Young Avengers: Superpowers, Romance and Breakfast?

Young Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

  An all-new Young Avengers will assemble in 2013. The Marvel Now revamp of the team will include some new members including Kid Loki. Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie talked with about their plans for Marvel’s young heroes.

  Allan Heinberg and Jim Cheung’s Young Avengers is highly acclaimed and loved (especially by yours truly.) Gillen revealed how this new team and title are different.

  “Any time I try to describe Young Avengers I sound like I’m having a full neurotic breakdown. I loved Allan Heinberg’s Young Avengers and would never try to duplicate it. That was a book about being 16, looking up to the Avengers like parents. This is a book about being 18 and entering the world on your own terms.”

  The Heinberg/Cheung team broke up after Avengers: The Children’s Crusade. The new kids are brought together by Loki (like the original Earth’s Mightiest Heroes) but with a wicked twist.

  “The other Avengers books are about big organizations. Young Avengers is about the ideal of Earth’s mightiest coming together.”

  “At the end of Children’s Crusade, the traditional Young Avengers agreed they shouldn’t be doing this anymore. The prime mover in getting everybody back together is Kid Loki. He’s recruiting Miss America and people to essentially kill Wiccan.”

  One of the new faces is Miss America from Joe Casey’s Vengeance series.

  “Miss America is very…violent. She’s been a super hero longer than anybody knows, and she’s not doing it to be famous. The question of what she knows about Wiccan is the big mystery of the book.”


Young Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

  The earlier volumes were recognized by GLAAD for their portrayal of young gay heroes Wiccan and Hulking. The troubled teens in love will be part of the new team. 

  “Wiccan and Hulkling are the core romantic couple of Young Avengers. Wiccan is phenomenally powerful in ways people don’t understand. He makes a mistake early on and that drives the book. It’s almost a Hank Pym plot in how he creates all his own problems.”

  “Hulkling is creeping out at night to do super hero stuff. He figures he has a talent and should be using it.”

  “I love drawing Wiccan and Hulkling, their emotional interactions as well as the punching,” added Jamie McKelvie.

  Kate Bishop was attracted to Patriot Gillen has recruited the fiery former Marvel Boy to be on the team and her potential love interest.

  “Kate Bishop starts the book off to one side with Noh Varr. They’re a B-plot to the first part. Noh Varr has been kicked out of both the Kree and the Avengers, but he’s back on Earth, because nobody ever told James Dean what to do. He’s a hipster alien.” 

  Gillen stresses this book is not just about teen romance.

  “I’m trying to create a book that covers anything connected to youth in the Marvel Universe. I have ideas of a larger infrastructure down the line. I don’t want to over promise though. It’s a book with a focus that can move. You’ll see with issue #6.”

  “I knew how the book felt before I knew what the story was. I saw Marvel Boy and Hawkeye waking up. The first night with a strange new boy. She pulls the curtain and they’re in orbit. It’s a perfect metaphor. You take teenage emotions and transform them into the hyper real.”

Young Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

  Gillen wrote about Kid Loki’s search for identity in Journey Into Mystery and will continue exploring that them in this book.

  “The question of ‘who can I become?’ remains key to Loki and to the book. Not quite in the same way it was in Journey Into Mystery, but still there.”

  Wiccan is on the team but what about his brother: Speed?

  “Hopefully. There’s a reason he’s not there to begin. I didn’t want to overload the cast and not just have somebody there to have them there. I like them Speed. I plan to come back to him around issue #6. Where he is gets covered briefly in the first issue.”

  Like most teens the young heroes will have a hangout – a diner. 

  “Super powers is the most important thing in Young Avengers. The second most important thing is breakfast.” 


Young Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

  The Young Avengers often clashed with their elders in the previous volumes. Will the kids meet the adults in the new series?

  “The Avengers are in issue #2 briefly. It’s hard to explain without giving away the plot…where the Young Avengers are going, they can’t be helped. I don’t want to say much more than that. Parents and growing up are key to the book.”

 For the entire liveblog here’s the link.

Young Avengers #1 arrives January 23, 2013.

By Editor

IRON MAN #5 Preview

Iron Man #5 courtesy Marvel

New creative team. New mission. New armor. Marvel shared art from Iron Man #5 coming this January from Kieron Gillen and Greg Land.

A deadly nanotech superweapon is in the hands of terrorists. Tony Stark’s global pursuit of Extremis takes him into outer space.


