Karl Urban on Playing Judge Dredd


courtesy Lionsgate

  Judge Dredd fans are hoping to see justice done with the 2000 A.D. character. Karl Urban (Star Trek, Lord of the Rings Trilogy) wears the uniform in the upcoming Dredd 3D. Urban spoke of his take versus the first film starring Sylvester Stallone.

  “To me, that wasn’t the Dredd that I knew. To me, it was far more interesting to have a character with this inner rage and struggling to contain it, rather than letting it all explode,” Urban tells Movie Fanatic.

  “That’s the direction that I was going in. I decided that what I wanted to do was find the humanity within Dredd. He’s not a superhero. He’s a cloned man, but he’s just a man. He doesn’t have superhero powers. His heroism is defined by the fact that he’s walking into a building while everybody else is running out.”

  One big difference with the films: Dredd will not remove his helmet just like in the comics. Urban explains how he overcome that obstacle. 

  “The challenge was: How do I convey all that without the eyes?” Urban wondered. “There’s a wariness too about the character which is really important. Your voice becomes extremely important. In my research I discovered a passage in one of the comic strips that described Dredd’s voice as a saw cutting through bone,” he reveals.

 “Other tools were the physicality. What can I express with my movement? It’s also really important to identify where the humor lies. That’s one of the things I really loved in the comic is just the really dry, dark humor.”

 For the entire interview here’s the link. Here’s the trailer. Here’s a preview of the new Judge Dredd comic book series from IDW.

 By Editor


Judge Dredd’s Anderson


Olivia Thirlby photo courtesy IMDB

  Will a new Judge Dredd film finally bring cinematic justice for fans of the 2000 AD character? Karl Urban wears the uniform (and will not be taking off the helmet!) in Dredd 3D. Olivia Thirlby plays Anderson the psychic Judge-in-training who had her own spinoff comic book series. The stars welcomed fans to a sneak preview of the upcoming Lionsgate film during San Diego Comic Con. Thirlby spoke with Dread Central about why the reboot appealed ot her.

  “The appeal was the amazing script and the amazing character that Alex Garland wrote for this. Dredd didn’t read like a normal genre script; the characters felt so real and the circumstances felt so realistic. There’s something I really like about the heroes in this film and about this world in general. They are just men and women really; they don’t have superhuman strength, or they’re not gods from a different planet- they’re just really brave and they feel really real to me.”

  The actress says she looked to the classic comic book to help prep for the role.

“There are the comic books, definitely. Those had the same kind of feel that this version had so they were helpful. I picked up on a lot of the dry humor to this world, too- that kind of humor that comes from desperation where the humor just begins to leak out in very dark ways. All that really informed what we were doing, definitely.”

Here’s the trailer:

  For more of her interview here’s the Dread Central link. Alex Garland is author of The Beach and wrote for script for Danny Boyle’s 28 Days Later and Sunshine. Dredd 3D opens September 21st. By Editor

Star Trek Set Photo – Update

  My geek heart soared at warp speed to the Delta Quadrant and back when I saw this photo! Filming on the Star Trek sequel is underway.The first set photo of the cast and crew on the bridge of the U.S.S. Enterprise by Robert Orci. Thanks to Comic Book Movie and they’re sharp-eyed team for spotting it on Twitter. Now just please give us a hint on the villain!!! Klingons please.

 Now excitment is fizzling – some friends tell me this is actually a photo from 2009 before the first film – I’ll check more. Sigh – I still hold my plea for Klingons in ST2!