Last Run on X-Men

X-Men #28 courtesy

  Victor Gischler is wrapping up his X-Men with guest stars galore and a blast from Marvel events past. (Adjectiveless) X-Men relaunched with a new one under Gischler as he threw armies of vampires, robots and aliens at the mutants. He significantly transformed Jubilee and revamped Marvel’s vampire underworld.

  The novelist and departing X-writer talked with about how the series and cast have grown.

  “I think the book has fulfilled its mission to be the X-book that engages more with the Marvel Universe, but it’s also helped expand Marvel Universe vampire lore and given Jubilee a new lease on life—undead life. There are a good number of X-books, but there are also a lot of X-Men and one of the things that’s been nice about the changing team is to give characters some face time we might not otherwise see too much of. I know a number of readers have also expressed their pleasure in seeing Storm in a leadership role again, and it was this book that really got that going.”


X-Men #29 courtesy

For the entire interview and more images here’s the link.

 From the preview art, expect the FF, Skrulls, and Pixie back on the front burner in this final arc. The cover of X-Men #29 is a splash page summary of Gischler’s run featuring nearly all the characters he’s used in his stories.

Brian Wood takes over the title next with Storm still on board at team leader. I will be sorry to see Warpath leave – I hope he will find a home on one of the other X-books.

 By Editor

X-Men Vs. Vampires Updated: That’s Why Jubilee Is a Vamp!


X-Men #25 courtesy Marvel


  You may have read my post in favor of Victor Gischler’s radical transformation of Jubilee in his X-Men series. The young mutant who was Wolverine’s spunky sidekick with fireworks generation powers is now a creature of darkness. In a new interview with Comic Book Resources, Gischler reveals who was behind the decision to turn Jubilee into a vampire.

  “The initial idea to turn her vamp came from the big brains in the X-office. I jumped on the idea and ran with it. Jubilee was a big part of the “Curse of the Mutants” arc. Jubilee had been de-powered and it was not only a cool plot point to turn her vamp but also an exciting way to get her more actively in the mix again.”

  If you haven’t been following Jubilee was turned into a vampire in X-Men #1: Curse of the Mutants. Jubilee disappeared from the team’s last mission and ended up with a unique vampire clan calling themselves the Forgiven. Gishcler talks about the long mutant/vampire history that led to his ongoing epic.

  “I was sent a huge PDF file of all Marvel vamp lore when I started designing the different vampire sects for “Death of Dracula.” I started with ideas that were already there and sort of formalized and expanded them. Dracula, the sects and The Forgiven are now players in the Marvel U and we’ve already seen them make cool appearances in other books. They’ll continue to crop up now and then.”

  Gischler says Storm will stay team leader but expect roster changes for the team. Will Jubilee stay if she can learn to control her vampire urges or will she join Logan at the School?

For his entire interview here’s the link.

X-Men Vs. Vampires Rematch!

X-Men #25 preview art courtesy Marvel

   Storm leads a team after one of their own in X-Men #25. Victor Gischler picks up story threads he began way back in X-Men #1. The X-Men Vs. Vampires rivalry heats up again. Jubilee vanished during an European mission and fled with a clan of vampires known as The Forgiven.

  I really wanted to share this spectacular and horrific image by Jorge Molina as the X-Men discover a nest of bloodsuckers. This is one of many X-Men title preview images on Comics Newsarama.

X-Men #24 preview art courtesy

  I have to commend Gischler for his heartbreaking transformation of Jubilee. The once rollerblading, wise cracking mall rat Jubilation Lee had been on the back burner. I remember when she was Wolverine’s sidekick back when the X-Men were still based in the Australian Outback. The young mutant eventually became a student of Generation X.  Jubilee lost her powers in the Decimation, was part of the mutant movement to San Francisco but wouldn’t join the X-Men on Utopia.

  The girl with sparks and ability to generate fireworks has become a creature of darkness. Her search for answers and to find her identity is compelling and a metaphor for why we love comics.


This Week in X-Men



  Two arrogant young guns target Wolverine. Is Kitty Pryde’s mystery pregnancy under alien influence. Love and death. It’s a big week for X-fans with 6 new titles hitting comic book stores this week.

Wolverine and the X-Men #5

  Kitty Pryde pregnant. Billions of Brood show up and I don’t think it’s for a shower. Are these the old school nasty aliens or like new student Broo? Is Colossus the daddy?

X-Men #24

The fun-loving, fireworks generating mall rat is long gone and is the X-Men’s resident Goth girl. Jubilee is now an undead casualty of Marvel’s vampire wars. Raizo and the Forgiven show up to give the former X-girl a lesson in her vampire heritage.

Wolverine and the X-Men: Alpha and Omega #2

Has Wolverine met his match? Omega level telepath Quentin Quire traps Logan and Armor inside Wolverine’s mind but the entire Jean Grey School may be the physical effects of Quire’s psi-game.

Daken: Dark Wolverine#21

  Another Arrogant young buck is taking a  shot at Wolverine this week! Logan’s son starts his final endgame as the series builds to the big finale. Will Daken live long enough to get his revenge?

Deadpool #50

 Simple and easy…DEAD1

New Mutants #37 courtesy

New Mutants #37

  This is one hell of a Valentine’s Day issue! Magma made a deal with the devil to save her friends now she must go on a date with Mephisto!