photo by Josh Lewis, courtesy KOMONews.com
photo by Josh Lewis, courtesy KOMONews.com

  Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD will hit television screens this fall. Clark Gregg reprises his role as Agent Phil Coulson on the new series set in the world of The Avengers cinematic universe. The television pilot is from The Avengers writer/director Joss Whedon.


Gregg joined Whedon (along with Nathan Fillion, Amy Acker and Alexis Denisof) at Opening Night of the Seattle International Film Festival. Before the screening of Whedon’s Much Ado About Nothing I asked Gregg about joining the “Whedonverse” extended family of actors.

“I was the new guy. It was Continue reading AVENGERS Star CLARK GREGG on AGENTS OF SHIELD

Nathan Fillion, Amy Acker, Alexis Denisoff on MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING

photo by Josh Lewis, courtesy KOMONews.com
photo by Josh Lewis, courtesy KOMONews.com

Joss Whedon, Nathan Fillion, Alexis Denisof, Amy Acker and Clark Gregg helped kick off the Seattle International Film Festival. Whedon followed up Marvel’s The Avengers with his modern take on Shakespeare‘s Much Ado About Nothing.

photo by Josh Lewis, courtesy KOMONews.com
photo by Josh Lewis, courtesy KOMONews.com

While I work on my interviews with Fillion, Acker and Gregg (yes, I asked about Agents of SHIELD!) here’s Continue reading Nathan Fillion, Amy Acker, Alexis Denisoff on MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING

Agents of SHIELD Preview!

Agents of SHIELD courtesy ABC
Agents of SHIELD courtesy ABC

The biggest news of the network Fall up fronts (when all the U.S. television networks reveal their new shows and lineups) is the official word that Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD has been picked up and will air on ABC this Fall!

Marvel’s The Avengers director Joss Whedon wrote and directed the pilot starring the superspy agency that’s been a huge part of the recent Marvel films.

Check out this teaser featuring a certain Continue reading Agents of SHIELD Preview!

Geek Guide to SIFF

SIFF   You may scratch your heads with a film based on a Shakespeare being recommended by comic book geeks for geeks but this is Shakespeare by JOSS WHEDON!

The director/writer of Marvel’s The Avengers decided to shoot a film of Much Ado About Nothing in his backyard and invite a few actors you have may heard of like Nathan Fillion, Amy Acker, Alexis Denisof and Clark Gregg!

Yes, the stars of beloved shows and films like Firefly, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel and The Avengers star in the Opening Night of the Seattle International Film Festival! Whedon, Denisof, Gregg, Acker and more stars from the film are coming to the Emerald City to appear at the Opening Night Gala on May 16th.

Here are some other geek-friendly Continue reading Geek Guide to SIFF

Whedon Teases Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver for AVENGERS 2

Avengers Origins: Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver courtesy Marvel.com

Will Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver appear in Avengers 2?

At the Iron Man 3 world premiere writer/director told Yahoo of the upcoming sequel:

“I try to think of this as its own movie. Sometimes, ya, I feel pressure, how do you not? And by the way, Shane [Black] not helping! Iron Man 3 not helping! Because I saw this and said, ‘Aw, man, he really got it right!’ The pressure continues! But you put that aside, when you’re in the story, when you’re dealing with these characters that you love, that everybody loves, when you got the new characters sliding in next to them, it’s very exciting. Then I don’t feel pressure. Then it’s like I’m reading my favorite comic.”

“I’ve done enough shows and movies to be comfortable with that. You do come to a point where we all agree. ‘Okay. Oh, I’ve got these two characters, two of my favorite characters from the comic book; a brother-sister act. They’re in the movie. That’s exciting.’ You know, you lock certain things in”

A brother-sister act from the comic books can only mean Continue reading Whedon Teases Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver for AVENGERS 2

How About ARMOR in All-Female X-MEN

Wolverine and the X-Men: Alpha and Omega #3 courtesy Marvel
Wolverine and the X-Men: Alpha and Omega #3 courtesy Marvel

With the announcement of Brian Wood’s all-female X-Men book I started thinking of a favorite female mutant who has kind of fallen on the back burner. Jubilee will be the center of the new series that will feature Storm, Psylocke, Rogue, Kitty Pryde and Rachel Grey.

What about Armor? Hisako Ichiki was created by Joss Whedon and John Cassaday during their Astonishing X-Men run. I recently “watched” the entire Whedon/Cassaday era now on motion comics.

Brian Wood used Armor in his excellent limited series: Wolverine and the X-Men: Alpha and Omega. Hisako and Logan were trapped in a world created by Quentin Quire. Armor’s power is similar to many other Marvel women (Susan Storm, Cecelia Reyes) but Hisako in the right writer’s hands is magic. Here’s hoping Hisako may Armor up in a future arc of Wood’s or Jason Aaaron’s X-Men series.

By Editor


Joss Whedon on Avengers Sequel: Diggs Deeper


Marvel’s The Avengers courtesy Marvel

  The Avengers sequel is two and half years away but that won’t stop fans from geeking out over every morsel, comment and hint between now and then. Director Joss Whedon does promise assembling the team in the first film was just the beginning.

 “The creation of the team is not the happy ending,” he tells 24 Hours. “It is the beginning of something that is complex and difficult, and now I get to dig a little deeper. And maybe, while I’m digging, just twist that knife. And that’s exciting for me.”

 While Whedon will write and direct the sequel that assembles Earth’s Mightiest Heroes don’t expect him to be the Grandmaster (to pay homage to a Marvel villain) over the solo films coming out before the mega-sequel.

 “Very talented people are writing and directing these movies, and what I don’t want to be is the guy they dread, who’s going to come in and say” — here, Whedon reportedly affected a “pompous British accent” — “‘Oh, well I have the power to say change this,’” he said. “I’m not that.”

Thanks to Spinoff Online. The Avengers 2 assembles May 1, 2015.

By Editor