Iron Man #5 courtesy Marvel

Gillen and Land debut a brand new suit of armor for Tony as he braves the cold of space to stop the final Extremis target.

How will Tony’s crusade affect his devoted supporting cast? The Marvel preview teases that Tony will betray an old friend – Pepper?

Iron Man #5 courtesy Marvel

Gillen and Land’s new Iron Man series is great for old fans and new ones plus gives you a hint of what to expect in Iron Man 3.

By Editor



Iron Man the God Killer

Iron Man #6 courtesy Marvel

God Killer. Now that sounds intense!

Tony Stark rockets into outer space in the second arc of Iron Man in February. Kieron Gillen talked about Iron Man’s team up with Guardians of the Galaxy, Star Trek fantasies, and Tony paying for his actions in AvX and more on

“Tony Stark is in space. Issues #1-6 are why he leaves. This is the story between Tony leaving Earth and hooking up with the Guardians of the Galaxy,” Gillen explains.

Cyclops went to prison but I believe Iron Man is in part to blame for the destruction caused by the Phoenix Five. It was Tony’s invention that deflected the Phoenix from Hope and into Scott, Emma, Colossus, Magik and Namor.

“What Tony did to the Phoenix during AvX catches up with him,” Gillen explains, “Tony is having a crisis of his beliefs. Fans know it’s because of AvX. Newcomers may be lost. We catch up here.”

Space adventures are a big part of the Marvel Now with a brand new Guardians of the Galaxy series and movie on the way. The ultimate futurist will be part of the new space age.

“Tony is living his James T. Kirk fantasies. That’s how I put it, that’s how he puts it. He thinks he’s in a space opera, then it all turns badly,” Gillen teases, “Not only does Tony try to live out his Kirk and Han Solo fantasies, he’s keenly aware he is doing so. He wants to make out with a green lady. There’s a lot of space bar flirting in issue #6. Maybe he gets his Kirk moment, maybe it goes awesomely wrong.”

The Armored Avenger may meet the Guardians but don’t expect his fellow Mightiest Heroes around.

“You know how the Hawkeye book is about Hawkeye when he’s not in the Avengers? Iron Man is about Iron Man when he’s not with the Guardians of the Galaxy. It’s a question of what space means in the Marvel Universe. Brian Bendis and I are on the same page.”

“We are in space with Tony, so we do not find out what is going on back on Earth with the supporting cast. People have been asking me a lot about why the supporting cast was not in issue #1, and it’s because I knew he was going into space. We’ll see them when he comes back to Earth. However…there is a connection between Pepper and Tony even when he’s in space.”

“This is about the way that Tony sees the world. What can reason do? What are the limits of what my thoughts can be? That’s what I mean about Tony and faith.”

“There are a lot of real hard wake-up calls for Tony in God Killer. A lot of things will make him go ‘Hmm.’ This really picks at Tony, at who he is and why he does things.”

Uncanny X-Men #9 interior art of UNIT courtesy Marvel

I loved how Gillen used UNIT in his Uncanny X-Men run and I’ve asked if Tony will encounter the sinister android.

“You never know. There’s an interesting pairing. I will say Death’s Head shows up in this arc. He’s our Boba Fett.”

Tony will build a new suit of armor seen on the cover art above.

“He built the suit to travel. He travels with everything he needs. He’s in tune with the holistic nature of what is needed to support Tony Stark. The suit is designed to go into space as an adventurer, an explorer and a hero. The only thing he doesn’t really have is his support network. I would be surprised if we don’t see him ‘in the cave’ metaphorically speaking.”

I personally feel Steve Rogers and Tony are partly responsible for the action of the Phoenix Five because their interference created them. Gillen reflects on Tony’s actions in the mega series.

“I’m of the position that if Tony hadn’t disrupted the Phoenix Force during AvX, it would have killed everybody on Earth. I’m not sure he would agree with me. He made leaps of faith in Fear Itself and AvX and wasn’t comfortable with either. He’s been avoiding thinking about it. He’s not depressed, but he’s hungry to discover things he hasn’t thought about previously. He’s driven.”

Iron Man #1 just came out last week with Tony trying to recover the Extemis nanotechnology. God Killer kicks off in February.

