The fate of Valiant’s future heroes as the 41st century falls. Rai vs. Father in the final showdown, final issue that seals the fate of the Valiant Universe by Matt Kindt and Clayton Crain. Continue reading New Comics Picks for August 31, 2016
Even non-comic fans know Joker and Harley Quinn but some may wonder about Deadshot?
The assassin with a cybernetic eye is an expert marksman who made his debut in the pages of Batman before joining several villain teams including Secret Six, Killer Elite as well as government units like Suicide Squad and Checkmate.
Deadshot was a major player in the classic run of legendary writer John Ostrander, who created the modern day team.
Deadshot, The Joker, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, Enchantress, and Rick Flag are the characters chosen for this Dirty Dozen/Mission Impossible team.