Green Lantern #21 courtesy DC Comics
Green Lantern #21 courtesy DC Comics

Shakeups continue behind scenes at DC Comics. Andy Diggle is leaving Action Comics. Writer Tony Daniel will take over scripting the Superman book. Now the Green Lantern Family of books is losing one of their writers.

Joshuah Hale Fialkov is leaving Green Lantern Corps and Red Lanterns. Fialkov was recently revealed as part of the new creative teams on all the Green Lantern books coming this June.

DC Comics Executive Director of Publicity Alex Segura revealed Continue reading Fialkov Leaves GREEN LANTERN CORPS, RED LANTERNS

New GREEN LANTERN Teams Revealed

Green Lantern by Billy Tan courtesy DC Comics
Green Lantern by Billy Tan courtesy DC Comics

The exit of Geoff Johns marks a new era for the Green Lantern. DC Comics revealed the new creative teams on the Green Lantern family of books courtesy MTV Geek:

Green Lantern Robert Venditti (X-O Manowar) and Billy Tan will tackle the flagship GL title.

Green Lantern Corps Joshuah Hale Fialkov (I, Vampire) and Bernard Chang.

Green Lantern: New Guardians Justin Jordan and Brad Walker.

Red Lanterns Fialkov and Alessandro Vitti.

Larfleeze Keith Giffen and Scott Kollins give the greedy Continue reading New GREEN LANTERN Teams Revealed