By Editor

IRON MAN in the Marvel Now

Iron Man 3 poster courtesy Marvel

  In 2013 Robert Downey Jr. will encounter a brilliant scientist named Maya Hansen and Extremis – nano-technology that falls into the wrong hands. If you can’t wait for Iron Man 3 then lock and load with this week’s Iron Man #1. Kieron Gillen and Greg Land reload Tony Stark for the Marvel Now with a brand new series.

  A ghost from the past alerts the Armored Avenger to a deadly new threat to the future of the world. Tony infiltrates an auction packed with AIM operatives and high rollers to recover the Extemis technology. Gillen and Land treat us to Tony’s brand new suit of armor as Iron Man fights to get the truth only to learn the danger from Extremis has ecalated.

Iron Man #1 cover by Greg Land, courtesy Marvel

  Iron Man is the first hero to debut his own solo series in the Marvel Now relaunch but this doesn’t feel dramatically different. Gillen knows how to deliver snappy dialogue.  Gillen masterfully crafted sharp and severely funny dialogue for Emma Frost, Dr. Nemesis and Namor on his Uncanny X-Men run so he’s perfect to take on the snarky, arrogant genius (with a heroic heart) that is Tony Stark.

  Iron Man is off to a solid start and I’m eager to see where Gillen takes Tony!

By Editor


IRON MAN Reloads!


Iron Man #1 cover by Greg Land, courtesy Marvel

  Iron Man #1 is out this week with a new creative team and a new suit of armor for Tony Stark! Kieron Gillen and Greg Land (Uncanny X-Men) relaunche the Armored Avenger as part of the Marvel Now relaunch. Gillen told why he left the mutants of Utopia and Asgard (Journey Into Mystery) for the world of playboy genius Tony Stark.

  “It just seemed like an interesting way to mix things up a bit. It wasn’t just the fact that [Tony Stark is] such a tech hero, because beneath some of the stuff I’m doing in Uncanny X-Men there is a modicum of science even though I often fire it through quite a few filters. This is actually the first solo hero I’ve ever written. The Thor run really doesn’t count because it was a bit strange; every book I’ve written has been a sort of team book. Loki, abstractly, is the lead [of JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY] but in practice he isn’t and, on a larger scale, has gone 23 issues and hasn’t hit anybody. That’s not a traditional Marvel super hero. This is different, this is the iconic Avenger.”

  When I started writing Wolverine in Uncanny X-Men, I called my mom once and told her what I do for a living and she said “Ohh, I fancy that Wolverine.” When you’re writing characters that members of your family fancy you’re in an interesting place and, in the case of Iron Man, that’s totally it.

  When Marvel NOW! came around, I had reached a suitable place in Uncanny X-Men to move off of, and there were a variety of options with Iron Man [which sounded] really interesting. Of the major Marvel characters he’s the one most aligned to me philosophically, as in he’s a very straightforward person, and in terms of the heroes, there are none more forward than Tony; that’s what attracted me to [him].”

Gillen revealed his plans Stark involve the women of Tony’s complicated life.

“Oh hell yeah. It’s actually a key part of my second theme. I’m going to explore Tony and his relationship with women. I’m interested in Tony’s selection of women in everything, from his mom, to Pepper, to the random people he’s sleeping with and everything that relates to them. He’s a complicated guy and he does bad things occasionally without thinking. Well, not [without] thinking exactly but he’s not always thinking about the right thing. He’s not the distracted genius but he always has something else going on.

  Matt Fraction did a brilliant take on the corporate figure and his run is a defining arc, so I’m staying away from it. Tony is still a scientist and will still be working on the armor but it’s all about him going out into the world and the whole grail-knight comparison. All the traditional corporate motifs are there but they’re not the primary drive of the book. Tony will be in the armor a lot, he’ll be going out into the world.

Iron Man #2 courtesy Marvel

The first five issues will be single stories that will share [both] a defining motif and a plot but it will be Iron Man facing new instances of technology and each is basically a new villain. Each issue will illuminate something about Tony and they’re all very different. Issue two is a lot like the Bruce Lee Kung-Fu Island story; it’s like a joust, it’s all about the knight imagery, essentially going to a tournament. Issue three is like a ninja story, Tony Stark trying to be a full-on stealth master, issue four is a horror story and issue five is something a little more romantic and scientific but I’m going to keep that one under wraps.

