Thor & Kid Loki Burn


Journey Into Mystery #642 courtesy Marvel

  Asgard Inferno! Matt Fraction and Kieron Gillen are torching Thor and Kid Loki’s realm with Everything Burns. This crossover marks the final chapters of Fraction on The Mighty Thor and Gillen on Journey Into Mystery with the Aesir/Vanir War. Fraction tells how this war surpasses the previous war – one of the darkest moments of Asgard history.


Journey Into Mystery #642

  “Well, historically, it’s a big chunk of the Norse cycle that’s just been lost. The Marvel-Norse myth, however, has no duty to its source and has been pretty freely rewritten over the years. One of the biggest missing components to the Marvel-Norse stuff is, quite frankly, the women; for whatever reasons, whereas women are extraordinarily vital and important in the original cycles, they’ve been kind of shunted off to the sides over here. Of course there are exceptions, and important ones at that, but these merely prove the rule rather than right the wrong.

The Mighty Thor #19 courtesy Marvel

  Anyway I started wondering if I could tie the two together: the legendary lost Aesir/Vanir War, and a boys vs. girls story that would explain the Marvel-Norse patriarchy. And so here we are. This new flare-up, pardon the pun, is a proxy war waged by Surtur; a war hidden inside a war, bigger and bloodier than anything. Even Ragnarok is simply a cycle’s end and rebirth—but this is the end of everything, the very extinguishing of light and life in the universe.”

The Mighty Thor #19 courtesy Marvel

  Fraction says the Odinson’s biggest fear is losing all because he was wrong about Loki and warns “Thor’s greatest fear cripples him at the worst possible time.”

  “Loki’s prime fear remains what it always was: that he’s exactly what everyone else thinks he is. He’s a destroyer, a chaos-bringer,” adds Gillen. 

  The legendary Alan Davis and Carmine Di Giandomenico provided the art on this crossover ending the Fraction and Gillen runs on the Asgard icons. For more of their interview here’s the link.

  Fraction is moving on to Fantastic Four and FF. Gillen is taking on Iron Man. Jason Aaron unleashes Thor: God of Thunder in November. Kathryn Immonen makes Sif the new star of Journey Into Mystery.

By Editor

New Mutants Fight The Future

  The New Mutants and Kid Loki (in Journey Into Mystery)are currently magically mixed up in the Exiled crossover. Writers Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning will follow up with Fear the Future guest starring Doctor Strange and the Defenders in issue #44.

“Something’s up, and the Defenders intend to defend against it, like they do,” previews Abnett. “The New Mutants are right at the heart of it all. There are some pretty big surprises and reveals coming along.

“The Defenders are all serious and grown up; there’s some amusement to be had when they all hang out in the New Mutants’ house.

New Mutants #47 courtesy

Fear will be followed by Fight the Future. revealed these covers for  New Mutants #47 and #48 by John Tyler Christopher coming in August.

New Mutants #48 courtesy

  The writing duo confirm Cannonball, Karma and Blink will be making appearances in the upcoming story. Looking the cover – it looks like the Hellions are back (looking all techno zombie resurrected like they did in the Necrosha event!) For more of the Abnett and Lanning interview here’s the link.

Here’s an earlier post talking about the possibility of a New Mutants movie, my hope some of the characters appear in the next X-Men: First Class film and The Hunger Games star who’d be perfect for one of the kids. 

By Editor

“Avengers” Billion Dollar Damage


Marvel's The Avengers courtesy Marvel

  The Avengers vs the Chitauri & Loki (if it really happened) would cost New York City $160 billion. This price tag is based on a report by Kinetic Analysis Corp – a leading disaster-cost prediction and assessment firms. The story is a Hollywood Reporter exclusive.


WWH Aftersmash Damage Control #2 interior art courtesy

  It would time to call in Damage Control. This Marvel series is about a company that cleans up after super hero vs villain battles. The series debuted following the Acts of Vengeance crossover. With an office in Manhattan and warehouse in New Jersey – their clean up teams are ready to mop up after massive throwdowns. Damage Control has done contract work to repair the Avengers mansion, Four Freedoms Plaza (formerly the Baxter building, home of the Fantastic Four) and Stark Enterprises. The company’s last big job was cleaning up New York City after the events of World War Hulk.

  Crews wear uniforms bearing the company’s bulldog emblem. I doubt we’ll see a Damage Control movie but maybe they could have a cameo in the next Avengersmovie? Or maybe the company’s mascot – see below.

