A Different FANTASTIC FOUR For Your Consideration

Michael B. Jordan as Johnny Storm in Fantastic Four courtesy Fox
Michael B. Jordan as Johnny Storm in Fantastic Four courtesy Fox


What if the Fantastic Four were black?

The casting of Michael B. Jordan as Human Torch in the Fantastic Four reboot ignited fan fury and praise for colorblind casting.

Let’s face it, we don’t love Johnny Storm because he’s white and blonde. We love him because he’s the hotheaded, egomaniac cool guy we all wish we could hang with because he gets the girls. Johnny is devoted to his sister and enjoys giving grief to Ben Grimm.

Jordan is a talented actor (Fruitvale Station) who can play the cockiness and coolness of Johnny as seen in Chronicle and That Awkward Moment.

Jordan’s casting is just one of many that flares up the internet and causes a conversation about race. After seeing the FF trailer and cancellation of the comic book I’ve been thinking about Marvel’s First Family: Should they split up and join different teams, should new heroes replace them as an all-new FF or maybe what if it all went back to the beginning…but with a very different twist. Continue reading A Different FANTASTIC FOUR For Your Consideration


Fantastic Four #645 courtesy Marvel
Fantastic Four #645 courtesy Marvel

A milestone issue for Marvel’s First Family this week but it’s a bittersweet moment.

Fantastic Four #645 is the final issue of the cancelled title as the publisher returns to its original numbering. This is the conclusion of The End of 4Ever.

In two months the Fantastic Four star in a new film adventure with a new cast but the iconic comic book ends with this final issue by James Robinson and Leonard Kirk.

Is this ending about sales, studio rivalry or maybe it’s just time for a creative break as the entire Marvel Universe ends before the start of Secret Wars event? Continue reading After THE END of FANTASTIC FOUR


Fantastic Four #16 courtesy Marvel
Fantastic Four #16 courtesy Marvel

Johnny Storm is joining the Uncanny Inhumans but what about the rest of Marvel’s First Family?

Fantastic Four is coming to an end. Marvel revealed the Human Torch will join Medusa’s extended family in the upcoming Free Comic Book Day issue. What will happen to Reed, Sue and Ben during and after Secret Wars?

Johnny’s move is signal that our earlier prediction may come true. When the FF cancellation was announced we said keep the rich characters but make them part of the larger Marvel Universe.

Reed played a critical role in Jonathan Hickman’s New Avengers and found himself on the wrong side of the law and Susan Storm for his actions with the Illuminati.  Richards will be integral to Hickman’s Secret Wars epic but will he survive the experience? Continue reading FANTASTIC FOUR FUTURE Updated


Uncanny Inhumans courtesy Marvel via Wired
Uncanny Inhumans courtesy Marvel via Wired

The final member of Uncanny Inhumans is Fantastic!

A big week for Marvel as they revealed the rosters for the All-New, All-Different Avengers and Uncanny Inhumans. Both teams will star in Free Comic Book Day books on May 2nd and give us a preview of the post-Secret Wars Marvel Universe.

Fantastic Four may be ending in comics but the Human Torch will flame on with a new team.

Queen Medusa, Triton with NuHumans Inferno, Iso, Naja will be joined by…Johnny Storm? Wired revealed the final members. Continue reading UNCANNY INHUMANS Gets FANTASTIC JOHNNY STORM

FUTURE of FANTASIC FOUR After Cancellation

Fantastic Four #570 courtesy Marvel
Fantastic Four #570 courtesy Marvel

Marvel confirmed the rumors about their Fantastic Four series at New York Comic Con.

Current writer James Robinson said the Fantastic Four are “going away for a while” and he’s “building up to the end of the Fantastic Four.”

Marvel is cancelling the latest volume of the book starring their First Family.

The End of FourEver will be the final arc ending with issue 645 – a return to the original numbering.


Is this ending about sales, studio rivalry or just time for a creative break? Continue reading FUTURE of FANTASIC FOUR After Cancellation

James Robinson on the Fall of the FANTASTIC FOUR

Fantastic Four art by Leonard Kirk courtesy Marvel
Fantastic Four art by Leonard Kirk courtesy Marvel

Writer James Robinson and artist Leonard Kirk are the new creative team on Marvel’s First Family. An all-new Fantastic Four #1 arrives in February, 2014. The acclaimed writer tells Marvel.com he’s orchestrating the Fall of the Fantastic Four:


“I think it was Grant Morrison that said a gentleman writer comes on a book, duly messes everything up for the characters, but then puts it back together again at the end the way he left it. So absolutely I intend to put the team through hell Continue reading James Robinson on the Fall of the FANTASTIC FOUR