courtesy Disney and Lucasfilm
courtesy Disney and Lucasfilm

The journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens is nearly complete.

This week saw the arrival of the third and final trailer for the next chapter in the saga that introduces new heroes and villains with old friends.

It started with “An Awakening” then “Chewie, We’re Home” and now “The Force is Calling to You” and in just months fans will go warp speed.

Here are all three teaser trailers back to back to watch again.

Enjoy: Continue reading STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS Trailer Trilogy

STAR WARS New Artist, New Arc, Big Cliffhanger

Star Wars #8 courtesy Marvel
Star Wars #8 courtesy Marvel

It’s a big week for Star Wars readers this week after a jaw-dropping cliffhanger.

After discovering Obi-Wan Kenobi’s secret journals and a flashback issue to the Jedi Master’s early days on Tattoine, Luke Skywalker is going to Coruscant in his search for answers.

 Star Wars #8 marks the beginning of a new arc and new artist on Marvel’s series set after A New Hope.

Stuart Immonen (All-New X-Men, All-New Captain America) joins writer Jason Aaron with this week’s issue and more on the past of Han Solo catching up with him. Continue reading STAR WARS New Artist, New Arc, Big Cliffhanger

Top Comics Picks for April 22, 2015

The Black Vortex: Omega courtesy Marvel
The Black Vortex: Omega courtesy Marvel

The Black Vortex: Omega An entire planet is about to be devoured to create an Brood army that could infect the galaxy. The Guardians of the Galaxy and X-Men are pushed to their limits against Mister Knife and his cosmically empowered enforcers. With billions of lives on the line and some of their allies corrupted, who will submit to the temptation of power the Black Vortex offers. To save the universe, will a X-Man lose their humanity?

Convergence #3 The heroes from Crisis of Infinite Earths are back as Telos unleashes his wrath, an Earth 2 member falls, a Green Lantern goes in search of a time-lost hero for help. Continue reading Top Comics Picks for April 22, 2015


Star Wars #1 courtesy Marvel
Star Wars #1 courtesy Marvel

The Force is strong in comic book stores this week!

A long time ago with a publisher that’s very different from what it is now…there were Star Wars comics.

Decades later, Marvel is owned by Disney, Lucasfilm is owned by Disney.

Star Wars Marvel comics are here. The homecoming and three new comic books were announced at San Diego Comic Con last year.

Star Wars #1 by Jason Aaron (Wolverine and the X-Men) and John Cassaday (Astonishing X-Men) arrives this week. The book will be set after the destruction of the first Death Star. As you can see from Cassaday’s preview art – the beloved trio of Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa and Han Solo are fighting Imperial forces. Continue reading MARVEL STAR WARS #1

Top 5 Comic Books for October 2, 2013

All-New X-Men #17 courtesy Marvel
All-New X-Men #17 courtesy Marvel

All-New X-Men #17 Battle of the Atom rages on but Magik takes a time out…literally. If Illyana, young Hank and Bobby are meeting the real future X-Men then who are those mutants in our present? What did young Jean Grey see from her future self to make her surrender?


Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time #9 The Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler star in the latest chapter in the year long mystery of the kidnapped companions! Is Rose the next target? The Time Lord’s mystery villain reveals itself.


Forever Evil #2  The Justice League Continue reading Top 5 Comic Books for October 2, 2013


The Star Wars #1 courtesy Dark Horse Comics
The Star Wars #1 courtesy Dark Horse Comics

The Star Wars before Star Wars!


Dark Horse Comics expands it’s Star Wars comic book universe this with an adaptation of George Lucas’s original, pre-edits screenplay for Star Wars in an eight part series called The Star Wars kicking off this week.


Three years before the classic 1977 film, George Lucas put down on paper his first story set in a galaxy far, far away. A story of Jedi Annikin Starkiller and General Luke Skywalker, an alien named Han Solo, and evil Sith Knights. The screenplay was titled The Star Wars! Continue reading THE STAR WARS

The Star Wars

Star Wars #1 courtesy Dark Horse Comics
Star Wars #1 courtesy Dark Horse Comics

Dark Horse Comics will expand it’s Star Wars comic book universe with an adaptation of George Lucas’s original, pre-edits screenplay for Star Wars in an eight part series called The Star Wars.

Dark Horse shares that three years before the classic 1977 film, George Lucas put down on paper his first story set in a galaxy far, far away. A story of Jedi Annikin Starkiller Continue reading The Star Wars