Forever Evil #1 courtesy DC Comics
Forever Evil #1 courtesy DC Comics

The bad guys win!


In the aftermath of Trinity War, the villains take over DC Comics this September.


Not only do the rogues steal the spotlight in stand-alone stories in all the September titles but are featured in a brand new series.


DC Comics shares a first look inside Forever Evil #1 by Geoff Johns and David Finch. The fan favorite artist hints at Lex Luthor’s role in the event. Continue reading FOREVER EVIL #1 Preview

MAN OF STEEL Sequel Dreams

Man of Steel courtesy Warner Brothers photo by Clay Enos
Man of Steel courtesy Warner Brothers photo by Clay Enos

  Man of Steel will have a sequel. Zach Snyder and David Goyer pulled off the challenge of reinventing Superman. With the guidance of Christopher Nolan and influence of The Dark Knight TrilogyMan of Steel was a more realistic, darker take on the iconic good guy.


Now let’s have a little more fun in Man of Steel 2! Here are 2 essential elements for the Super sequel: Continue reading MAN OF STEEL Sequel Dreams


Superman Unchained #1 courtesy DC Comics
Superman Unchained #1 courtesy DC Comics

Scott Snyder going back to Zero Year with Batman and launching the Man of Steel inot the future this week. Snyder and Jim Lee launching Superman Unchained this week.

Given Snyder’s track record with Batman and Swamp Thing how darker will this Superman book be? He’s what Snyder told Comic Book Resources:

“I really like stories where characters are challenged by their worst fears. Superman is facing someone new and it’s going to shake him. It’s not horror, and there’s humor between the characters, but it’s definitely about dealing with something that frightens him. This is basically the Superman story I would tell if I could only do one. It’s got the full cast and Lex Luthor, but also newpsychological elements that I don’t think people have really seen with Superman before.”

Snyder explains how mainstays Lex Continue reading SUPERMAN UNCHAINED Begins


Superman Unchained #1 courtesy DC Comics
Superman Unchained #1 courtesy DC Comics

Scott Snyder unleashed the Court of Owls then the Joker at Batman since The New 52 relaunch. Snyder is teaming up with Jim Lee to launch Superman Unchained. Given Snyder’s track record with Batman and Swamp Thing how darker will this Superman book be? He’s what Snyder told Comic Book Resources:

“I really like stories where characters are challenged by their worst fears. Superman is facing someone new and it’s going to shake him. It’s not horror, and there’s humor between the characters, but it’s definitely about dealing with something that frightens him. This is basically the Superman story I would tell if I could only do one. It’s got the full cast and Lex Luthor, but also new Continue reading New Threat in SUPERMAN UNCHAINED

Superman versus Jimmy Olsen!

Action Comics #19 courtesy DC Comics
Action Comics #19 courtesy DC Comics

What you assume…Clark Kent loves Lois Lane. Lois loves Superman. Clark and Jimmy Olsen are best friends…is very different in The New 52.

Action Comics #19 is out this week with a new creative team. (Writer Andy Diggle and artist Tony Daniel have already announced their departures from the book.) DC Comics shared a first look inside the new beginning for the Man of Steel and exploring the status quo of Clark’s complicated relationships.

The big shocker Continue reading Superman versus Jimmy Olsen!

Tony Daniel on Superman


Action Comics courtesy DC Comics
Action Comics courtesy DC Comics

Fans of creator Tony Daniel lined up at Emerald City Comicon 2013 for signatures and sketches from his recent work on Batman, Battle for the Cowl and Detective Comics but soon the artist will take on another DC Comics icon.

Daniel will join writer Andy Diggle for the adventures of Superman in Action Comics #19. DC shared a sneak peek of Daniel’s rendering of Superman, his allies and greatest enemy: Lex Luthor.

Daniel used a great mix of fan favorite rogues and brand new villains on his Detective Comics run. Daniel revealed Continue reading Tony Daniel on Superman

Like You Never Left SMALLVILLE

Smallville #1 courtesy DC Entertainment

  Get ready to crank “Somebody Save Me…”and feel like the show never ended!

 DC Comics The Source announced SMALLVILLE SEASON 11 by former Smallville show writer Bryan Q. Miller, the new digital first series will be published digitally on April 13, 2012, with new digital chapters released weekly thereafter.  The online chapters will be offered in a print periodical, along with an episode guide to the hit television series, with the first print issue released on May 16.

  The new comic book series continues where the show ended (with Clark officially now as Superman) and along with fan-favorites Oliver Queen/Green Arrow, Chloe Sullivan-Queen, Lois Lane, Lex Luthor, and General Lane.  The book features an all-star creative team – including print cover artist Gary Frank, digital cover artist Cat Staggs and interiors by Pere Perez.

  “Six months after Clark Kent donned the cape and took to the skies to save Earth from Apokolips… enter Season 11!” declares Miller.  “New allies abound!  New enemies afoot!  And old friends return where they’re least expected!  Pere and colorist Chris Beckett have done a fantastic job of capturing the look of the show and the players, and Gary and Cat are knocking it out of the park on covers. I couldn’t be more excited to help give seasoned viewers and new readers an all-access pass to Clark’s first year in the cape.”


Congratulations to patient Smallville fans! Enjoy1