauren Shuler-Donner are producing the potential spinoff. No official date has been set yet. Continue reading NEW MUTANTS Movie Update


Uncanny X-Men #4 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny X-Men #4 courtesy Marvel

I confess.

I did NOT like Illyana Rasputin.

Magik has one of the most complicated origin stories in comics. She went from little girl to teen demon sorceress in an instant then a child again, then died, then resurrected with an evil persona. A confusing back story paired with just plain vicious treatment of fellow mutants made her unlikeable.

There’s cold and cool like Emma Frost and then there’s just cruel like Illyana’s treatment of her big brother Colossus.

Cyclops, Emma, Magneto and Magik were the central cast of Uncanny X-Men by Brian Michael Bendis. The broken powers of each character led to vulnerability for each powerhouse – that made them more compelling than ever.

As we experience the final chapters of the Bendis run it’s time to look back and give credit where it’s due. Continue reading Making MAGIK in X-MEN by BENDIS


Inferno #1 courtesy Marvel
Inferno #1 courtesy Marvel

With Secret Wars anything is possible.

Even a demon infested New York City.

After taking on Sentinels, Brotherhoods of Evil Mutants, The Brood and hate-mongering crusaders the X-Men faced pure evil in the form of a demonic invasion in Inferno.

It’s mutants vs. demons all over again as Secret Wars gives us a new Battleworld made of slices of Marvel history. Inferno takes us into this satanic Warzone by Dennis Hopeless (Avengers Arena, Spider-Woman) and Javier Garron (Cyclops.)

The story centers on the twisted Rasputin brother and sister. Illyana/Magik was raised in Limbo and her demons literally came back to haunt her. This time Colossus will rise up and lead the crusade against the invaders. Continue reading X-MEN INFERNO FIRES UP AGAIN


Inferno #1 courtesy Marvel
Inferno #1 courtesy Marvel

The X-Men have fought Sentinels, Brotherhoods of Evil Mutants, Brood and hate-mongering crusaders but the Children of the Atom face pure evil way back in Inferno.

It was mutants vs. demons with the souls of their friends at stake as a satanic army took over Manhattan.

The match is lit again.

Marvel announced Inferno, a Secret Wars Warzones a new tie-in series by Dennis Hopeless (Avengers Arena, Spider-Woman) and Javier Garron (Cyclops.) Continue reading Return of X-MEN INFERNO