The cosmic climax of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, mutation of the X-Men franchise, a Batman villain’s origin – 2019 will be an epic year of endings, new beginnings and minds blowing. New heroes opening doors and super sequels will hit cinemas this year.

courtesy Marvel

Let’s begin our guide to 2019 biggest movies with a comic book movie not based on an actual comic book: Continue reading COMIC BOOK MOVIES of 2019

AGENTS OF SHIELD Season 5 Shockers

AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. lost in space? That’s not even the biggest twist in the thrilling season five opener of the series.

The two-hour premiere felt like your favorite agents were caught up in a DOCTOR WHO episode in an ALIEN film with a twist of LOGAN’S RUN.

courtesy Marvel

The story picked up just before last season’s cliffhanger when Coulson and company were abducted from a diner as they celebrated a victory after a previous season of Ghost Rider, LMD’s and The Framework. Coulson was on a space station looking out at an asteroid belt. Continue reading AGENTS OF SHIELD Season 5 Shockers


courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel

Massive twists, Inhuman origins and KREE on Earth in a huge Agents of SHIELD episode.

We’re on the Fallen Agent final countdown. Who will die in the final episode? Daisy saw the future but in this week’s episode we go way back to discover the origin of Hive and learn his endgame.

Failed Experiments took us into the past and hinted as the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Before we continue here’s a SPOILER ALERT! Continue reading KREE, INHUMANS And HIVE’S Endgame On AGENTS OF SHIELD


courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. producers revealed the mystery alien seen earlier in the series is a Kree in this week’s episode.

(Lee Pace played the Kree villain Ronan the Accuser in Guardians of the Galaxy.)

It’s been a major story thread since the show began. The blood of his alien led to Phil Coulson’s resurrection and saved Skye.

From next week’s episode preview – Skye and villainess Raina could be radically transformed by the Kree. Continue reading KREE Revealed On AGENTS OF SHIELD! INHUMANS Next?

Will INHUMANS Evolve to Movies

Inhuman #3 courtesy Marvel
Inhuman #3 courtesy Marvel

Inhuman #3 hit comic book shops this week.


The first arc of writer Charles Soule and Joe Madureira comes to a conclusion as the Inhumans are front and center of the Marvel Universe.


Fan speculation about Marvel Studios film is at an all-time high after a recent post by Guardians of the Galaxy star Vin Diesel. Plus, the success of Guardians proved a lesser known Marvel team could still be stellar box office. Continue reading Will INHUMANS Evolve to Movies


Guardians of the Galaxy courtesy Marvel
Guardians of the Galaxy courtesy Marvel

Marvel bet big on a nearly unknown group of anti-heroes and won bigger.


Guardians of the Galaxy conquered planet Earth with rave reviews. The outer space based renegades deliver a blast of new energy and opportunity into the Marvel Cinematic Universe.


We knew we’d meet Star-Lord, Drax, Gamora, Groot and Rocket along with Ronan, Nebula, The Collector and the Nova Corps but writer/director James Gunn packed the films with big surprises that could lead the Marvel movies into even bolder directions.


Who should be on deck to join Guardians 2?


Here’s what we said then after seeing the first trailer but after this blast of adventure we must update our list of heroes and villains for Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and beyond. Continue reading GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY OF Sequels Updated

GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY Aliens For Your Consideration

Guardians of the Galaxy courtesy Marvel
Guardians of the Galaxy courtesy Marvel

Guardians of the Galaxy is about to blast the box-office and reveal the far reaches of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.


Guardians introduces Star-Lord, Rocket Raccoon, Drax the Destroyer, Gamora and Groot as the rogues turned rebel heroes against the evil of Thanos, Ronan, Nebula. The James Gunn directed film sets the stage for future cosmic conflict by introducing the Nova Corps including Rhomann Dey and The Collector of The Elders of The Universe.


What other aliens races could appear in future Guardians or Avengers sequel? These are the most enigmatic aliens this geek wants to see invade: Continue reading GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY Aliens For Your Consideration