WWH Aftersmash Damage Control #2 courtesy

By Editor


Who Fights Black Widow in The Avengers Movie?

Marvel's The Avengers courtesy Marvel

  Scarlett Johansson is smoking at Black Widow in Marvel’s The Avengers. The actress apparently took a beating while making the flick. On the red carpet before the world premiere Johansson revealed talked about her stunt work and almost revealed a spoiler to MTV News.

“The stunt sequence that I’ve been the most proud of is probably my fight with…” Johansson stops. “Actually, I don’t know if I can say!”

She looks at someone off camera and asks, “Can I say? I don’t know if I can.”

When MTV News asked her if it’s Loki (Tom Hiddleston), Johansson replied, “No,” and her eyes became playfully shifty as she continued, “All I can say is that I had to fight someone else in this film, and they beat the crap out of me in stunt rehearsals. I have to say I could not believe it.”

This Geek’s Opinion: Wouldn’t it be a cool sequence if Loki -being the trickster that he is – turns Black Widow and Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) or Maria Hill (Cobie Smulders) against each other?


New Avengers TV Spot Reveals Loki’s Army

Marvel's The Avengers courtesy

  Tony Stark breaks it down for Loki is a new tv spot for Marvel’s The Avengers. Tony’s ‘head count’ is a clever summary of his team mixed with action packed scenes and closer looks at Loki’s army.

Spinoff Online makes a great theory that these minions could be the Disir, exile Valkyries from Asgard.

Tom Hiddleston on The Avengers

Tom Hiddleston as Loki & Chris Hemsworth as Thor in Thor courtesy Marvel

  I’m ready to see Tom Hiddleston ooze evil as Loki when he reprises his Thor role in The Avengers. The star won Best Newcomer at the Empire Awards and spoke about Earth’s Mightiest Heroes in one big movie.

“‘Avengers‘ is the first of its kind because it’s a film about not one superhero, but seven or eight, all of whom are beloved already because of their first outings,” Hiddleston told Red Carpet News. “I’ve seen it once and it was a very rough cut, but it’s absolutely thrilling. It grips you on the edge of your seat from the get-go. It takes itself extremely seriously one moment and doesn’t take itself seriously at all in the next moment. It has a huge sense of humor but also real heart and action. It’s more fun than should be allowed.”

Thanks to Comic Reel.

What Joss Cut From The Avengers Movie

Marvel's The Avengers courtesy

  The Avengers director Joss Whedon says his original cut of the film was 3 hours which he trimmed down to a 2 hours and 15 minutes. What got cut out?

  “There’s a lot of me that got cut out, but I think part of the process in a situation like this is you make the movie, you make your movie, then you remove yourself out of the equation. At some point you stop looking beyond The Avengers movie at your own stuff, you don’t look at that horizon you look at this movie and you go, ‘You know what, The Avengers are more important than I am so these things that I’m obsessed with aren’t necessarily moving the story forward, and therefore they are baggage.’ You can do that in a TV show, you can bring your baggage and sort of lay it out because you have a season to do it, but in a movie you actually have to remove yourself from the equation a bit and when I was finally able to do that, I saw a much clearer road to how to get the best experience for the audience.”

  And again Whedon denies the appearance of two Marvel’s most infamous alien empires as Loki’s army.

  “I will say only this: It is not the Kree or the Skrulls… Those two aliens are Marvel mainstays and have enormous backstories. They have a big life of their own that just could not be contained in a film where I already had seven movie stars… The Skrulls — they can shape change. That’s a whole thing. I’ve already got Loki. He’s got magic. Once you got magic along with your Iron Man and your Black Widow — it’s a real juggling act.”

  For more of his interview here’s the Collider link.

  This Geek’s Opinion: No Kree. No Skrulls. Shiar are more X-Men territory. Maybe Loki has somehow given tech to the Frost Giants? Maybe the Badoon?

Avengers HULK POSE!

Marvel's Avengers The Hulk courtesy Marvel Studios

  “We’ve got a Hulk!”

  The Green Goliath is ready for action in this new photo courtesy Screen Rant. Mark Ruffalo plays Dr. David Banner. In the comic book origin Loki manipulates the Hulk into a rampage which unites the Avengers. All the clues from the trailers make it appear the Hulk is not an enemy but ally of the heroes. Has SHIELD found a way to tame or control the gamma powered powerhouse or could Joss Whedon have been inspired by the Peter David 90’s run when he merged Banner and the Hulk so you had Banner’s intelligence and the Hulk’s body?

We find out May 5th.