  I really want to mix it up with single issue stories because I think that quite a few people are feeling the same way.Single issues are an exciting place to go and anyone can jump on with any of the first five issues, not just issue #1. [In] each of those issues I introduce Iron Man; I say something meaningful about a character that you may know already and I want it to be accessible and to pop. That’s the thing with Greg Land: his photorealistic style really pops and it’s a glamorous book in that way.”

Iron Man will go on a quest for one of his greatest creations. The techno virus Extremis is loose and Tony must prevent it from falling into the hands of terrorists. Iron Man Extremis by Warren Ellis and Adi Granov will be a story element in Iron Man 3.

Iron Man #1 by Gillen and Land launches this week followed by #2 later this month.

For the entire interview here’s the link.

By Editor

Uncanny X-Men Questions Answered


Uncanny X-Men #9 courtesy

  In Uncanny X-Men #20 Kieron Gillen wrapped up the story of Cyclops’s Extinction Team. It was a satisfying ending, set up some characters for their new roles in the Marvel Now and left some intriguing possibilities for others.

  You could say Gillen was back for a post-op in his final X-Position (a must read each week for me) on Comic Book Resources. I wanted to share some of the best answers and my thoughts on them.

  Colossus has been a tortured soul for years. Peter was possessed by Cyttorak, became the Juggernaut and it cost him Kitty Pryde. Colossus became a member of the Phoenix Five and created hell on earth with Magik. Turns out Peter was being tortured by his twisted sister the whole time. A fan asked if Peter was the only member of the Phoenix Five who regretted his actions in the Avengers vs. X-Men conflict.

“Well, Colossus does like having a big ol’ whine.

  More seriously, I think you’re a little hard on the Phoenix Five. Colossus is most openly repentant, but just because Scott would do it all again doesn’t mean he doesn’t wish it went a different way. I’ve written him openly suicidal in “Consequences,” for example, and that’s not a man who is entirely at home with what he’s done. We’ve seen very little of Emma and absolutely nothing of Namor post-Phoenix Five. And even when we have seen them, they’re two incredibly proud individuals. Even if they did have regrets, who would they admit it to?

  And Magik keeps her cards close to her chest. She kept the fact she was torturing her brother secret for 25 issues. Who knows what’s going on in the be-banged head of hers.”

 Magneto joined the X-Men because he believed in Scott for uniting the mutants on Utopia. How does the Master of Magnetism connect to Cyke now?

  “You’ll see more of Magneto in “Consequences” shortly, but while he’s certainly hurt mutants’ reputation, he’s also brought them back. There will be a future mutant race. You have to suspect that Magneto will respect that.”

Avengers vs X-Men #6 courtesy Marvel

  I’ve always thought Scott’s drastic actions have been because he was possessed by the Void. Emma and then Scott kept this sliver of Robert Reynolds (aka The Sentry’s) evil dark side in the minds. A fan asked if Cyke was possessed or if he truly became the new Magneto.

  “I think Scott’s route to where he is now was taken a step at a time. I don’t think he’s Magneto, even now. I think there’s still a sliver of idealism in him — which is something I explore in “Consequences.”

  You’re right to bring up the concept of possession though — how much is Scott to blame for it? I’ve said that Logan considers he really is, as he was of his right mind as he went along that road. But, once he’s started, he’s definitely being influenced. That Scott held himself together for as long as he did is no small thing.”

  I believe Cyke was right but what does Gillen think about Scott’s stance in AvX?

  “Scott was right in many ways. However it’s also worth stressing — and I suspect this is the thing which most pro-Scott advocates are skirting over — is that if we did everything like Scott said, the Earth would have been destroyed. Hope wasn’t ready. She was ready eventually but that required time.

(That said, there’s also the reading that Hope was always fine and could have dealt with it if she had too. I think that’s a bit of a reach — but we’ll never know.)

  Scott’s position was always a fatalistic, providence-heavy one. The Avengers’ resistance was all part of the universal plan. Scott taking the Phoenix for as long as he did allowed Hope to be ready. It all worked out.

  That’s the thing which makes Scott’s mono-vision more questionable, for me. By believing it all worked out in the end does mean you remove the possibility that it could have worked out in a better way.

  Though I suppose when you’ve killed your mentor and father figure, that’s a question you may want to avoid for as long as possible.”

  Gillen is taking over Iron Man with Greg Land and said Tony’s role in AvX Consequenceswill foreshadow what he’s had planned for the Armored Avenger.

 Gillen is also launching a new Young Avengers with Jamie McKelvie and said he will use a member of the New/Young X-Men team.

By Editor

Uncanny X-Men Endings and Beginnings

Uncanny X-Men #20 courtesy Marvel

Kieron Gillen has been keeping secrets all along via three manipulative members of the diverse cast of Uncanny X-Men: Volume 2. Gillen delivers a satifying ending to the Uncanny X-Men series for a second time. The writer masterfully gives us six characters in 3 powerful revelations. Cyclops is imprisoned in a SHIELD facility when Kate Kildare, his superhero PR specialist, pays a visit. Gillen delivers an Ace he’s been holding since the series relaunched and it’s a helluva reveal. Kate’s real identity is a shocker and could lead to a whole new adventure for Scott and perhaps his greatest enemy.

Unit may be my favorite creation (he first appeared in S.W.O.R.D.) of Gillen’s run – I have already pleaded with the writer to use the android against Tony Stark in his upcoming Marvel Now relaunch of Iron Man. Unit and Danger’s final confrontation is beautiful and cruel. Those last panels of Unit are a perfectly chilling sendoff of the creature Gillen called aptly called a hybrid of C3PO and Hannibal Lecter.

Uncanny X-Men #9 interior art of UNIT courtesy Marvel

Gillen managed to make the most bizarre brother/sister dynamic in comics even more tragic and strange during this Extinction team era. Illyana confronts a brooding Colossus on the ravaged Phoenix farms in Siberia. Magik takes Peter to Limbo for one last act and revelation that leaves him free of the Cyttorak and vowing to kill her. Illyana’s last line is cold and demonstrates the little snowflake has long been burned away. Colossus will turn up again in Cable and X-Force but I would love to see where Gillen would have taken Peter next.

Uncanny X-Men preview art courtesy

Uncanny X-Men #20 could have packed in Storm, Psylocke, Magneto and Hope but their fates will be featured in other X-books. I was satisfied with the three big reveals. The only missing? Where was Emma Frost?

By Editor

Uncanny X-Men Ends Again

Uncanny X-Men #20 courtesy Marvel

  The end of Uncanny X-Men…again. It was shocking when Uncanny X-Men was cancelled and relaunched after the Schism event but the book truly was a very all-new, all-different book.

  Kieron Gillen and Carlos Pacheco unite on this week’s Uncanny X-Men #20 and end the second volume they kicked off. When Uncanny X-Men relaunched Cyclops formed the Extinction Team (Emma Frost, Magneto, Storm, Colossus, Magik, Namor and Pixie.) Ironic that it was called the extinction team.

  This assembling of the most powerful mutants was to show the enemies and the world that the X-Men (and those they protect) were not to messed with. The old tagline of protecting a world that fear and hates them with a stronger emphasis on the fear.


Uncanny X-Men #9 interior art of UNIT courtesy Marvel

The series was designed to be a prelude and companion book to the Avengers vs. X-Men event. Gillen did the unthinkable (in my opinion) and revamped Mister Sinister into an even more bizarre and compelling enemy. Gillen gave us what I think is one of the new one villains in a long time. Unit could have been the X-Men’s version of Ultron. This alien android was a combination of C3PO and Hannibal Lecter (Gillen’s description.) I’ve already asked Gillen via Twitter to use Unit against Tony Stark in his upcoming Iron Man run.

  I will remember Gillen’s run for the decontruction of the ultimate mutant power couple. Scott Summers and Emma Frost had a good run. She’s still the best thing that ever happened to him – sorry Jean fans. Utopias are always an illusion. The sexual tension between Emma and Namor, Scott’s growing zealotry, the ghost of Jean were always there and Gillen wove the undoing of Scott and Emma with perfection.

Uncanny X-Men #9 courtesy

 Cyclops is in prison – even though he was right after the Phoenix’s return and Hope’s destiny. Magneto, Magik, Colossus, Namor and Emma Frost are fugitives. Colossus will turn up in Cable and X-Force. I hope Emma Frost and Magneto form their own Avenging X-Men. I’d love to see the isolated Namor become Marvel Universe enemy #1 in a new series by Gillen or clash with Tony Stark in Gillen’s Iron Man run.

  The X-Men as I’ve known them are long gone but that’s why I’ve loved them all these years. The mutants keep mutating but no matter who is writing or drawing I love these characters.

By Editor